We want to remind you that the S F Golf Alliance’s fundraiser is tomorrow at 6 p.m. at Sharp Park Golf Course. Over 125 S F Golf Alliance members have confirmed that they will be in attendance, but we would love to see more of you there. This event is open to people who want to preserve golf at Sharp Park. Feel free to forward this message to friends. The event will feature several great door prizes and help rally the community behind our common cause of preserving affordable,
eco-friendly golf for future generations of golfers.
If you cannot attend, we would greatly appreciate your generous contribution through
PayPal or by mailing a check payable to the San Francisco Public Golf Alliance care of: Lauren Barr, Treasurer, 2840 Jackson Street, San Francisco, CA 94115.
Thank you very much for your support.
See you Thursday.
Butch Larroche
SPGC Tournament Director and lifelong Pacifican
Members of THE PACIFICA COMMUNITY COALITION TO SAVE SHARP PARK GOLF COURSE will also be joining members of the Sharp Park Golf Club, along with those of the San Francisco Public Golf Alliance at tomorrow night's fundraising event at the Sharp Park Golf Course Restaurant.
Legendary golfer Ken Venturi, the 1964 U.S.Open Champion, who grew up playing golf on San Francisco municipal courses, is the Honorary Chairman of this event. And, Assemblywoman Fiona Ma and SF Supervisor Sean Elsbernd have been named Honorary Co-Hosts for this fundraising event...
At the fundraiser there will be doorprizes donated by Crystal Springs Golf Course, Gleaneagles GC and other local golf courses.
This event is being put on to bring our community together for one general purpose:
To help save Sharp Park Golf Course!
So, please make every effort to come to the Sharp Park Golf Course Restaurant on Thursday, October 22, 2009 at 6PM. See you there!
Barbara Arietta
Pacifica Community Coaltion To Save Sharp Park Golf Course
P.O. Box 941
Pacifica, Ca 94044
Does this event cost to attend? My husband and I would like to go.
Kathleen, you make the Rogans in Red Bluff proud! Sorry I can't be there but I support everyone's efforts.
Kathleen, for detailed donation information on the 10/22 Sharp Park Golf Course Fundraiser, please go to website:
Yes, being a fundraiser, there is a charge to attend. However, do not let that keep you away. Donate what you can...The most important thing is that you attend and show your support for saving this venerable course...We look forward to having you join us.
Barbara Arietta
Pacifica Community Coalition to Save Sharp Park Golf Course
P.O. Box 941
Pacifica, CA 94044
I don't mean to be critical, but a cost to attend is usually included with the advertisement of a fundraiser. If there is a cost to attend, how much is it? I would like to tell other people. Or is it whatever one could afford? Than for many that would be one dollar, times are hard. Some of us would like to avoid embarassment and know ahead of time. And, I can't read what I am writing because of a video covering part of my comment box. No way to clear it off.
Kathleen, I don't see any kind of admission charge on the offical invitation.
There is no cost to attend. Donations will be solicited but donating will be voluntary. The biggest thing is that people attend to show the SF Supes that are supposed to be in attendance that golf and Sharp Park is not dead. Come one, come all.
Ok, Great. We are coming and donating.
Looking forward to meeting you Kathleen...anyone with the first name Kathleen and the last name Rogan has got all right with at least two of us that I can think of. Should be a fine event and in good company.
And thanks for donation clarification as well Butch.
Wow, this event was crowded, parking lot filled, cars parked back to Sharp Park Road; people standing overflow outside the back door and into the dinning room.
I dropped by, left a donation, said hello to two people I knew and left. Hope others got-in closer. Think the event must have been a big benefit success for SF Golf Alliance.
A big THANK YOU to all that attended this event. Us golfers appreciate the show of support from all of you. I would guess the attendance at close to 300 people.
Thank you for coming,
Butch Larroche
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