Annual reorganization of City Council Mayor and Mayor Pro Tem: Wednesday, December 11, 2019, 6:00 p.m. City Council Chambers, 2212 Beach Blvd. .." see page 6.
City update, 12/9/19: City Council interactive agenda, 12/11/19. City Council agenda, 12/11/19, pdf pages 2.
City update, 12/9/19: City Council interactive agenda, 12/11/19. City Council agenda, 12/11/19, pdf pages 2.
City update from Connect with Pacifica/Keven Woodhouse City Manager, 12/13/19, pages 1 and 3. City Council reorganized with new leadership designations as follows: Mayor Deirdre Martin, Mayor Pro Tem Sue Beckmeyer. Other Councilmembers include Past Mayors Sue Vaterlaus and Mike O'Neill; and Mary Bier.
Note graphic from Gallery YoPriceVille, "Christmas red green mistletoe PGN picture."
Posted by Kathy Meeh
It is critical that our current Pro Tem NOT become the next Mayor.Give up the coast to the Sea, No Hwy1 improvements, "the new normal" homeless stance,green at the expense of common sense,and last but not least, illegitimately elected to CC. Please voice your objection to this to CC if you care about Pac's future.
Deirdre Martin is the pro tem, and it's usually automatic that they step in to be the Mayor unfortunately. She is only one who voted No against the RV ordinance, so she is voting against all of the homeowners who have asked for this ordinance which is a much larger constituency then the dozen or so unhoused in RV's... She is way too liberal, progressive, and not to be trusted...
Council Mary Bier was only no vote!
Corrected Martin voted No on Parking Ord
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