Wednesday, June 28, 2017

School's out, perfect attendance: how'd he do that?

Pacifica Tribune/Jean Bartlett Features Correspondent, 6/23/17. "Nine years of perfect attendance."

Image result for Perfect attendance picture
Today okay, but how does one
student do that (K-8) 9 years? Wow!
"Among Ingrid B. Lacy Middle School’s recent eighth grade graduates, one student earned a Pacifica School District record. For his entire nine years in the District — kindergarten through fifth grade at Sunset Ridge Elementary and sixth through eighth grade at IBL — Sheikh Shim Hussain has never missed a day of school nor has he ever been tardy.

“Sheikh has been a remarkable student,” said IBL principal Dan Lyttle. 'I had the great fortune to know him while he was still at Sunset Ridge and he has continued to grow and mature into a tremendous young man.'

'I have been working in schools for 22 years and I have never known a student to achieve this goal,' the principal went on to say. 'To have been present every single day and to never have been late for nine years is extraordinary. This achievement equates to 1,620 school days Sheikh has been present for during his time in the Pacifica School District'.”

Sheikh Shim, 13, is the elder of Sheik and Naz Hussain’s two sons. His younger brother, Sheikh Hamshin, has also never missed a day of school. He will graduate from IBL next year.
'Really, all the credit goes to my mom,' Sheikh said.  ... .... Sheikh will be heading off to Oceana High School in the new school year. 'I’m going to try to keep my record going'."  Read more.

Related article, the tough 14 year competition.  Fox News U.S./Good News/Staff, 6/5/17, "High school senior to graduate with perfect attendance - since kindergarten."  "Mareiya Gonzales, 17, is making headlines with his unbeatable 2,336th consecutive day of school, coupled with 4.07 grade-point average at Pittsburg High School, northeast of Oakland."  The Virginian-Pilot/Education/Elisabeth Hulett, Hattie Brown Grrow, 6/16/13, "Perfect school attendance is still a rare feat."   Note graphic. Attendance today image from

Posted by Kathy Meeh

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