Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Below Market Rate Housing for Teachers

Maybe some of our teachers can stay in the area!

It's from the county, a flyer on a affordable housing building (nice building) in Millbrae that they will sell units by way of a lottery. Deadline is end of June so the earlier the better. The flyer is self explanatory

Submitted by Jim Wagner

Saturday, May 26, 2018

City Council meeting, Tuesday May 29, 2018

Attend in person, 2212 Beach Boulevard, 2nd floor. Or view on local television or live feed Pacific Coast TV. If you missed meetings, view on PCT26 YouTube!  The city council meeting begins at 7 p.m., or shortly there following. City Council updates and archives are available on the City Council website.      Channel 26 television schedule, see Monday, 5/29/18.   

Interactive City Council meeting agenda, 5/29/18.       City Council meeting agenda,, 5/29/18, pdf pages 225.

Open session, 7:00 p.m.  Call to order, roll call, salute to flag.  Closed Session: none, report none.  
Special Presentations. Rachael Zack and Gabrielle Brazzil.

Consent Calendar
Image result for Money growing on trees picture
Item 12, 2018-19 Budget. Yep...
"our environment is our economy".
1.    Approval of financial disbursements (checks), FY 2017-18, 4/16/18 - 4/30/18.
2.    Approval of Minutes, special meeting 4/24/18.
3.    Approval, C2R Engineering, Inc. contract change orders: wastewater collections system project (sewer main replacement, Crespi Drive at Highway 1 COO5FFY 2017-18, report.  a)  Change orders 1 and 2.  Additional budget authority $65,000, total project budget $231,690, Wastwater Enterprise Fund.
4.     Resolution and filing notice: completion of wastewater collection system project COO5D, FY 2016-17:  Lockhaven Drive, Juanita Avenue, and Linda Mar Boulevard, total project cost $675,480.07, report/resolution.  a) Completion notice.  Filing notice: San Mateo County, includes 30 day release of $33,774 payment retention to contractor if no claims during that period.
 5.     Extend the development expiration date to 6/30/19 for 4009 Palmetto Avenue (APN 009-402-270), a 4-unit residential development, issued under the City's growth management ordinance (GMO), report.
6.     Approve construction amendments for the wet weather equalization basin project (EQ Basin): a) 4Leaf, Inc., amendment 1: additional project management and inspection, $642,539.  b)  Freyer & Laureta, Inc. (F&L), amendment 3, additional engineering design and construction support, $153,300.
7.     Current City investment reports, presented quarterly (administrative policy 39), report. Cash and investment (COP) reconciliation report summaries:  a) 3/31/18, $50,081,823.47.  b) 12/31/17, $53,859,083.43.
8.     Approve planned development with rezoning: 801 Fassler Avenue (APNs 022-083-029 and 022-083-030), 24-unit condominium project, report/ordinance 2583.  a) City Council agenda summary report, 5/14/18.
9.     General Fund reserve policy, revision 2018, report.  a) COP Reserve Policy fund balance commitments, 2018, (administrative policy 76A):  10% of expenditures of which 1/3 would provide economic contingency protection. Additionally, fund a facility maintenance/replacement fund; and an employee accrued compensation (vested benefit liability) fund.
Communications.  Public (oral), City Council, City Staff.  

Public hearings
10.    Implementation of a City regulated short-term housing rental (STR) program (in residential districts), includes transit occupancy taxes (TOT), business license, permits with health and safety requirements : municipal code, article 49, chapter 4, title 9, report/odinance.
11.    Amend the City police department rotational tow service program ordinance to include police chief review of  tow company experience, safety, other criteria; and the service rotation would be franchised and limited to three (3) tow companies: municipal code, chapter 8, title 4, report/odinance. a) Franchise agreement 5/3/18. 
12.   Proposed General Fund Budget, Other Funds, Capital Improvement, Budget strategies, 2018-19:  Departmental briefings: Public Works Parks;  Parks,Beaches and Recreation. Public Works: Wastewater (Fund 18), Wastewater (Fund 34), report. Budget summaries:  a) General Fund.  b) Other Funds.  c) Capital Budget.
13.    Aircraft noise: consider forming a City Council Ad Hoc subcommittee of two (2) members.
Adjourn.      Note photograph by Jennifer Farley from Chronogram (Arts, Culture, Spirit), "The question: is there money growing in your yard's trees?"

Posted by Kathy Meeh

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Planning Commission meeting, Monday, May 21, 2018

Attend in person, 2212 Beach Boulevard, 2nd floor.  Or, view on local Pacific Coast television, Pacifica Channel 26If you miss civic meetings, view on PCT 26 You Tube!  The planning commission meeting begins at 7 p.m., or shortly there following.  Planning Commission updates, archives are available on the City website: City Council Agendas, and City Planning Commission.  Channel 26 television schedule, see Monday, 5/21/18.  

Study Session

1.  File number 2018-012: 721 Oddstad Boulevard, (APN 023-593-060).  Discuss site plan alternatives which would allow construction of 37 - 39 townhouse dwelling units, (project site area is 2.1 acres), Report.  Conceptual project alternatives graphics: a) Location landscape map, pdf pages 2. b)  Height, pdf pages 1.

Communications:  Planning Commission, Staff, Adjourn.  


Reference, Google maps.  General location, and space map above from  Interactive location, Office  Related article, Pacifica Tribune/Jane Northrop, 8/7/13, "Permits expired...Assisted Living", reposted on Fix Pacifica, The original project concept was 96-units. 

Posted by Kathy Meeh

Friday, May 18, 2018

Sea level rise, think "big picture"

Is sea level rise happening. I believe it is. What I have not been convinced of are the consequences that will befall Pacifica if we don't implement regulations to guard for the absolute worse. 
To call anything "proven science" only proves the science false. No science is "proven". It's constantly evolving and changing its conclusions. I'm afraid our town is losing site of the big picture in the frenzy of SLR* disaster scenarios being bandied about. 

Image result for Pacifica, CA Coast picture
Preserve our coastal community
A new Local Coastal Plan (LCP) is greatly needed. What is not needed in my opinion is an LCP driven by draconian predictions of flood and perdition. We need to be cognizant of what is going on concerning zoning changes, building restrictions, infrastructure relocation, and a myriad of other details. 
If all these details are driven by sea level rise I'm afraid we will end up with an LCP that handcuffs and prevents Pacifica from working toward a vital, much needed, coastal community, revitalized and humming with life. 

Commentary submitted by Jim Wagner

Related article. Wall Street Journal/Opinion Fred Singer, 5/15/18, "The sea is rising, but not because of climate change. There is nothing we can do about it, except to build dikes and sea walls a little bit higher." (Note: the Wall Street Journal requires subscription to read the full article.)
Reference, City of Pacifica, CA - Sea Level Rise.  Local Coastal Plan (LCP) draft update, 10/17/17, pdf pages 13.  *SLR acronym: Service/Light Industrial/Residential (SLR) mixed use district, description by the Planning Department/City of San Francisco.     Note photograph from Pacifica Patch/CA News Wire Service, 4/28/17, "Pacifica home prices near All-time high..."

Posted by Kathy Meeh

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

State of the City: Democrats meeting, Saturday May 19, 2018

Image result for state of the city picture
State of the City, welcome to all,
and breakfast on Saturday, perfect!
This Saturday morning, May 19, the monthly meeting of the Pacifica - Daly City Democrats Club will feature a “State of the City” presentation by Pacifica Mayor John Keener and City Manager Kevin Woodhouse.

The meeting, in the rear banquet room at the Sharp Park Golf Course Restaurant, will begin at 9:30 a.m.  Breakfast will be available for $12, continental for $6, or just coffee for $3. However, no purchase is necessary, and the meeting is free and open to the general public. 
If you have not yet joined or renewed your membership in Pacifica - Daly City Democrats,  please consider becoming a 2018 member now: In the club’s election of 2018-2019 officers on June 16, only those members of record as of May 19 will be eligible to vote.

Submitted by Connie Menefee, Club President 

Reference, City of Pacifica, CA.          Note graphic: A book cover from Amazon Books, "Can a City be sustainable?" ... by The Worldwatch Institute.

Posted by Kathy Meeh

Friday, May 11, 2018

City Council meeting, Monday May 14, 2018

Attend in person, 2212 Beach Boulevard, 2nd floor. Or view on local television or live feed Pacific Coast TV. If you missed meetings, view on PCT26 YouTube!  The city council meeting begins at 7 p.m., or shortly there following. City Council updates and archives are available on the City Council website.      Channel 26 television schedule, see Monday, 5/14/18.  

 Interactive City Council meeting agenda, 5/14/18.       City Council meeting agenda, 5/14/18, pdf pages 1,199.

Closed session, 5:00 p.m. 
Image result for Pacifica, CA Fassler Avenue picture
Item 6, 24-unit condominium development.
Think of it this way NIMBIES, you get
 another trail with a view. Others get a life.
1.     CA code 54957.6.  Conference with labor negotiator:  Firefighters local 240, Battalion Chiefs, Local 856; Wastewater Treatment Plant employees, Local 856, Miscellaneous Local 856, Department Directors, Local 350, Managers Local 350; Police Officers Association, Police Supervisors Association, Police Management Local 350.
2.    Litigation: Government Code 4956.9 (1).  Chang family (Errol Chang wrongful death) v. City of Pacifica, City of Daly City et al,  filed 10/5/15, Case 4:15-cv-04591-SBA. 
3.    Study Session, 5:45 p.m.  Annual reports: City Commissions and Committees, report.  a)  Planning Commission Annual Report.  b)  Beautification Advisory Committee Presentation.  c)  Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission Annual Report.. d)  Open Space and Parkland Advisory Committee Presentation.  e) Emergency Preparedness and Safety Commission Annual Report.  f)  Economic Development Committee Presentation. 
Open session, 7:00 p.m.  Call to order, roll call, salute to flag.  Closed Session report.    
Special presentations:  1) Proclamation:  Pacifica Mizpah fellowship. 2) Life Saving Medal:  Officer Gomez. 
Consent Calendar   
1.    Approval of financial disbursements (checks), FY 2017-18, 4/1/18 - 4/15/18.
2.    Approval of Minutes, 4/23/18.
3.    Proclamation confirming existence of a local emergency, Pacifica Coastline: Westline Drive to the end of Beach Blvd, report.  a)  photographs, 5/3/18. 
4.    Resolution supporting CA state bond measure: Proposition 68, the CA drought, water, parks, climate, coastal protection, and outdoor access for all act of 2018, report/resolution. (Grant funding benefit for our City parks, at least $200,000.)
5.     Resolution supporting CA state proposition 69, and opposing repeal of Senate Bill 1 (SB1), the road repair and accountability act of 2017, report/resolution.  a)  City streets and roads paving program memo summary, annual benefit to our city $650,000 est.  The current City pavement condition index (PCI) is 54, (5o is considered poor). $44 million est. is needed to bring our streets/roads PCI up to 84 (ideal).    
Communications.  Public (oral), City Council, City Staff.  Public Hearings, none.

Public hearings
6.    Council member call-up of the Planning Commission's environmental, ordinance, and permit approval with conditions for 24-unit condominium development: 801 Fassler Avenue (APNs 022-083-020 and 022-083-030), report/resolution.  a) Draft ordinance: b) Zoning map.  c) Legal description.  
Planning Commission process and approval: d)  Report  11/6/17; e)  Minutes, 11/6/17. f)  Report, 2/5/18; g)  Minutes, 2/5/18. h)  Report, 3/19/18; i)  Minutes, 3/19/18. j)  Signed resolution 991. k) Project plans. l)  Supplemental EIR. m) Land use/zoning.  
Planning Commission considered alternatives/studies/conditions: n) Building A cross section/ proposed alternative. o)  Elevations comparison. p) Traffic observations, 11/ 2017. q)  Fassler Avenue, restriping plan approval; r)  Proposed striping plan, 3/2018. s) Trail network. t) Deed restriction plan. u)  BMR units. v)  Flat roof alternative. 
7.  Proposed 2018-19 General Fund budget: departmental briefings, report.  a) Proposed 2018-19 General Fund summary. 
Closed Session item 2 (litigation), related article. Fix Pacifica posting 10/24/15: Pacifica Tribune/Jane Northrop, Staff Writer, 10/13/15, "Chang family files lawsuit for wrongful death."
Public hearings, Item 6 (24 unit condominium development, reference. City of Pacifica, The Prospects residential project, 801 Fassler Avenue.    Note photograph, land one block up hill from the proposed Fassler Avenue project, (909 Fassler) from Redfin.

Posted by Kathy Meeh

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Planning Commission meeting, Monday May 7, 2018

Attend in person, 2212 Beach Boulevard, 2nd floor.  Or, view on local Pacific Coast television, Pacifica Channel 26If you miss civic meetings, view on PCT 26 You Tube!  The planning commission meeting begins at 7 p.m., or shortly there following.  Planning Commission updates, archives are available on the City website: City Council Agendas, and City Planning Commission.  Channel 26 television schedule, see Monday, 5/7/18.  

Image result for Pacifica, CA pictures
Item 1. Could be capital improvement
and economic improvement are related.
Interactive Planning Commission agenda, 5/7/18.     Planning Commission agenda, 5/7/18, pdf pages 209. 

Open Session, 7:00 p.m.  Administrative:  Approval of order of Agenda, Approval of Draft Minutes:  a) 4/2/18;  b) 4/16/18 .
Designation of Planning Commission liaison to City Council meeting, 5/14/18:  801 Fassler call up; and Annual Report to Council.   
Consent items, none.  New Public Hearings, none.  Communications:  Public oral.                      

Review of our City 2018-2023 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for consistency with the General Plan (GP) and Local Coastal Land Use Plan (LCLUP), report.  a) Draft Resolution, b) Capital Improvement Program (CIP)

Communications:  Planning Commission, Staff, Adjourn.   


Reference, development/planning acronyms.  APN, Assessor's parcel number.  CDP, Coastal Development permit. CZ, (Coastal Zone Combining) zoning districts. DP, development permit. GPA, General Plan Amendment.  LDR, low density residential.  PD, Planned Development.  PE, Parking Exception. PSD, Site Development permit. PV, Permit Variance. S, Sign permit. SE, Sign Exception. SP, Specific Plan. RIA, Rent Increase Application.  SUB Subdivision. TA, text amendment (ordinance). UP, Use permit.  Zoning: California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).  CA CEQA Guidelines, Article 19, Categorical Exemptions: Class 1 categorical exemption, section 15301. Freestanding single-family residences set-back and parking, C-1, neighborhood commercial. C-3, Service Commercial.  R1, single-family residential,  S, City of Pacifica Sign ordinance.  CA code, accessory (second residential) dwelling units, 65852.2.  Zoning/Planning Handouts, City of Pacifica.  RZ, rezoning.  TDR, transfer of development rights (urban planning).  City: Capital Improvement program (CIP), Title/Ordinances/Municipal Code. General Plan. (GP) update documents, background history. Local Coastal Land Use Plan, (LCLUP), update documents.    Note photograph by Ashley Marzigliano, from, "A perfect getaway to Pacifica, CA", 4/1/16.

 Posted by Kathy Meeh