"The Pacifica Chamber of Commerce hosts its Annual Taste of Pacifica Event on Saturday, June 4. Open to the public, the event highlights the best of Pacifica’s culinary scene. More than 14 local restaurants will be showcased, each providing a sampling of their culinary cuisine. Guests will receive a souvenir wine glass to enjoy wine samplings while mingling with friends, family and fellow Chamber members." San Francisco Chronicle read more
This event is expected to sell-out. Tickets are $35 in advance, $40 at the door.
Location: Nick's seashore restaurant, 100 Rockaway beach Boulevard, Pacifica, CA
Advance tickets may be purchased at the Pacifica Chamber of Commerce office, hours 9am to 5 pm through Friday, 225 Rockaway Beach Avenue, #1, phone: 650-355-4122.
Or, contact a friendly Chamber of Commerce Board Member, here's one: Jim Wagner, phone (650) 738-4900.
Information submitted by Jim Wagner
Posted by Kathy Meeh
Tickets are almost gone. There are still a few left scattered around town. Anderson Swim, Dial Glass, Good Fellas Pizza, Darlene at Bank of America, Visions Spa, Meyerhoff Tire and Brake, Chris Porter at Recology, and Mary Brown State Farm still have a few. Fourteen restaurants, wine tasting, and music. Come enjoy great food, wine, music, and company.
See you there Jim. Just so ever one knows it is from 12:00 noon to 3:00
Hi Jim,
We have tickets at the Lighthouse.
Marty Cerles, General Manager
Best Western Lighthouse Hotel
105 Rockaway Beach Drive
Pacifica, CA 94044
TEL: 650-355-6300
FAX: 650-359-4036
E-mail: mcerles@bestwesternlighthouse.com
Website: www.bestwesternlighthouse.com
Mary Brown State Farm Insurance is out of tickets as is Susan Velone of Visions. Ray at Good Fellas still has a couple left.
The participant restaurants should have been listed in order to peak the interest of potential festival-goers.
Also, why is it being held at Nick's?
Anon (1215) thank you, but I like the article the way it is, and some restaurant details are in the article. Or, you can name them here.
If you are attending this event, you better get going, only 2 1/4 hours left. 14 restaurants from Pacifica-- how complicated can it be? We probably don't have many more restaurants than that which would participate in this return annual 1x event.
Interesting comment from Anon 12:15. I searched all over to find out which restaurants are featured and couldn't find anything, even on the Chamber's web site. If I had a restaurant, the main reason I would want to participate would be to get some publicity. Yet this event doesn't do that. Chamber FAIL.
Also, why say "More than 14 local restaurants will be showcased." Is it 15? How many is it?
$35 bucks to get food samples. You can do this at Costco for free!!!!!!
Anon $35 (129), see you didn't care, and were not going anyhow. Costco "free samples" were not on this menu, but if you're going to Costco it might be worth your $3 bucks gas cost to make several rounds to the same vendors (maybe wear a disguise).
The event was more than just about the food, though the food was good. It was a community networking event. Very enjoyable and definitely worth the price.
"It was a community networking event."
Eileen, of course it was, and worth $35 to you. Other people prefer Costco, have other appointments, or prefer food without meat. But, imagine "everyone" (40,000 people) at Nicks all networking, what a mess. Glad you enjoyed the event!
How interesting that some find it necessary to slam an event that they did not choose to attend. And if not Nick's, where. And....that's a good idea about listing the restaurants more prominently. You're in charge of publicity next year. Oh, and anon 12:45, while you're bitchin about the event, at 12:45 today, the place was packed, people were enjoying themselves, and good food from Pacifica's great eateries was being enjoyed. Not to mention the wonderful music. Thanks for not showing up. Enough clouds out there!
Publicity was less than professional but the actual event was mighty fine. $35 well spent!
"$35 bucks to get food samples. You can do this at Costco for free!!!!!!"
Doesn't it cost $50 to even get into Costco?
Yeah, but if that's where you mix and mingle, then by all means...
The event, according to an organizer, was a roaring success. Congrats to the chamber, now get the damned phone book out!
I had a great time at the event. saw people I hadn't seen in along time. Cal Hinton and I had a nice time catching up.
Great Food and great people.
The Pacifica Business Directory should be in peoples hand by mid June, and as an advertiser I was happy to hear that.
My thanks to the Chamber board,Cortney, Debbie,Chris, Nick's and all the other find restaurants for all the hard work that went into putting A Taste of Pacifica on.
"this return annual 1x event"
kathy, do you ever try to read what you write? it's mostly gibberish.
Hey anon 10:38, at least Kathy knows how to spell her name. Seems all you can do is press the anon button.
The comment was "We probably don't have many more restaurants than that which would participate in this return annual 1x event."
Having problems reading or understanding that, Anon (1038)???
Let me spell-out the history for you. The "Taste of Pacifica" is a 1x event, but returning from what used to be an annual event, sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce. Will the Chamber return this event to annual status? Maybe yes, maybe no. After all, it takes a lot of joint work, effort and expense to put together such an activity. This time (as prior), people who attended the event seemed to have a good time, enjoyed the food and the company.
"Anonymous" (without name), your 10:38am out-of-context attack on what you reference as my inability to communicate, suggests to me a social, ideological or intellectual deficiency in you. Surely you have something to contribute, rather than take-away from the conversation.
Hi everyone..The Taste of Pacifica was a huge success and as organizer of this years and 7 of the eight previous events, I can say the turn out was the best ever. Thanks to Nick's Restaurant for the venue site, food and the great selection of both red and white wines, and a huge thanks to our restaurant friends, Mazzetti's Bakery, Bay Coffee, Columbo's Deli, Granucci's, Go Sushi, Goodfella's, Upper Crest Deli, Oceana Market Deli, La Playa, Ash's Vallemar Station, Kani Kosen and Tam's Cuisine of China. There was also the unveiling of the new logo for the Chamber (designed by the awesome Waven Dean Fernandez)on teeshirts for both men and women. The sales were brisk and many special orders were taken. With the turnout and comments from the public, this event will definitely be back next year. Thank you to Courtney, Debbie, Cheryl, Mary, Jim, Kelly, Susan and the rest of the Board for making this one of the new and revitalized Chamber's best event to date! Also a big thanks to Cindy at Nick's for always being in charge and John the Sign Guy for always rushing our orders! And last but not least thanks to the husbands, Ron, Alan, Pete and Tom for being our helpers and always supporting the ladies!
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