This City Council meeting will be televised on local Pacific Coast Television PCT/Pacifica Channel 26. PCT also links their program calendar, and recent coastside civic meeting videos. The City website will also livestream to this meeting.
with the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Disease Notice (fully detailed on page 1
of the City Council PDF link below): this civic meeting will not be physically open to the public, and will be held by through teleconferencing.
Public comments, see pages 1 and 2 of the pdf agenda below. 1) Live access is available through Zoom
and dial-in: during the public comment period, press 9 to raise your
hand; when called upon, provide the last 4 digits of your phone
number. Or, 2) comments for the record only prior to 4 pm date of the meeting may be submitted to 1)
In the subject line be sure to specify whether oral communications or
an Agenda item and the number, 2) in the text include your full name, 3) limit your
text to no more than 350 words. Note PDF links: City PDF links work, but some of these are redirects.
Interactive City Council Agenda, 9/29/20. City Council Agenda, 9/29/20, redirected pdf pages 175.
Item 8, Consideration: Sharp Park Specific Plan update.
Closed Session, 6:30 p.m. Government Code 54957: Public employee performance evaluation: City Manager--------------------
Open Session, 7:00 p.m. Administrative: call to order, roll call, flag salute. Closed session report. Public Hearings, none.
Special Presentations, PROCLAMATIONS: recognition of service.
A. Honoring public service: Senator Jerry Hill.
B. Beautification Advisory Committee: Ginny Jaquith.
C. Planning Commission: Tom Clifford.
D. Planning Commission: Richard Campbell.
E. 2020 Non-Profit of the Year Award: Pacifica Resource Center.
Consent Calendar
1. Approval of financial disbursements (checks) from 8/16/20-8/31/20. a) FY 2019-20. b) FY 2020-21.
2. Approval of Minutes: a) Regular meeting, 9/14/20. 3. Termination of a Proclamation: Local emergency due to extreme weather conditions and fires during COVID-19 pandemic, report/Resolution. a) Proclamation, signed 8/4/20. 4. Approval of copier 3 year lease agreement: continuing server provider, KBA Docusys; lease agreement through US Bank, $3,948.96 annually, report. a) Agreement. b) Proposal. 5. Adoption of a parking of oversized vehicles ordinance, amending article 12, chapter 7 of the Municipal Code, adding an exemption relating to the loading and unloading permit (second reading), report/Ordinance. a) Report 9/14/20, Ordinance introduction. 6. Amend, modify the City master fees and charges for temporary recreational vehicle loading and unloading, Administrative Policy #2, FY 2020-21, report/Resolution. a) City Policy/Exhibit A: Master fees & charges schedule. Public oral communications (through Zoom and telephone).
7. KH Equities Letter of Intent to negotiate an affordable housing regulatory agreement and loan agreement to convert Marymount Summit/Gateway Apartments, 405-439 and 443-467 Gateway Drive into affordable housing (restricted to residents at 80% area median income), report. a) Letter of Intent. b) Income Limits, 2020. c) The Villages at Pacifica, KHE and HOM Bios and Project Narrative. 8. Sharp Park Specific Plan update, and City Council direction on preferred land use strategies to guide preparation of a draft Sharp Park Specific Plan, report. a) Online survey results, 3/2020. b) Guiding policy framework, 9/2020. c) Public Comments.
Note photograph/Alex Sobieski from,29-31 Carmel Avenue, slide 2.
Posted by Kathy Meeh
1 comment:
Lorie Tinfow is no longer employed by the City of Benica.
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