Interim City Manager Keith Breskin |
"Keith Breskin, Interim City Manager. The
City Manager is the City's chief executive and is responsible to the
City Council for the proper and efficient management of all municipal
activities. The City Manager advises the Council on the City's planning
and financial needs, as well as other municipal matters, implements all
laws and ordinances, manages City facilities, prepares and manages the
budget, carries out the City's business and administers the policies of
the Council. The City Manager directs and coordinates the various
departments and municipal services through appointed department
directors who directly supervise and administer the various staff and
operational elements of the City."
Reference, Keith Breskin professional background.
LinkedIn. Related articles. Pacifica Tribune/Jane Northrop, Staff Writer, 4/5/17, "Council appoints interim city manager, Veteran of government management has over 40 years' service." Pacifica Tribune/Jane Northrop, Staff Writer, 4/5/17, "Interim city manager ready to provide expertise." Do subscribe to our weekly newspaper, the Pacifica Tribune. Note photograph from the City Manager's Office website.
Posted by Kathy Meeh
I hope they're paying Mr. Breskin as much as they're paying Shawn Spicer. He doesn't know it yet but he is about to step into the looniest place in the bay area. Be prepared to kiss the asses of all of the faux-enviros and never, ever, ever challenge the intelligence of the know-it-all idiots who have been destroying Pacifica for the last 30 years. Just go along with them and pick up your paycheck, their work is almost done.
Ann Stedler will be leaving on April 11th. Not sure where. Will Mr. Breskin hire a new Economic Development Manager? Probably not. The sea has changed.
Elections have consequence, ESPECIALLY stolen elections.
Thanks for nothing you NOBY freaks.
Seriously. These aren't some rhetorical games being played out on blogs. These decisions have (and will continue to have) profound effects on Pacificans' lives.
Saying NO and blocking everything necessary to maintain a healthy city means we're losing any staff with a sense of self-worth a desire to do something. They see the writing on the wall: we're in a death spiral.
Pacifica is going nowhere but downhill because the NO-Nothings refuse to advocate for anything, they're only opposed to everything. As a result, nothing gets done.
Rent control will be the next leg kicked out from under Pacifica.
It's downright embarassing what Pacifica's so-called "progressives" are doing to this city. They really have no clue how badly they're fucking this up. Self-righteousness is one hell of a drug!
9:08 Self-righteous much? Pot kettle black.
Breskin, is making $100 per hour. He is a Calpers Retiree so he is limited to the hours he works.
Why hire an economic development person, there is no economic development!
Correct....with Keener, Deirdre, Digre and their puppet masters at the helm there is absolutely NO chance of economic development. These self-righteous, hypocrites are the enemies of Pacifica.
@12:46, hip-hip hooray for righteous purity!
Pacifica is going down the shitter, but keep on holding to your principles and voting no on everything.
Stedler's simply playing the hand she was dealt. What economic development can there possibly be in a town run by a group not interested in developing a single thing.
NO on a public civic center (library)
NO on a hotel at the 17-year-old beach blvd dirt pit
NO on Palmetto street improvements
NO on highway improvements
NO on a sidewalk!!
This guy is in a tough interim job, let's face it. We should wish him the best and hope he is able to get things done and help make the town better. I like the cut of his jib.
You better set your jib for a speedy exit. The brain trust of Keener, Digre and Deirdre will see to it that he follows their lead absolutely.....Nothing for Pacifica!
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