This City Council meeting may be
viewed and virtually participated in on ZOOM , or
through the City website livestream . Dial-in is also available 1-669-900-6833 .
Also, this City Council
meeting will be televised on local Pacific
Coast Television PCT/Pacifica Channel 26. PCT also links their program calendar, and recent coastside civic
meeting videos.
Complying with the Coronavirus
(COVID-19) Disease Notice (fully detailed on page 1 of the
City Council PDF link below): this civic meeting will not
be physically open to the public, and will be held through
Public comments, see pages 1 and
2 of the pdf agenda below. 1) Live
access is available through Zoom and dial-in:
during the public comment period, press 9 to raise
your hand; when called upon, provide the last 4 digits
of your phone number. Or, 2) comments for
the record only prior to 4 pm date of the
meeting may be submitted to 1) In the subject line be sure
to specify whether oral communications or an
Agenda item and the number, 2) in the text
include your full name,
3) limit your text to no more than 350 words. Note: many of the pdf links
below currently redirect to the City (requires
an extra step to open).
Interactive City Council Agenda, 12/23/21. City Council Agenda, 12/23/21, pdf pages 701.
The long meeting: Study Session through City Council Reorganization. Should be worth staying awake for if you can. ☃️.. |
A. Vision 2025 and Beyond Strategic Financial Sustainability Study, report.
a) Commercial Geo Zones with Sales Tax (5), Map.
B-1: Presentations and discussion, report.
Adjourn City Council Study Session
Open Joint City Council and Economic Development Committee Study Session.
B-2: Hear a presentation and discuss the Business Marketing Study, Gap Assessment, and Opportunities Report, report. a) Pacifica Marketing Study, Gap Assessment & Opportunities Report (Reduced Size). b) List of 14 Marketing Opportunities. Shop Pacifica: c) eGift Card Program. d) Participating Merchants and Redemption Locations.
Open Session, 7:00 p.m.
Administrative: call to order, roll call,reading of Land Acknowledgement (ancestral homeland of the Ramaytush Ohlone peoples). salute to the flag. Public Hearings, none.
Special Presentation: A. HIP Housing Annual Calendar.
Consent Calendar
1. Approval of financial disbursements (checks), FY 2021-2022: a) 10/1/21 to 10/15/21. b) 10/16/21 to 10/31/21.
2. Approval of Minutes: a) 11/22/21 (Regular Meeting). b) 11/29/21 (Special Meeting).
3. Proclamation continuation: a local emergency, Coastline from Westline Drive to the End of Beach Boulevard, report. a) Proclamation.
4. Proclamation continuation: a local emergency, Anza Pump Station, report. a) Resolution ratifying proclamation.
5. Proclamation continuation: a local emergency, Novel (new) Coronavirus (COVID-19), report. a) Resolution ratifying Proclamation.
6. Consideration of a Resolution findings required by AB 361 to continue City Council, City Committees and Commissions to conduct teleconferenced meetings due to health and safety concerns related to COVID-19, report/Resolution. a) AB 361 (full text). b) Resolution ratifying Local Emergency.
7. Adopt annual part-time salary schedule update, report. a) Resolution, with Exhibit 1: hourly salary schedule. b) Redlined hourly schedule.
8. Mitigation Fee Act Development Fee Review, 2020-2021, report/Resolution. a) Report, FY 6/30/21. b) Manor Drive over-crossing and Milagra Drive/Highway 1 on-ramp, Capital Improvement Program, FY 2021-2026. c) San Mateo County Transportation Authority, Measure A,Highway Capital Improvement Program FY 2016-2025.
9. Notice of Completion for Frontierland Park Drainage and Walkway Improvements Project, report/Resolution. a) Notice of Completion, 7/6/21.
10. Notice of Completion for Station 72 Deck Replacement Project, report, Resolution a) Notice of Completion, 11/24/21.
11. Notice of Completion for Pavement Resurfacing Project, FY 2020-21 and FY 2021-22, report, Resolution. a) Notice of Completion, 10/5/21.
12. To the 5-year Capital Improvement, add the Arterial/Collector Street Asphalt Base Repair Project. Arterial/Collector Asphalt Base Repair, FY 21-26.
13. Resolution approving grant funds for the Municipal Pier Repair, $500,000, report/Resolution.