Saturday, August 29, 2020

Join Flash Vote, stay safe, City meetings in September

Dog Days of Summer Dog Walk
Planning Commission and City Council
meetings?? ... see ya in September.
"The current fires burning across California, and most closely the CZU Lightning Complex fires in southern San Mateo County and Santa Cruz County (now at 26% containment), are solemn reminders about the importance of emergency preparedness. This video and Ready, Set, Go Guide are great resources from the North County Fire Authority on what you can do to be prepared. And signing up with San Mateo County Alert to receive emergency alerts to your mobile phone is an important step! Our hearts go out to those impacted by the recent fires, and thank you to our Fire and Police personnel who have been deployed to assist with these emergencies.

Don’t forget the following two items for your “To Do” list this weekend: 1) Sign up for FlashVote to be able to quickly give your opinion about important topics in Pacifica, and 2) Follow the 3 Ws – COVID-19 remains a threat that we must all work together to overcome."

Sign up for the Pacifica, CA FlashVote here.  FlashVote helps you make a difference in your community... help make your government better. Civic participation has never been easier.
From the City Meeting Calendar: the next Planning Commission meeting is Tuesday, September 8, 2020 (the day after Labor Day); and, the next City Council meeting is Monday, September 14, 2020.
Note graphic of Dog Days from Saunders Medical Center.
Posted by Kathy Meeh

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