Environmental NIMBY trouble in Montara on a county approved project, Scott Holmes project manager.
Big Wave project would be built on two parcels near the Pillar Ridge
mobile home park, just south of Moss Beach and north of Princeton by the
Sea, a struggling industrial area of marine oriented businesses along
the waterfront and harbor. The land, within the Denniston Creek drainage
area, was once wetlands, but it has been used for farming for decades.
The plan is to build a 57-unit 'wellness center' for disabled adults on
the southernmost 5 acres.
Scott Holmes, the project engineer, said the center, which would include
a common dining area, recreational facilities, swimming pool and
basketball courts, would be solar powered and cooled using geothermal
techniques. He said recycled water would be used to flush toilets,
irrigate wetlands and water the 1-acre residential garden, which could
eventually be expanded to 10 acres, allowing residents to sell produce
at farmers' markets.
The northern 15-acre parcel would be broken into eight lots that would
be sold for high-end retail and office space. Each building could be up
to 26,000 square feet. The average Safeway is about 20,000 square feet.
The commercial buildings would at least be
partially powered with solar, Holmes said. In all, 44 percent of the
property would be used for wetlands restoration. 'It's probably the
greenest project ever proposed in California,' Holmes said. 'Very few
projects get to restore an actual wetlands habitat. We get to do that.
Very few projects have a totally sustainable water system. We will have
that. Very few projects heat and power the buildings with solar and
geothermal cooling. We will do that.' ...." Full article
San Francisco Chronicle, 6/1/11.
Submitted by Jim Wagner
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