Prenuptial agreement. "Prenuptial agreement (antenuptial agreement) n. a written contract between two people who are about to marry, setting out the terms of possession of assets, treatment of future earnings, control of the property of each, and potential division if the marriage is later dissolved. These agreements are fairly common if either or both parties have substantial assets, children from a prior marriage, potential inheritances, high incomes, or have been 'taken' by a prior spouse." Free Dictionary legal definiltion.
Question: With intended NIMBY economic consequences adversely affecting this City, will the Pacifica environmentalist now follow the Arnold Schwarzenegger lead and cooperate for the sake of the larger community? His family, our City.
(Quick Zimbo video, Maria Shriver filled for divorce July 1st, and Arnold Schwarzenegger said this will be joint custody of the children, and he wants to give her more than half of their family assets).
Posted by Kathy Meeh
Is it a slow news day at Fix Pacifica World Headquarters today??
Anon (137), just another version of expressing angst at an unfortunate City situation.
Anon (223) is lost, therein is an article posting reward.
I was going to call this post pretzel logic but that would be an insult to pretzels.
Kathy are you stoned?
"...are you stoned?"
Anon (429), no, I don't smoke anything, but you may understand after the party better.
Anon (418), the eco-betrayal is over. You've been eating our pretzels for years. The least you can do is leave the balance of the pretzels for the rest of us.
Kathy are you having a nip or two of them fine Irish spirits
"...nip or two of them fine Irish spirits."
Nope, not that either. You would rather talk about my article style? There must be some reason you can not focus on the article issues. Are you seriously dyslexic? Or, are there other personal reasons you would think about being "stoned" or "nipping"? What you say is a distraction, so maybe its a deflection.
25 years later, its time changes are made in the eco-NIMBY community to split city asset potential with the rest of us. We've been living with "our environment is our economy" which is really not much of an economy at all. At least "our environment" does not pay city bills, and has not paid city bills for the past 10 years. That was the reason sitting 2002 city council members (Gonsalves, Carr, Hinton) supported Measure E, quarry development.
Its time to be clear that "our economy is our economy". That is reality, and the path this city should be rushing to reasonably embrace. Its late and structural economic damage is done and continues. Now we're outsourcing city services to the lowest bidder. City survival?
To say this is a stretch is an understatement.
Try again.
"...this is a stretch.."
Lionel, the divorce is the clarity fix. Splitting the assets is the solution. And, bitching at me, rather than taking on the issue makes me believe this "stretch" is a "perfect", annoying, thought provoking for some, article.
Remember in literal English I ask some of you about economic development, and the answer was BLANK, except for downsizing with no additional taxes? The city financial situation is well beyond downsizing and has been for several years.
We agree to some extent on no new taxes (from my view unless there is investment in economic development). But, "no growth" is destroying this city, and that "bastard" child is known. Its time for those of you who want to hold this city together to support needed city development, you know the other 50% of the city (other than non-productive open space).
Try again? I hope to post more articles of the same tempo digging into core City issues. Annoyance or "not understood" by some, well.
And, Lionel, you are welcome to post your own articles, hopefully the comments will have more insight and substance than these little snipes from Anonymous and/or you. However, thanks for using your name on this comment. Its beneficial to know who is talking, rather than no name, no face.
Denial of the ongoing dysfunctional of this city will not solve consequent structural neglect. So, let's get a divorce and talk about the contract to keep the family, the city together.
Kathy do you think Denial is a river in North Africa?
Now we know why he let that Democrats son free after he murdered an innocent man. Politicians that have secrets get elected in office to be manipulated.
Lionel, I added to the article an explanation of the video. The video has a commercial, but is worth viewing for those who care about such things.
"Politicians that have secrets get elected in office to be manipulated." Interesting point Anon (807). Taking most of the money out of politics would seem to be beneficial to the system, but that may not happen in our lifetime. Too much money driving influence against it.
The other issue may be that of power and influence emanating from the candidates themselves, as well as from their benefactors-- the nexis of policy advancement and self-interest.
The Swcharzenegger/Schriver divorce has nothing to do with Pacifica. Nothing whatsoever.
That's all I'm saying.
There's enough to say about local political events without torturing logic until it screams.
Lionel, get over it. Your mind works quite different from mine. Some people get the satirical joke.
The lack progress and backward economic issues need to be poked fun at from my view. And, I intend to continuing doing just that. There probably isn't much hope for progress in this city.
KAthy Meeh - please edit and proofread your comments before your post
Don't mess with Meeh.
Anon (1109), you made a typo on my first name. Its "Kathy", not "KAthy".
Others with a face may add the "of", second paragraph (1038 comment), "the lack of progress". Even so, Anon I do my best, but don't always catch typos. You didn't do much better, and in only 1 sentence. Unfortunate.
I agree with you Anon (1135).
Anon (1109), not only did you spell Kathy, KAthy, you also used the word "your" when "you" was the correct word, and you omitted a period. 3 strike-outs in one sentence of less than stellar content.
Probably better look for another line of criticism, and using your name would be good, just saying....
Also, everyone should feel free to comment, particularly those with content-- not just those who have attended your English-lite class.
Looks Like Meeh, missed her calling in life. To be a proof reader.
How droll.
"How droll."
Anon (737) Agreed.
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