City Council Agenda 6/27/11, overview. Pages 1-3
Item 1. Check disbursements.
Item 2. Minutes approval.
Item 3. Police resolution to accept an ABC grant to reduce accessibility alcohol to persons under age 21.
Item 4. Transfer of 2010-11 parent and state fees to the childcare reserve account.
Item 5. Frontierland Park cellular site equipment lease to GTE Mobilenet, dba Verizon Wireless. Location behind the parking lot, NE of fences.
Item 6. Purchase of a Bobcat mower.
Public Hearing
Item 7 . City user fee charges (permits, licenses, services), pdf pages 75-95
Item 8. County animal control and shelter services contracted with the Peninsula Humane Society (PHS) on behalf of the 20 cities. 3rd amendment extension until fiscal year 2015, pdf pages 98-101. Fiscal year impact 2011-12 is $274,274. Amendments to Agreement pdf pages 102- 125.
Item 9. Police communications dispatch and Pacifica records management system services outsourced to South San Francisco. Fiscal year impact for 2011-12 $600,000, pdf pages 126-136.
Item 10. Rejection of bids for new centrifuge unit for Calera Creek Water Recycling Plant (CCWRP). Authorization to re-bid, cost to advertise about $300.
Posted by Kathy Meeh
Item 8. County animal control and shelter services contracted with the Peninsula Humane Society (PHS) on behalf of the 20 cities. 3rd amendment extension until fiscal year 2015, pdf pages 98-101. Fiscal year impact 2011-12 is $274,274. Amendments to Agreement pdf pages 102- 125.
Item 9. Police communications dispatch and Pacifica records management system services outsourced to South San Francisco. Fiscal year impact for 2011-12 $600,000, pdf pages 126-136.
Item 10. Rejection of bids for new centrifuge unit for Calera Creek Water Recycling Plant (CCWRP). Authorization to re-bid, cost to advertise about $300.
Posted by Kathy Meeh
Vreeland decided to make a cameo apperience at a council meeting.
Government Services that should never be cut back, to the point that would leave officers , citizens, fire people, animals ( water and land animals ) property in jeopardy, where they could be quickly taken out or severely harmed. These are the government employees with the skills that are needed in times of economic uncertainity. I would much rather cut back on schools, redundant government agencies and committees. One can always get back to their education from a break, how ever long it was, but you cant get back a life.
We need to keep a full staff at the Police Dept, Fire Dept, Animal Control. I believe they have taken enough concessions. Maybe some long rich pension employees could retire a little early and keep them for a quick consulting gig if needed. Hire cheaper younger well trained people. I know for a fact there is a great number of educated unemployed trained police, fire, animal control people , waiting for a phone call. Dont hate me for speaking my mind.
5 police dispatchers, 1 supervisor lost their jobs, outsourced to South San Francisco. Councilmembers DeJarnatt and Vreeland were "sad" and blamed the State as expected. But, NO the credit for a failing city goes to them, Sue Digre was absent tonight, ditto Sue.
Councilmember Stone asked focused questions. Vreeland by contrast thanked "everyone" for "everything" as often as possible for "any reason"-- this was a regular diabetic sugar attack. On the County Transportation Committee he said he may have managed to get additional grant money for the tunnel area TRAIL. No mention of the HIGHWAY 1 improvement.
MaryAnn moved the meeting forward as usual, and has coordinated for the "Pacifica Best" clean-up with Cal Trans, the Chamber of Commerce (Chris Porter and Condi Conlin) and Beach Coalition (Lynn Adams).
Citizen communications. IAN BUTLER has done research and is planning a Waivelength program about Medical Cannabis distribution, including an interview with a San Francisco store owner. Medical cannabis offers medical and cash benefit potential for our city as well. From my view kudos to Ian for his courage and effort in an attempt to move this city service forward!
The agenda items went through without a snag. The Ann Ritzma, City Finance Director read these items clearly for those interested.
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