Monday, July 7, 2014

PH1A anti-highway widening petition results from "our community"

Misleading campaigns also stink
The PH1A campaign to gather signatures occurred over two months. There were 1,322 signatures from "the community".  Who is the community?  Mainly Pacifica and Oakland.  Pacificans who signed the so described "Don't concrete our coast" petition number 834. Of these, there is no address or other voter standard verification.  Some who signed were teenagers, there may be duplication or other irregularities. What we know is that 63.09% of the total petition signatures were Pacificans (maybe), and at least 36.91% were not Pacificans.

Findings:  grouped by cities of "largest number of signatures" and regional "other signatures", plus percentage of the 1,322 petition total.
1.  Largest number of signatures:   Pacifica 834, 63.09%; Oakland 238, 18%; San Francisco 76, 5.75%.  Total 1,148, 86.84%.
2.  Other signatures:  San Mateo county 103, 7.79%, additional California 63, 4.77%;  out of state/out of country 8, .60%.  Total 174, 13.16%.
3.  Combined total signatures:  1,148 largest + 174 other = 1,322. Combined total percentages: 86.84% largest number + 13.16% other = 100%.

The PH1A petitions were presented to city council 4/28/14 as about 1200+ signatures from "our community".  In all their campaigning against studied, researched, vetted and funded highway 1 widening, PH1A presents 11th hour alternatives to whatever will scare you personally.  Their "smoke and mirrors" campaign is a usual old trick in this city, resulting in doing absolutely nothing, while at the same time obstructing progress. That's their long game. Buy into their illusionary proposal, you lose, and we all lose again.

Reference -  Fix Pacifica/Steve Sinai, 5/10/14.  PH1A anti-highway petitions, pdf files.  There was also a data follow-up 5/12/14  here.

Note:  photograph from Punjabi

Posted by Kathy Meeh


Anonymous said...

This whole petition was a farse. Duplicate signatures and many with the same exact writing. Keener should get a job at Godbe Research.

Anonymous said...

What's one more farce in this town?

Anonymous said...

Over 240 people from Oakland. What are the chances 240 people from Oakland just happened to stop at Linda Mar Safeway.

I call BS!

Anonymous said...

Kathy, can we get a link to the signed petition up? You will see duplicate names and identical handwriting on many entries. For the real Pacifica people who did sign, the wording of the poll was misleading. It means nothing.

Anonymous said...

Hey 1021, maybe the mountain went to Mohammed?

Kathy Meeh said...

Update. 1251, thanks and you're right. The PH1A anti-highway petition signatures are now linked as "reference" on this article. We looked at these petitions from May 10th.

And the direct link to that article is here.