Respected White House news columnist and author Helen Thomas has observed 60 years of United States Presidents in office, and offers the following advisement, detailed in the attached article. These leadership qualities are generic enough to be considered valuable in most civic leadership positions, including that of Pacifica City Council. This article follows the Michael Moore's comments about running for office, posted yesterday.
1. Brace yourself: The worst is yet to come
2. Forget your privacy: Your a public servant
3. Open up: The people have a right to know
4. Have courage: Even if it hurts
5. Give us vision: It's your legacy
Posted by Kathy Meeh
poor Helen sat as the lone voice of the "people" for many years while she questioned the previous administration over their false claims to justify the War in Iraq. She was often vilified, but proved to be correct on almost every count.
She is still the "lone voice" and has proven to be correct with this administrations censorship of behind the door policy making (same as the old boss). Far from transparent as they promised. More false claims to justify a war, more Soldiers dying, more indecision, bigger and bigger government. Good Bye America!
pains me to agree with you. LOL. Ask Lois about my strange relationship with Republicans.
Jeff loves Republicans! He even married one.
It's time to wake up. Don't call me crazy, but it's pick your evil time; Neo-Cons vs Commies. Or, as we are witnessing lately, Independents are making their mark. Latest breaking news I-Lieberman, who caucuses with dems, is a NO-Vote against D-Reid's Health Care Reform and threatens to filibuster. Changing subject; I like to talk to peeps, Sharp Park Golf Course Fundraiser; On the Dems side, (i.e. labor/unions) who don't believe in frogs and snakes, but believe in keeping and creating new jobs and on the Repubs side, (i.e.,yes, union employees) peeps who don't believe in frogs and snakes, but believe in keeping and creating jobs. These two groups are finding each other, mushrooming out of the rubble , could it be? what is it I see? Is it a Eagle? Is it a Fighter Jet? Oh yes, A Third Party!!! Call it what you want. But I am sure someone will call it nothing. I am watching. I am intrigued.
Regarding name calling...what do you guys think about Alan Grayson, a Florida representative, calling a senior Federal Reserve adviser a "K Street whore"?
HaHa! Yes, Grayson. The Lefts Loon. It was reported on a blog he is one of the top 5 five movers and shakers on the Hill. I think that blog has gone to his head and his remarks will catch up to him. The way I play politics, If he said it then so can I. San Fran Nan, our K Street Whore is selling out America and our freedoms. Once a stay at home Mom, who raised 5 kids, only someone like her can change the name of ; govt option-to-consumer option. It's like telling little timmy, "ok, so you don't like the WORD medicine? Well, mommy is changing the word to CANDY. See, now you will feel better" Pres Obama and San Fran Nan are buying their health care package by pulling Senators aside and asking them, " ok, what do you want and how much" Keep calling your reps and senators and tell them to shove their Commie Health Care Pak up their ****BLEEEEEP***.
Obama, at a Democratic fund-raiser in Miami Monday night, lumped Grayson in with other members of Congress as "outstanding."
The problem isn't liberals or conservatives. It's wing-nuts on both sides.
"Good morning. Be happy! Smile! Nobody and Nothing is perfect... I'm not ok, you're not ok and that's ok! :-) ok?"
God is Love
Rev Run
A little religion never hurt anyone. Thanks , Lois.
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