Polar and brown bears are vastly different species in terms of body size, skin and coat color, fur type, tooth structure, and many other physical features. Behaviorally, they are also quite distinct: Polar bears are expert swimmers that have adapted to a highly specialized, arctic lifestyle, while brown bears -- a species that includes Grizzlies and Kodiaks -- are climbers that prefer the mountain forests, wilderness regions, and river valleys of Europe, Asia, and North America. "Despite these differences, we know that the two species have interbred opportunistically and probably on many occasions during the last 100,000 years," Shapiro said. "Most importantly, previous research has indicated that the brown bear contributed genetic material to the polar bear's mitochondrial lineage -- the maternal part of the genome, or the DNA that is passed exclusively from mothers to offspring. But, until now, it was unclear just when modern polar bears acquired their mitochondrial genome in its present form."
Posted by Kathy Meeh
Fix Pacifica is turning into Kathy's boring MySpace page.
You're boring and undoubtedly so in any medium.
Another great export from the Emerald Isle, Police, Priest, Potatoes and Polar Bears.
I knew it, I just knew it. Such a magnificent creature had to be Irish-the polar bear.
And what about The Guinness?
Anon (343) nothing prevents you from posting "interesting" articles on Fix Pacifica, except your anonymous name. Article posting instructions are listed upper left.
I purposefully did not highlight this new science discovery article to see who can read. Mike and one Anonymous can read.
The Irish and British bear journey and adaptation is quite amazing. In response to global warming, some polar bears are mating with brown bears, creating a hybrid bear that again will likely adapt.
Anon (528) maybe one bear in the picture did drink one too many mugs of Guinness?
May hap'so, he does look wonderfully relaxed/in a stupor.
Looks like he's digesting a camera man.
Anon (118), yep, those were probably the last words from that camera man. But, could be the other bear is looking for anonymous people.
Because of evolutionary mutations and the ongoing need for all species to adapt, is being an "endangered species" overrated?
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