Thursday, June 29, 2017

Planning Commission meeting Monday July 3, 2017 cancelled

Image result for fireworks July 4th picture
Yea sure, we're legal Officer
Image result for fireworks July 4th picture
Cake decoration made easy.
Happy 4th 3rd!

Notice of cancellation from the Planning Commission, short holiday message reads: "meeting cancelled". 

Note graphics: Cake image from Pinterest, "25+ best ideas about July 4th...."   Legal from Pinterest/Dreamtime. 

Posted by Kathy Meeh

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

School's out, perfect attendance: how'd he do that?

Pacifica Tribune/Jean Bartlett Features Correspondent, 6/23/17. "Nine years of perfect attendance."

Image result for Perfect attendance picture
Today okay, but how does one
student do that (K-8) 9 years? Wow!
"Among Ingrid B. Lacy Middle School’s recent eighth grade graduates, one student earned a Pacifica School District record. For his entire nine years in the District — kindergarten through fifth grade at Sunset Ridge Elementary and sixth through eighth grade at IBL — Sheikh Shim Hussain has never missed a day of school nor has he ever been tardy.

“Sheikh has been a remarkable student,” said IBL principal Dan Lyttle. 'I had the great fortune to know him while he was still at Sunset Ridge and he has continued to grow and mature into a tremendous young man.'

'I have been working in schools for 22 years and I have never known a student to achieve this goal,' the principal went on to say. 'To have been present every single day and to never have been late for nine years is extraordinary. This achievement equates to 1,620 school days Sheikh has been present for during his time in the Pacifica School District'.”

Sheikh Shim, 13, is the elder of Sheik and Naz Hussain’s two sons. His younger brother, Sheikh Hamshin, has also never missed a day of school. He will graduate from IBL next year.
'Really, all the credit goes to my mom,' Sheikh said.  ... .... Sheikh will be heading off to Oceana High School in the new school year. 'I’m going to try to keep my record going'."  Read more.

Related article, the tough 14 year competition.  Fox News U.S./Good News/Staff, 6/5/17, "High school senior to graduate with perfect attendance - since kindergarten."  "Mareiya Gonzales, 17, is making headlines with his unbeatable 2,336th consecutive day of school, coupled with 4.07 grade-point average at Pittsburg High School, northeast of Oakland."  The Virginian-Pilot/Education/Elisabeth Hulett, Hattie Brown Grrow, 6/16/13, "Perfect school attendance is still a rare feat."   Note graphic. Attendance today image from

Posted by Kathy Meeh

Market moves forward despite politics

From 6/23/17, Beacon Economics/Summer 2017, "U.S., California Economies Largely Unaffected by National Poitical Turmoil." 

Image result for economy picture
Image result for economy picture
Huge almost zero economic growth!
"The political theatre that continues to play out in Washington has had ‘very little’ effect on the economy, so far. While policy uncertainty remains one of the greatest potential hazards to current economic growth, to date, it has not disrupted the upward trajectory of either the U.S. or California economies.

The latest edition of Beaconomics has the U.S. economy lining up for another year of growth in the 2% to 2.3% range – a moderate level, but somewhat faster than last year and with little sign that the expansion will be ending any time soon. In California..."

Related articles. Continued moderate growth. The balance/US Economy/Kimberly Amadeo, 6/14/17, "US Economic Outlook: For 2017 and Beyond." "The U.S. economic outlook is healthy according to the key economic indicators. The most critical indicator is gross domestic product, which measures the nation's production output. The GDP growth rate is expected to remain between the 2 percent to 3 percent ideal range. Unemployment is forecast to continue at the natural rate. There isn't too much inflation or deflation. That's a Goldilocks economy. President Trump promised to increase economic growth to 4 percent. That's actually faster than is healthy. Growth at that pace leads to an overconfident irrational exuberance. That creates a boom that least to a damaging bust."   Related, political inflation. change.  Business Insider/Markets/Bob Bryan, 6/2/17, "Trump says the US economy is 'absolutely tremendous" - but it still looks like the 'mess' he says he inherited from Obama."...."On Friday the Bureau of Labor Statistics released the May jobs report, one of the most important indicators of whether the economy is growing "very, very rapidly," and it was decidedly lackluster. .... Trump likes to say he "inherited a mess" when he took office, but four months into his presidency and despite his proclamations of rapid improvement, the economy still looks similar to the way it did before Trump won."

Note graphics. Flag by Alvaro Dominguez from New York Times/Lynn Vavreck, 4/2/16,"American Anger: It's Not the Economy. It's the Other Party." Fragmented Trump from VICE/Matt Phillips, 6/21/17, "Economy seem to be losing faith that the economy will see a 'Trump bump'."

Posted by Kathy Meeh

Sunday, June 25, 2017

City Council meeting, Monday June 26, 2017

Attend in person, 2212 Beach Boulevard, 2nd floor. Or view on local television or live feed Pacific Coast TV. If you missed meetings, view on PCT26 YouTube!  The city council meeting begins at 7 p.m., or shortly there following. City Council updates and archives are available on the City Council website.      Channel 26 television schedule, see Monday, 06/26/17. 

Interactive City Council Agenda, 6/26/17      City Council Agenda, 6/26/17, pdf pages  345

Image result for City operating budget picture
Items 7, 8.  Okay, the City Operating and
Capital Budgets are better than this.
Closed session, 6:00 p.m.
Government code 54956.8, property negotiations, price and terms of payment, 2212 Beach Boulevard: Friend Development Group LLC, a Delaware LLC. 
Open session, 7:00 p.m.
Call to order, roll call, salute to flag.  Closed Session report. Special presentations: Proclamation/Parks, Beaches and Recreation month. 
Consent Calendar 
1.     Approval of financial disbursements, report. a) 5/22/17 -5/25/17. 
2.     Approval of City Council meeting Minutes, report. a) 6/12/17.
3.     Resolution designating Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission the Local Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee, report/resolution.
4.     Resolution accepting a Grant from the CA Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control, report/resolution. a) ABC police enforcement grant, 7/1/17-6/30/18, $40,000, pdf pages 9.
5.    Crespi Sanitary Sewer Main Repair Project, approve agreements, report. a) Construction contract, JDB & Sons Constructon, Inc. (Contractor), $988,300, pdf pages 16).  b) Temporary easement agreement, Dorothy J. Wiechers Trust, 5200 Coast Highway, 6/12/17, pdf pages 12. c)  Utility easement, Dorothy J. Wiechers Trust, 6/12/17, pdf pages 13. d)  First engineering consultant agreement, Freyer & Laureta, Inc., $23,700, (total agreement cost $63,100), pdf pages 4.
6.    Growth Management Ordinance (amending Title 9, Chapter 5, municipal code TA-107-17) extended 5 years, report/ordinance, pdf pages 5..
7.     Independent Accountant's Report, 2016-17, (required CA Article XIIIB), report/resolution.
a)  Budget calculation limit (fiscal year 2017-18) explanation. b)  Gann calculation: general and special funds appropriation limits, fiscal year 2017-18. c)  Letter of Gann compliance limit, fiscal year 2017-18, Maze & Associates Accountancy. d) Memorandum on Internal Control (required), Maze & Associates Accountancy, pdf pages 20. 
Communications - Public (Oral); City Council; City Staff. 

Consideration, Budget.
8.     Annual Operating and Capital Budget, fiscal year 2017-18, report/resolution:
General Fund $31,129,000; All Funds, $83,580,000, pdf pages 5.  a) Proposed Budget, pdf pages 77.
Public Hearings
9.     Marijuana operations and related activities ordinance (draft), amending Municipal Code (MC) regulations (Title 4), modify zoning (Title 9), report, pdf pages 12. a)  Title 4, public safety licenses, pdf pages 11. b)  Zoning amendment regulation, pdf pages 45. c)  Map overlay zones, pdf pages 6. d)  Resolution, excise ballot tax, pdf pages 4. e)  Tax on operations, adding chapter 18 to MC Title 3, pdf pages 9. f) Planning Commission Resolution 6/5/17, pdf pages 3. g) Planning Commission text and zoning recommendation, 6/5/17, pdf pages 13. h)  Youth buffer zone map, pdf pages 1.
Consideration, Reports.
10.  Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission Annual Report, information report. a)  PBR annual report.
11.   Accept San Mateo County verification of required signatures against immediate and retroactive rent stabilization:  "... temporary moratorium on certain residences, just cause tenant evictions", ordinance 814. Alternative action, special election 11/7/17, cost $17,000 est., report. a)  San Mateo County verification letter.
Adjourn.    Note photograph from OIA News/Chase Cook, 6/21/17, "Annapolis City Council approves operating budget."

Posted by Kathy Meeh

Saturday, June 24, 2017

City Council meeting, Monday, June 12, 2017

OOPS, in correcting a typo, I  hit the publish rather than the save button, which changed the article date to current. The date is out of order, but the comments were saved.  Sorry for any confusion caused. (Kathy) 

Attend in person, 2212 Beach Boulevard, 2nd floor. Or view on local television or live feed Pacific Coast TV. If you missed meetings, view on PCT26 YouTube!  The city council meeting begins at 7 p.m., or shortly there following. City Council updates and archives are available on the City Council website.      Channel 26 television schedule, see Monday, 06/12/17. 

Interactive City Council Agenda, 6/12/17        City Council Agenda, 6/12/17, pdf page 399

Open session, 7:00 p.m.

Consent Calendar 
1.     Approval of financial disbursements, report. a)  4/26/17 - 5/15/17.
2.     Approval of City Council meeting Minutes, report.  a)  5/8/17. b)  5/22/17.  c)  5/16/17.
3.     Proclamation confirming Pacifica coastline local emergency: Westline Drive to the end of Beach Boulevard, report.  Photographs: bluff failure/boulders on the beach,6/6/17.
4.     Code Enforcement Officer job description, revisions in contemplation of new hire, report/Resolution.  a) Revisions, 5/22/17.
5.     FY 2015-16, Child Care Reserve Account funds transfer to the General Fund, $72,457, report.
6.     FY 2017-18, prepare documents/contractual agreements/amendments with County of San Mateo Area Agency on Aging for Congregate Nutrition, Transportation, Home Delivered Meals and Supplemental Home Deliverd Meals programs, and any other 1x State or County funds, report.
7.     Notice of completion, Hazardous Materials Abatement and demolition, 310 Esplanade Avenue, report/Resolution.  a)  City Engineer notice, 6/12/17.
8.     Pier wall caps replacement project, R.E. Staite Engineering, Inc. construction agreement, $83,750.  (Project will combine with a pending 5/2013 National Fish and Wildlife Federation and California Wildlife Conservation Board grant, reimbursement $500,000.). report. a)  R.E. Staite Engineering, Inc. construction agreement, pdf pages 23. 
9.     400 block Esplanade Coastal Trail, Alta Planning & Design not to exceed $75,000, report.  a) Professional trail design agreement, pdf pages 20.
Image result for 3 skunks picture
NIMBY Items, 12 and 15.
10.   Letter of opposition to CA Proposition 64 cannabis trailer bill currently being considered by the the CA legislature, (the trailer bill deletes various local control, public health and safety provisions), report.  a) Letter. 
Communications - Public (Oral); City Council; City Staff.   

Public Hearing
11.   Resolution adopting the City Capital Improvement Program (CIP), 2017-2022, report, Resolution.  a) CIP draft, pdf pages 172.  b) Planning Commission CIP Resolution. 
12.   Eliminate future library location site, 2212 Beach Blvd, a request from Mayor Pro Tem John Keener, report.
13.   Open Space and Parkland Advisory Committee Preservation (OSPAC) Award, and Annual Report, report.  Annual report, 2016.
14.   City council Study Session (priorities and management guidance): short term rental regulations, report, pdf pages 8. a)  CoastalCommission/Coastal Zone.  b)  San Mateo County/21 Elements/short term vacation rentals, pdf pages 21.  c) Pacifica/CA Code of Ordinances/Bed and Breakfast.
15.    Abandonment of Highway 1 widening (a request from Councilmember Deirdre Martin), letter to San Mateo County Transportation Authority. Request repurpose funding for that purpose to re-study Highway 1 same area congestion alternatives, report. a) Draft letter to Caltrans. b) Letter from SMCTA 5/30/17.
16.   Amend and extend 5 years the City Growth Management Ordinance (Municipal Code TA-107-17, Title 9, Chapter 5). Report/Resolution,pdf pages 6. a) Planning Commission Resolution. b) Ordinance, pdf pages 5.
17.   Illegal Fireworks Task Force recommendations, report.
Note skunk graphics:  Bring flowers from Cartoons/skunk.. image #3; exposed to backside from Changing Winds/12/14/16, "Do you provide skunkadelic service to your customers?"
Posted by Kathy Meeh

Friday, June 23, 2017

City calendar, June 24 - July 7, 2017

From City of Pacifica/Keith Breskin, Interim City Manager public email list, 6/23/17.   See City of Pacifica/ Connect With Pacifica for prior editions.

Image result for calendar picture....  "Save The Date
  • June 24 - Palmetto Streetscape Project Groundbreaking 10:00am at the corner of Montecito Ave. and Palmetto Ave. See the invitation for more information.
  • June 24 - Taste of Pacifica presented by Pacifica Chamber of Commerce at the Moose Lodge showcases 25 Pacifica food vendors in one location from noon to 3:00pm. Click here for more information and to purchase tickets.
  • June 26 - City Council Meeting 7:00pm at City Council Chambers, 2212 Beach Blvd. See the Full Agenda for more information.
  • July 443rd Annual 4th of July Celebration & Rocket Run. See the City News section above for more information.
  • July 4 - City Offices Closed in observance of Independence Day.
  • July 7 - Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission application deadline. See City News section above for more information.
  •  Upcoming City Meetings – For information about upcoming City meetings, visit the City of Pacifica website at and check the Calendar for City Council Meetings and Other City Meetings at the bottom of the page."
Posted by Kathy Meeh

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Library survey, again


Image result for Pacifica, CA library picture
Growing-up intelligent, ethical
and moral in the community.
Image result for Pacifica, CA library picture
Palmetto Avenue library concept.
City of Pacifica Listens, "Help imagine the future of Pacifica's Libraries."

"The City of Pacifica is planning the future of our libraries. By participating in this short survey, you will contribute to the priorities of Pacifica’s libraries. Your input counts!

For more information and updates on the planning work for Pacifica’s Libraries, check here.

The survey should take about three minutes to complete. Thank you in advance for your participation and feedback on this process!   Take the Survey.   (Deadline: 5:00 PM, 7/31/17.)"

Note photographs/graphics.  New library conceptual design from the City of Pacifica. Intelligent child from the from 2017 Vallemar Craft Fair...kid shop.

Posted by Kathy Meeh

Attempt to sabotage library facility progress

Pacifica Tribune Letters to the Editor, 6/16/17. "Councilman Keener sabotages library" by Eric Ruchames, Past President, Library Foundation

"Dear Editor, This letter was originally sent to Pacifica Mayor O’Neill and City Council Members:  I was very surprised and disappointed when I learned that Council Member John Keener had placed an item on the June 12 City Council agenda calling for the elimination of the Palmetto Avenue site for the new Pacifica library.

Image result for proposed Pacifica library, picture
Above. Left: Library advocates 4 Projects design;
Right: Councilman Keener 4-0 NIMBIES design.
Just six months ago over 10,000 Pacificans voted to locate the new library on this site. Incidentally, this is a larger number than has voted for any council member, past or present.  Since the 55 percent in favor was not the necessary supermajority to fund the project, the City Council directed their appointed Library Advisory Committee to investigate other potential sites for the new library as well as the Palmetto site which the city owns. The LAC has started this process with the first community meeting held last week with more scheduled.

This proposed action by the City Council prematurely makes the work of the LAC and the majority votes of the community moot. Why invite the community to participate in the process when the City Council shows no interest in listening to their community? This proposed action is an insult to the voters and to all the members of the community who have worked so hard for the new library.
In addition, this hurried action comes with no prior notice to the Library Advisory Committee, the Pacifica Library Foundation, the Pacifica Friends of the Library or anyone in the community.

It appears that Council Member Keener is working hard to push his personal agenda forward, doing all he can to sabotage the new library. It seems that every day we are witness to the dysfunctional national government that shows nothing but contempt for the democratic process. It’s sad to see that same attitude in our own city.
I urge you all to reject this action and to allow the process (that the City Council created) to move forward. This community deserves no less."
Reference, City organizations/Government. Pacifica Library Foundation,  Facebook,  LinkedIn.  Friends of The Library.  City of Pacifica/New Library.  Pacifica libraries/Sharp Park/Sanchez.   Related article. Mercury News/Pacifica Tribune/Special, 5/1/12, "New Pacifica library plans unveiled."   Note graphic from Group 4 Projects/Pacifica library conceptual design.  Note: June 12, 2017 City Council meeting vote against the motion (but to continue library location progress, including Palmetto Avenue): Mayor O'Neill, Councilmembers Vaterlaus, and Digre.  Vote for the motion (to end consideration of Palmetto Avenue, and the Library Advisory Committee progress): Councilmembers Keener and Martin. Motion failed (3-2), thanks to Mayor O'Neill, Councilmembers Vaterlaus and Digre.

Posted by Kathy Meeh

Monday, June 19, 2017

Reminder Planning Commission, tonight Monday June 19, 2017

Attend in person, 2212 Beach Boulevard, 2nd floor.  Or, view on local television or live feed Pacificcoast.TV, (formerly  If you miss civic meetings, view on PCT 26 You Tube!  The planning commission meeting begins at 7 p.m., or shortly there following.  Planning Commission updates, archives are available on the City website: City Council Agendas, and City Planning Commission.  Channel 26 television schedule, see Monday, 06/19/17.

Image result for 435 Gateway Drive, Pacifica, CA picture
Item 2. Apartment rate increases.

Continued Public hearings

1.  T-Mobile antennas, Fairmont Shopping Center, 709 Hickey Blvd.

2.  Tenant rent increases, (multi-family complex, 170 apartment units), 435 Gateway Drive. 

Continued Public hearings

3.  Renovation of  Pacific Skies Estates mobile home part, 93 units, 1300 Palmetto Avenue. Addressing CA Coastal Commission comments, remove from the agenda and re-notice.


Note photograph. 435 Gateway, The Summit at Skyline/Marymount Gateway from 

Posted by Kathy Meeh