Sunday, July 23, 2017

City Council meeting, Monday July 24, 2017

Attend in person, 2212 Beach Boulevard, 2nd floor. Or view on local television or live feed Pacific Coast TV. If you missed meetings, view on PCT26 YouTube!  The city council meeting begins at 7 p.m., or shortly there following. City Council updates and archives are available on the City Council website.      Channel 26 television schedule, see Monday, 07/24/17.

Interactive City Council Agenda, 7/24/17       City Council Agenda, 7/24/17, pdf pages 166

Open session, 7:00 p.m.
Call to order, roll call, salute to flag.  Closed Session, none; Closed Session report, none. 
Image result for national marine sanctuaries near Pacifica, CA picture
Item 9. Trump plan for Marine Sanctuaries: drill baby drill.
Special presentations: Eduardo Gonzalez, Youth Leadership Institute.
Consent Calendar 
1.     Approval of financial disbursements, report, a) 6/16/17 - 6/30/17.
2.     Approval of City Council meeting Minutes, report. a) 7/10/17
3.     Response to San Mateo County Grand Jury Report, "English is not our only language.. " local law enforcement outreach programs, report. a) SM County Grand Jury Report, b) City of Pacifica response.
4.     Resolution approving CA State Department of Education providing child care and child development services, FY 2017-18, amount $720,305, report/resolution. a) Child development programs contract, b) Preschool program contract.
5.     Bi-lateral easement agreement, Sharp Park Library, intersection Palmetto Avenue and Hilton Way, report/Resolution. a) Agreement.
6.     Davey Tree Expert Company maintenance and emergency services, report. a) Contract renewal, FY 2017-18.
7.     Resolution designating the City Manager by title, the authorized hazard mitigation grant program agent (to preserve the infrastructure along/in front of 310-330 Esplanade),  report. a) Signed resolution, 5/23/16, b) proposed updated 3 year resolution.
8.     Calera Creek water recycling plant and pump stations condition assessment agreement: RMC, a Woodward & Curran Company, amount $347,200, report. a) Agreement, 7/10/17.
9.     Resolution opposing President Trump's order to review designation of National Marine Sanctuaries in the west coast region, report/resolution.
Communications - Public (Oral); City Council; City Staff. 

Public Hearings
10.    Annual Pacifica Hotel Business Improvement district report, FY 2017-18, report/resolution.
11.    Resolution accepting the sewer service charges, FY 2017-18 for collection by SM County Controller, report/resolution. a) Water consumption fee schedule. 
12.    Appoint 2 council members to a local coastal plan (sea level rise) update ad hoc subcommittee, report.
13.    Post 4th of July report (originated by police), report.
14.    Ordinance amending publication and reporting of campaign contributions and expenditure information, (introduce and waive the first reading). Chapter 8, Title 2, adding campaign filing and disclosure requirements section 2-8.05, report/ordinance pages 3-6.
15.    Repeal and rescind ordinance 814, a temporary moratorium on certain residential rent increases and just cause evictions, report/ordinance.
16.    Council voting delegate (and 2 alternative delegates) for the annual League of CA Cities conference, Sacramento, CA, September 13-15, 2017, report. a) application.
Item 9.  Related article. The Mercury News/Environment and science/Paul Rogers, 7/7/17, "Trump order that could shrink CA and Pacific ocean marine sanctuaries moves forward. Offshore oil drilling, mining could expand in CA."  Note Sonoma coastline photograph by Martin L. Nelson, VideoLab Multimedia from National Marine Sanctuaries/Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary,
"Cordell Bank and Gulf of the Farallones expansion."   

Posted by Kathy Meeh

City Council meeting, Monday July 10, 2017

Attend in person, 2212 Beach Boulevard, 2nd floor. Or view on local television or live feed Pacific Coast TV. If you missed meetings, view on PCT26 YouTube!  The city council meeting begins at 7 p.m., or shortly there following. City Council updates and archives are available on the City Council website.      Channel 26 television schedule, see Monday, 07/10/17.

 Once again, this is the past city council meeting, the 7/24/17 meeting will follow. Again, I made only a minor correction to this old document, and the system updated to current. Something new in the Blogger system. Sorry for any confusion caused to you.  Kathy 

Interactive City Council Agenda, 7/10/17      City Council Agenda, 7/10/17, pdf pages 171

Item 7.  EQ Basin collects a spider
Open session, 7:00 p.m.
Call to order, roll call, salute to flag.  Closed Session, none; Closed Session report. Special presentations, none.
Consent Calendar 
1.     Approval of financial disbursements, report.  a) 6/5/17 - 6/14/17. 
2.     Approval of City Council meeting Minutes. report.  a) 6/26/17.
3.     Proclamation:  Local Emergency, coastline Westline Drive to end of Beach Blvd, report. a) photo, 7/6/17.
4.     Cancellation of City Council meeting, 8/28/17, report.
5.     Resolution:  intention to continue the Business Improvement District (BID) program, and levy the annual assessment for FY 2017-18. report/resolution. a) Chamber of Commerce annual report.
6.     Resolution: authorize Board of State and Community Corrections grant funds  ($30,174) to enhance homeless outreach efforts, report/resolution.
7.     Approve the Wet Weather Equalization Basin project Material Testing and Geotechnical services contract: Construction Testing Services, Inc., $264,407, report.  a) CTS consultant services agreement, pdf pages 21.
8.     Adopt the City marijuana public safety licenses ordinance: Chapter 16, Title 4 (new), second reading, report/odinance, pdf pages 13.
9.     Adopt the City marijuana operations" zoning regulation ordinance with map overlay districts (new), second reading, report/ordinance, pdf pages 42. 
Communications - Public (Oral); City Council; City Staff. Consideration items, none.

Public Hearings 
10.     Update City 2017-18 fees and charges, report/proposed resolution.  a) Master schedule spreadsheet 2017-18, pdf pages 22.

Reference, Item 7.  City of Pacifica/Waste Water Collection (EQ Basin).     Note photo/graphic from CNN/Frank Pallotta, 7/7/17, " 'Spider-Man:' Homecoming and the attack of the acclaimed superhero movie."

Posted by Kathy Meeh

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Planning Commission meeting, Monday July 17, 2017

Attend in person, 2212 Beach Boulevard, 2nd floor.  Or, view on local television or live feed Pacificcoast.TV, (formerly  If you miss civic meetings, view on PCT 26 You Tube!  The planning commission meeting begins at 7 p.m., or shortly there following.  Planning Commission updates, archives are available on the City website: City Council Agendas, and City Planning Commission.  Channel 26 television schedule, see Monday, 07/17/17.


Interactive Planning Commission agenda, 7/17/17    Planning Comission Agenda, 7/17/17 pdf pages 479. 

Image result for 435 Gateway Drive, Pacifica, CA picture
Item 1.  435 Gateway Drive
multi-family dwelling complex
rent increase application.

Open Session, 7:00 p.m.  Administrative :  Order of the meeting agenda; approval of draft Minutes:  a) 05-15-17,  b)  06-5-17, c) 06/19/17.

Designation of PC liaison to the next City Council meeting, none.   

Communications: Public oral. Study Session, none.  Consent Items, none.  Closed Session, none. Presentation, none. Consideration Items, none.


Continued Public hearings

1.  Rent increase application RIA-1-16, municipal code 9-4.2455(E). Increase rent by 25% or market rates, whichever is lower, upon expiration of each tenant's term: multi-family apartment complex, 435 Gateway Drive (APN 009-540: 110, 120, 130,140, 150, 160, 170.) Report:  a) Draft Resolution, b) Report 6/19/17, pdf pages 156.

2.  Amend various municipal text (TA) codes for accessory dwelling/secondary residential units to conform with CA legislative code 65852.2 (affecting residential property Citywide). Report: TA-105-17:  a) Resolution - TA-105-17, b) CA law: AB 2299 and SB 1069, c) Existing Articles 4.5, d) Draft Chapters 4, 5, 7 ordinances, e) Existing municipal code to be amended, pdf pages 103. f) Planning Commission Minutes, 4/17/17. g) Transit Proximity map, 4/17/17. h) Active transit bus stops, within 1/2 mile. i) CA Housing and Community Development Memorandum, 12/2016. j)  Report 4/17/17, without attachments.

New Public hearings 

Image result for electric automobile charge station picture
Item 3. Consider code text amendment:
Electric vehicle (EV) charging stations

3.   Consider amending text codes (TA-108-17), Chapter 4, article 28 requiring installation of electric vehicle charging stations (affecting property Citywide).  Report: a) Electric vehicle sales trend, 2011-2017. b) Draft Resolution and ordinance.

Communications:  Planning Commission, Staff, Adjourn. 

Reference, Item 1. Multi-family dwelling rent increase, 435 Gateway Drive: Google Street Map. Reference, acronyms.  APN, Assessor's parcel number, CDP, Coastal Development permit. CZ, (Coastal Zone Combining) zoning districts. LDR, low density residential.  PE, Parking Exception. PSD, Site Development permit. PV, Variance. S, Sign permit. SP, Specific Plan. RIA, Rent Increase Application.  SUB Subdivision. TA, text amendment (ordinance). UP, Use permit.  Zoning. California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).   CA CEQA Guidelines, Article 19, Categorical Exemptions.  Freestanding single-family residences set-back and parking, C-1, neighborhood commercial, R1, S, City of Pacifica Sign ordinance.  CA code, accessory (second residential) dwelling units, 65852.2.  Zoning/Planning Handouts, City of Pacifica.       Note photographs. Item 1, 435 Gateway Drive, The Summit at Skyline/Marymount Gateway from Walk Score. Item 3, Electric vehicle charging station, Getty Image from ABC News/Susanna Kim, 10/2/13,"Palo Alto, Calif. City requires electric car charging stations for new homes."

Posted by Kathy Meeh

Friday, July 14, 2017

Democrats meeting, Saturday, July 15: Jackie Speier, Vision for America PAC

Forwarded group email from H. J. Crow, 7/10/17. "REMINDER: Congresswoman Jackie Speier speaking at Pacifica - Daly City Democrats meeting this Saturday, July 15."
Image result for Congresswoman Jackie Speier picture
 "Jackie always makes us proud"
Image result for Congresswoman Jackie Speier pictureImage result for Congresswoman Jackie Speier picture"Congresswoman Jackie Speier will be speaking at the monthly meeting of the Pacifica-Daly City Democrats Club this Saturday, July 15th. 

The meeting will begin at 9:30 a.m. in the rear banquet room at the Sharp Park Golf Course Restaurant in Pacifica. A full breakfast is available for $12, continental breakfast for $6 or just coffee or tea for $3. The meeting is free and open to the general public; no purchase is necessary. We expect a large turnout, so come early: Doors open at 9:00 a.m..

In addition to getting the inside scoop on what’s happening in Washington, the Club will be collecting donations for Jackie’s Vision for America PAC to assist her in her tireless work to counter the Trump administration’s regressive agenda. If you plan to contribute to this effort to retake the House of Representatives and support candidates who share our democratic values, be sure to bring your checkbook.

For more information, contact Judy Heldberg, Secretary, or 650-359-6874." 
Related article.  Pacifica Tribune (print version), Letters to the Editor/Connie Menefee, 7/12/17, "Come hear Rep. Jackie Speier speak." "Dear Editor, the Tribune limits LTE's to a 250 word count, which is wholly inadequate to wax eloquently about our 14th Congressional district representative Jackie Speier. Suffice it to say, Jackie always makes us proud, especially when she's speaking truth to power on the House floor or directing incisive questions to recalcitrant Republicans as a member of the U.S. House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.  Jackie is at the forefront of the Trump resistance movement through her Vision for America PAC, committed to retaking the House of Representatives in 2018 and supporting candidates and colleagues who share our democratic values.  Congresswoman Speier will be speaking at the monthly meeting of the Pacifica-Daly City Democrats on Saturday, July 15th. In addition to getting the inside scoop on all things Washington, the Club will be collecting donations for Jackie's Vision PAC to assist her in her tireless efforts to countermand Trump's regressive agenda. ... "  

Reference, Congresswoman Jackie Speier, 14th District. Website.  Facebook. Wikipedia. Vision for America PAC.

Note photographs/graphics. Right:  "Proudly representing San Francisco and the Peninsula" from Highlight Hollywood/Tommy Lightfoot Garrell, "Attorney Gloria Allred to appear in D.C. with Congresswoman Jackie Speier ..."  "Is House Intelligence Committee an oxymoron?" from Daily Kos, 3/30/17, YouTube 48 seconds,"Democratic Rep. Jackie Speier on Nunes' Jekyll/Hyde routine." Left:  Jackie Speier smiling, face page image to Candys Tube,"MSNBC/AM Joy: Watergate Prosecutor On Russia Probe Parallels."  Caption under the MSNBC photograph quoted by Connie Menefee from her related LTE/article.

Posted by Kathy Meeh

Monday, July 10, 2017

Palmetto Avenue to get an improved downtown street

Pacifica Tribune/Editorial, 7/7/17. "At long last, Pacifica gets a downtown" by Mike O'Neill, Mayor  

Image result for Pacifica, CA Palmetto Street Scape picture
 20 years to improve the Old Town street--
or is it 53 years? Thanks again (not) NIMBIES!
....  "Over the years many groups such as WESPAC, Palmetto Merchants and former Council Members Julie Lancelle, MaryAnn Nihart and Len Stone lobbied and pushed forward with the efforts. Supervisor Don Horsley worked with the county for additional funding. Citizens such as Robine Runneals, Shirley Gibbs, Kathleen Manning, Debra Nagel Burks and Lynn Adams were crucial in the ongoing efforts to get us here today.

Pacifica has worked 20 years for this project, enduring detailed planning, dust, disruption, noise and delays. The finish line is in sight. By the end of this year we shall have a new day in Pacifica, a new economic growth area and a downtown that will provide jobs, revenue and a source of civic pride. Amenities such as shops and restaurants will bring vibrancy and reasons not to go over the hill.

I also want to thank the Economic Development Committee and Samantha Hauser in particular for putting this event together. Last and certainly not least I would like to express my gratitude to City of Pacifica staff that worked so diligently through the years to achieve this goal. I know that Van Ocampo and the staff of Engineering and Public Works who labored diligently over the years creating this project will continue to protect the citizens and neighborhood in the coming years. The City of Pacifica is committed, and pledges to the ongoing efforts to mitigate the challenges we face from coastal erosion and aging infrastructure."  Read more.

Related Tribune Editor's note.  These were the opening remarks made at the groundbreaking event for the Palmetto Main Street Project.
Related article. Pacifica Tribune/Jane Northrop, Staff Writer, 6/30/17, "Palmetto Main Street christened. Project has been in works since 1964." .... "Part of Palmetto Avenue will be transformed to be more pedestrian- and bike-friendly with a unified theme promoting it as Pacifica’s Main Street. It has historically been one of the oldest streets in Pacifica and that history will be part of the main streetscape themes to attract businesses and visitors."

Reference. City of Pacifica/Palmetto Streetscape Project. "Many years ago, the 10-block stretch of Palmetto Avenue between Clarendon and Paloma Avenues was identified in the General Plan as the future site of a 'Main Street' for Pacifica. The Palmetto Streetscape Project is one of several projects to develop the "Main Street".  Work Already Done.  In 2013, the City completed undergrounding the overhead utilities and in 2014, the City finalized the streetscape plan to make the area more pedestrian and bicycle friendly as well as support business success. Pacifica received a grant of $1 million toward the project and the remaining funding needed for Phase 1 has been secured. .... The City expects to begin physical construction of the streetscape project in May, 2017. Construction is anticipated to be completed in Summer 2018.  Improvements include corner bulbs, planter areas, LED street lights, Class II bike lanes, ADA ramps, and new crosswalks. ....   Congresswoman Speier congratulated Pacifica for this new potential economic engine."

Note photograph by Jane Northrop/Staff Writer from the above related article.

Posted by Kathy Meeh