This City Council meeting will be televised on local Pacific Coast Television PCT/Pacifica Channel 26. PCT also links their program calendar, and recent coastside civic meeting videos. The City website will also livestream to this meeting.
with the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Disease Notice (fully detailed on page 1
of the City Council PDF link below): this civic meeting will not be physically open to the public, and will be held by through teleconferencing.
Public comments, see pages 1 and 2 of the pdf agenda below. 1) Live access is available through Zoom
and dial-in: during the public comment period, press 9 to raise your
hand; when called upon, provide the last 4 digits of your phone
number. Or, 2) comments for the record only prior to 4 pm date of the meeting may be submitted to 1)
In the subject line be sure to specify whether oral communications or
an Agenda item and the number, 2) in the text include your full name, 3) limit your
text to no more than 350 words.
Interactive City Council Agenda, 9/14/20. City Council Agenda, 9/14/20, pdf pages 774
Closed Session, 5:30 p.m. Government Code 54957: Public employee performance evaluation: City Manager
Item 13. Temporary RV permits on private property.
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Open Session, 6:00 p.m. Administrative: call to order, roll call, flag salute. Closed session report.
Special Presentations. Proclamations: A. National Preparedness Month; B. International Peace Day 2020.
Consent Calendar
1. Approval of financial disbursements (checks) from 8/1/20-8/15/20. a) FY 19-20. b) FY 20-21.
2. Approval of Minutes: a) Regular meeting, 8/24/20. b) Special meeting, 8/25/20.
3. Ratification of an Emergency
Order due to COVID-19): Temporary closure of beaches and beach
parking facilities to the public, Sunrise 9/5/20 to sunrise 9/8/20, report/Resolution. a) Emergency Order 2020-05. 4. Proclamation confirming existence of local emergency: Coastline from Westline Drive to the end of Beach Boulevard, report. a) Proclamation.
5. Proclamation confirming existence of local emergency: at Anza Pump Station, report. a) Resolution 19-2020.
6. Accept continued Proclamation of local emergency: Novel (new) Coronavirus (COVID-19), report. a) Resolution 18-2020, signed. 7. Authorize staff to submit contracts to San Mateo County Area Agency on Aging for Older American Act (OAA): Grant funding for Senior Services transporation, congregate nutrition and home delivered meal programs, FY 2020-21, report. 8. Award Verdant Project Management, LLC dba Verdant Energy Electric, contract for Calera Creek Water Recycling Plant Photovoltaic System Improvement Project: Phase 1, amount $3700, aprove total project budget $425,500, report. a) Contract. 9. Approve St. Francis Electric, LLC construction services agreement for traffic signal and street light services, report. a) Agreement. 10. Adopt Notice of Completion Resolution for Phase 1 of the Playground Improvement Project, report/Resolution. a) Notice of Completion,Phase 1. 11. Adopt a Keeping of Bees Ordinance ,amending Municipal Code 5-25.03, "Public Nuisance Conditions and 6-1.103 "Permits Required", finding adoption of the Resolution and introduction of the Ordinance exempt from CEQA, report, Ordinance. 12. Direction to Council voting delegate (Mayor Pro Tem Beckmeyer or alternative Councilmember O'Neill) to the 2020/Annual League of CA Cities Conference (held virtually from Sacramento), 10/7/20 - 10/9/20, to support the Assembly Resolution, report. a) Resolution packet (guidelines and text). Public oral communications (through Zoom and telephone).
Public Hearings
13. Introduction of an amendment to Municipal Code, Article 12, Chapter 7: Parking of oversized vehicles. Find exempt from CEQA, and provide direction for zoning code text amendments for private property host site temporary motor home permit parking. Report/Ordinance. a) Host site amendments (draft). b) 20 Driveway turning radius (20 ft), and slope tables. 14. Consider Appeal of a new Verizon wireless communication facility (canister antenna and equipment, mounted on an extension, top of an existing utility pole: Redwood Way and Lerida Way intersection, vicinity of 1307 Redwood Way. The wireless facility would be located in the public right-of-way, exempt from CEQA, Planning Commission approved the project 6/15/20, report. a) City Council Resolution (draft). Planning Commission: b) Resolution. c) Report t/15/20. d) Appeal form. e) Appellant Memo. f) Follow-up Appellant information, letters.p, 8/21/20. g) Public comments. h) Applicant (Verizon Wireless) Response, and support letters. 15. Consider Appeal of construction of a three-story mixed-use building (known as 1300 Danmann), consisting of ground floor commercial space and six residential apartments: north quadrant intersection of Kent Road and Danmann Avenue, 1200 block of Danmann, exempt from CEQA, report. Consideration
16. Set the Public Hearing date for the Recology of the Coast rate adjustment for 2021, requested modification is 3.26%, report/Resolution. a) Procedures for Protest. b) Notice of Public Hearing, and Rate Schedule (proposed).
Related. Special City Council CLOSED SESSION meeting, Special City Council meeting, 9/11/20. Conference with legal counsel, significant anticipated litigation, CA Govt code 54956.9(d)(2)(e)(1). "(d) (2). A point has been reached where, in the
opinion of the legislative body of the local agency on the advice of its
legal counsel, based on existing facts and circumstances, there is a
significant exposure to litigation against the local agency. (e) (1). Facts and circumstances that might
result in litigation against the local agency but which the local agency
believes are not yet known to a potential plaintiff or plaintiffs,
which facts and circumstances need not be disclosed." --------------------
Note photograph of RV in driveway from Clark County TODAY, 5/6/20, "County to temporarily allow RVs to be used as dwellings on private property." Posted by Kathy Meeh
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