Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Sharp Park Specific Plan learning session this Thursday, August 13, 2020

Information from Connect with Pacifica/Kevin Woodhouse, City Manager, 8/7/20.

Plan Pacifica – Online Learning Session and CEQA Scoping Meeting 
When: 6pm Thursday, August 13, 2020


By Phone: (669) 900-6833

Webinar ID: 994 5115 1254
Attend an online learning session for the Sharp Park Specific Plan (SPSP) and environmental review scoping meeting for the SPSP and the General Plan Update. Our goal is to ensure you understand what has been done so far and where the SPSP process goes from here.

The City's project team will explain the Guiding Policy Framework presented to the Planning Commission on July 20. The Guiding Policy Framework is an important building block of the SPSP. It outlines key objectives for the plan and identifies elements of the built environment, such as land use, housing density, building height, and the transportation system, that can help to achieve those objectives. The City will also be seeking input on potential environmental impacts that should be studied in the environmental impact report, or EIR, being prepared to comply with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).  
Everyone is welcome to participate and we invite your questions on the Sharp Park Specific Plan!      If you have any questions about the Sharp Park Specific Plan or Plan Pacifica process, please contact Senior Planner Christian Murdock at murdockc@ci.pacifica.ca.us.   SUBSCRIBE TO THE PLAN PACIFICA MAILING LISTLEARN MORE ABOUT THE SHARP PARK SPECIFIC PLAN.   READ PLAN PACIFICA PROJECT DOCUMENTS. 
Posted by Kathy Meeh

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