Thursday, March 19, 2020

City Coronavirus (COVID-19) update and resource information

Connect with Pacifica/Deirdre Martin, Mayor, "Update from the Mayor, Coronavirus (COVID-19)."

World map showing countries with COVID-19 cases
COVID-19: where it is, is green;
where it isn't, is gray or white.
Rapidly escalating Coronavirus (COVID-19) response actions in Pacifica and throughout the region are on the forefront of everyone’s minds and daily routines, as are questions and concerns that are expected, understood, and normal in such a time of an unprecedented and prolonged public health crisis. This update provides a substantial amount of information about the City of Pacifica’s response to the Coronavirus pandemic. 
Two facts we know for sure – 1) conditions will get worse before they get better, which is why it is essential everyone follows shelter in place and social distancing orders, and 2) we will get through this together with the strength, compassion, and dedication in our community. Last Friday there were 20 confirmed COVID-19 cases in San Mateo County; as of March 18, this number has climbed to 80, with, tragically, one confirmed death. With rapid response, the entire Bay Area region is now under a “Shelter in Place” (SIP) order as of Tuesday, 3/17, 12:01 am. Following this order is essential to increase the regions chances of being able to “flatten the curve” of COVID-19 cases and not overwhelming our region’s healthcare system.
The City of Pacifica has been focused on several areas of action – Ensuring essential city services continue in a health protective manner for the public and employees ; Coordinating with other cities, the County, and partner organizations to bring consistency and stability in response actions ; and Providing information to the public The City of Pacifica’s dedicated webpage, which is being updated daily, is currently the major information portal for everything related to this crisis:   .....  Read more.
Thank you for sheltering in place , practicing social-distancing , and helping keep our community safe and healthy in this time of unprecedented health crisis. Together we will get through this challenging time.   
Sincerely, Deirdre Martin, Mayor
Note: the world map update of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) is from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:
Posted by Kathy Meeh

Democrats monthly breakfast meeting is cancelled this month (3/21/20)

 If all goes well, join us April 18th
for our monthly breakfast meeting. 
This is just a reminder for anyone who might not have received the following email from Jim last week.

Out of concern for everyone’s health, and consistent with health agency advice, the Executive Board of the Pacifica - Daly City Democrats has CANCELED this month’s breakfast meeting that was scheduled for Saturday this week (3/21/10).

We will try to reschedule this month’s speakers for a meeting later in the year.

We hope you will join us at the April meeting, when we look forward to hosting Pacifica Chief of Police Dan Steidle, speaking on the subject of emergency preparedness and the CERTS program

Be well, everyone.
Submitted from Pacifica - Daly City Democrats Club email by H.J. "Jim" Crow, Treasurer. 
Note: "ooPs .."graphic by Mor CAI/NYTS from Japan Times/Commentary World, 3/18/20, "Cancellation of Kim-Trump meeting comes as no surprise."  The graphic "attitude" is that of the poster, and was not sent by the Club.  Club meetings are generally held monthly with presentations often of interest to the entire Community, and where all are welcome.
Posted by Kathy Meeh

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Special City Council meeting, tonight 6 pm, March 18, 2020

Attend in person, 2212 Beach Boulevard, 2nd floor.  Or, view on local Pacific Coast television, PCT/Pacifica Channel 26PCT links to meeting videos: calendar, and recent coastside civic meeting videos. City Council and Planning Commission meetings usually begin at 7 p.m., or shortly there following.  But tonight scheduled at 6:00 PM City meeting agendas (current and archived) are available on the City meetings calendar.  City websites:  City Council, and Planning Commission.   

City Council Interactive Agenda, 3/18/19     City Council Agenda, pdf pages 19. 

Open Session, 6:00 p.m.  Call to order, roll call, flag salute.  

Consent Calendar
1.   Adopt an Existence of a Local Emergency Resolution to ratify: Coronavirus (COVID-19), report/Resolution.  a) Proclamation.
2.   Submit letter to US Army Corp of Engineers (USACE) to support general investigation of our City north shoreline, report.  a) Letter of Intent: General Coastline Resiliency Investigation. 

3.   Temporary adjustment of regular City Council meeting schedule, report.
Posted by Kathy Meeh

Friday, March 13, 2020

Planning Commission meeting, Monday March 16, 2020

Attend in person, 2212 Beach Boulevard, 2nd floor.  Or, view on local Pacific Coast television, PCT/Pacifica Channel 26PCT links to meeting videos: calendar, and recent coastside civic meeting videos. City Council and Planning Commission meetings usually begin at 7 p.m., or shortly there following.  City meeting agendas (current and archived) are available on the City meetings calendar.  City websites:  City Council, and Planning Commission.   

277 Kent Rd, PACIFICA, CA 94044
Item 2.  277 Kent Road
Item 1. 316 San Pedro Avenue
Open Session, 7:00 p.m.  Administrative:  approval of order of agenda.  Minutes (draft),  a) 3/2/20. Designation of liaison to City Council meeting, none.  Consent Items, none.  
Public oral c

New Public Hearings  
1.    File 2019-015.  CDP-405-19. Construct a 360 sf one-story addition to an existing 815 sf single-family residence with 288 sf one-car garage located on a 5,000 sf lot: 316 San Pedro Avenue, APN 023-018-220, Pedro Point district, report.  a) Resolution and COA's (draft).  b) Land use/zoning exhibit.  c) Project plans.  d) Existing and proposed roof material.

2.    File 2019-030.  CDP-413-19.  Demolish an existing single-family residence, detached garage, and barn to construct a new 1,753 sf, two-story single-family residence, a 236 sf detached one-car garage, and a 216 sf carport on a 3,516 sf lot: 277 Kent Road, APN 023-013-030, Pedro Point district, report. a) Resolution and COA's (draft).  b) Land use/zoning exhibit.  c) Project plans.  d) Proposed projects: 277 Kent Road, and 1300 Danmann Avenue (adjacent mixed use corner property currently under City review). e) Coastal Commission comment letter.  f) Historical resources report, 12/2019.

3.    File 2020-007.  Sharp Park Specific Plan guiding policy framework discussion, report.  a) Online survey results,3/2020.  b) Guiding policy framework.
Communications:  Planning Commission, Staff.   Adjourn.     

ReferencePlanning acronyms highlighted as used in today's meeting.  ADU, Accessory dwelling unit. APN, Assessor's parcel number. CCC, CA Coastal Commission. CDP, Coastal Development permit.  COAs, conditions of approval.  CZ, (Coastal Zone Combining) zoning districts. DA, development agreement. DP, development permit. ECR, Existing Conditions Report.  ESHA, environmentally sensitive habitat areas. GPA, General Plan Amendment. HDR, high density residential. IP, implementation plan. JADU, Junior accessory dwelling unit. LCP, Local Coastal Program.  LDR, low density residential.  LLC, limited liability company.  LUP, Land Use Plan). MDR, medium density residential.  PD, Planned Development.  PDA, Priority Development Area. PE, Parking Exception.  PSD, Site Development permit. PUE. Public utilities easment. PV, Permit Variance.  RIA, Rent Increase Application.  RZ, rezoning.  S, Sign permit. SE, Sign Exception. SF or sf, square foot. SP, Specific Plan.  SUB, Subdivision. TA, text amendment (ordinance).  TBD, to be determined. TDR, transfer of development rights (urban planning).  TUP, Temporary use permit.  UP, Use permit.   CA code, accessory (second residential) dwelling units, 65852.2.  Zoning: California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).  CA CEQA: Guidelines (Adoption of Coastal Plans and Programs), Article 19, Categorical Exemptions:  Section 15265, CEQA does not apply to activities and approvals pursuant to the CA Coastal Act, but shall apply to certification of a local coastal program by the CCC.  Class 1 categorical exemptions:  existing facilities, section 15301; no significant effect section 15061 (b)(3); not a project, a review, section 15378; Class 2, section 15302. Class 3.  Class 4, section 14394, minor alterations to land.  B-5, lot size overlay. Freestanding single-family residences set-back and parking, C-1, neighborhood commercial.  C-2, Commercial/Office (within 100  ft. of a residential zone) C-3, Service Commercial. Class 3 categorical exemption, section 15303.  Class 32, Infill Development projects, section 15332. LCLUP, Local Coastal Land Use Plan.  MND, Mitigated negative declaration. MMRP, Mitigation monitoring and reporting program.  MOD, modification of subdivision regulations.   Cannabis/Marijuana:  CAP, Cannabis Activity Permit. CO-RB, Cannabis Operation, Rockaway Beach Overlay District. CO-SP, Cannabis Operation, Sharp Park Overlay District.  CPSL, Cannabis Public Safety License.  CRO, Cannabis retail operation.  MPSLs, Marijuana public safety licenses.  MO-RB, Marijuana operation-Rockaway Beach Overlay District. MO-SP, Marijuana operation, Sharp Park overlay district. MRO, Marijuana retail operation. MUPs, Marijuana Use Permits and related zoning.   City:  APR, annual progress report. GPA, General Plan amendment.  LCLUP, Local Coastal Land Use Plan, updated documents.  CIP, capital improvement program, Title/Ordinances/Municipal Code. GP, General Plan, update documents, background history.  PMC, Pacifica Municipal Code.  R1, single-family residential,  R-2, Two family residential; R-3, Multi-family residential; R-3G, Multiple-family residential garden district. RIA, rent increase application.  S, City of Pacifica Sign ordinance.  SPSP, Sharp Park Specific Plan. Zoning/Planning Handouts, City of Pacifica.    Note photographs:  Item 1.  316 San Pedro Avenue from
Zillow.  Item 2. 277 Kent Road from Redfin.
Posted by Kathy Meeh