Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Immigration Reform, and Officer Elections: Democrats Club meeting, Saturday June 19, 2021

Suzan Wallace, Club President is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting...

One item of business at the June 19 Democrats Club meeting will be the election of officers for the 2021-2022 year that begins July 1.

At our May 15 meeting, the Nominations Committee presented the following slate of Officers for election at the June meeting:  President: Mary Ann Plumb; 1st VP, Connie Menefee; 2nd VP,  Suzan Getchell-Wallace; Secretary, Joan Putz/Caroline Barba; Treasurer: H. James Crow.
  There were no additional nominations from the floor, so this will be a Yes/No vote by members (2021-dues-paid) present at the June 19 meeting.

Our speaker on the topic of Immigration Reform, will be Nick Gonzalez, Policy Analyst at the UCLA Latino Policy & Politics Initiative (LPPI) and a former Fellow at the Latino Victory Project.
Join the Zoom meeting next Saturday morning by signing in between 9:15 and 9:30, using the instructions in the following invitation. 

The meeting begins at 9:30 AM. 
Join Zoom Meeting. 
Meeting ID: 917 8644 2503   Passcode: 887934 .

Alternatives: One tap mobile +16699006833,,91786442503#,,,,*887934# US (San Jose) .  Or, phone dial  +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) .  Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/adDrWYgiLh .

Note:  Pacifica Daly City Democrats hold meetings of interest for the Club and the Community every third Saturday of the month at 9:30 a.m.

Submitted by Club email information from H. James Crow, Club Treasurer
Program reference. 
Nick Gonzalez, UCLA Latino Policy & Politics Initiative.  Issues: "UCLA LPPI is committed to working with leading experts, advocates and elected officials to address today’s most pressing issues. We are committed to championing evidence-based policy solutions that expand genuine opportunity for all Americans by shining a spotlight on how Latinos are and are not included in policy-making."Linked in/Nick Gonzalez, South San Francisco.      Note photograph of Nick Gonsalez is from twitter.
Posted by Kathy Meeh

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