And, what the climate committee is recommending will fundamentally change the way we go about our business, and in my opinion, not in an economically viable way. Davidson's insistence on having the general plan follow climate's plan is an indication of things to come. I would recommend reading some of the draft report. It'll chill you. From the Pacifica Climate Action Task Force Committee their Climate Action Plan Draft, 4/20/11.
The following is from a letter Carlos Davidson sent to the Planning Commission 2/13/11. "I am the chair of the Pacifica Climate Action Plan Task Force. In that capacity, I am writing to comment on the most recent Plan Materials. It is my understanding that the Climate Action Plan is supposed to become part of the General Plan update. I am concerned that the General Plan update now may be moving forward too fast, such that important aspects of the general plan will be completed before the Climate Action Plan is ready. I am also concerned that aspects of the recent GP materials are not consistent with recommendations likely to come from the Climate Action Plan. For example, the recent General Plan materials includes maps of proposed changes to residential zoning. Our draft Climate Action Plan language currently recommends that Pacifica pursue a strategy of "Smart Growth" which encourages future residential development to be close to transit and close to existing commercial areas. It does not appear that the proposed zoning changes for residential development are consistent with a Smart Growth strategy. I would suggest that the General Plan process be slowed down so there is sufficient time to consider recommendations from the Climate Action Plan. And, second, there should be some formal mechanism setup to insure the Climate Action Plan informs the development of the General Plan."
Submitted by Jim Wagner
Now this is fascinating reading. Contains lots of history and much "institutional memory". I don't know Curtis but have certainly read/heard a lot about him. He makes somewhat surprising suggestions given his reputation in some groups. I must say he's correct about what visitors see when they drive in from north or south--ratty, rundown shopping centers, and they keep on going. That's the impression this town makes and that's why visitors just drive right on through. And who knew John Curtis wants a big hotel in the quarry? Fascinating stuff. In the interest of information, glad it was posted.
He wants more Big Mac's Fries
Could Curtis be the real unabomber?
He wrote rambling psychotic messages like this?
We must find Curtis's diary!!!
John Curtis no longer lives in Pacifica, like Jeff Simons, he can't let go. No one should take this manifesto seriously.
I, for one, am glad Jeffrey Simons won't let go and thank him for his many contributions to this city. Unlike Curtis, who has caused many of our economic and infrastructure problems, Jeffrey Simons has put himself on the line and exposed these and many of the other problems we would never have known about if not for him. As far as I'm concerned, Simons is a hero, unlike the many cowards who post here.
"And who knew John Curtis wants a big hotel in the quarry?"
Anon (1105) page 9, "The quarried pad could be be the site of a fine hotel and restaurants". Page 10 bottom and 11, Curtis advocates for "a discount mall, successful downtown like Sonoma or Santa Cruz or Capitola or even Half Moon Bay," built by a quality developer. "Commercial uses to attract tourists"...avoid big box.. recreation orientated,,mix of specialty stores..maybe a bed and breakfast". Then, page 11, "Any development will face formidable obstacles and potential lawsuits. It may never happen, but I know that if developers gets greedy, then he gets nothing, and a big, free-standing housing element is OUT."
Apparently Curtis is no fan of "mixed-use", which has been a green village concept trend for the past several years all over the world. And, there does not seem to be any direct lawsuit threat by him (only stated there will be lawsuits). Throughout the text, in most areas of the city, Curtis advocates for "open space" and "open space residential". (no surprise). Someone want to explain or elaborate on "open space residential"?
From my view and functionally, this city with 50-60% open space, suffers economically from way too much UNPRODUCTIVE, large area "open space" that has been or will be transferred into parkland (GGNRA). Several months ago, in the General Plan citizens study session forum, citizens favored more district parks, but mostly there is no space and no maintenance money for that. As I recall, the City and POOCH were challenged in even finding an adequate space and location for a needed dog park. (Currently heavy planning fees for the dog park and other parks are being paid by those who would develop and build in this city).
Anon (650) Curtis has a long history with this city is primarily responsible for the "open space" direction it has taken over the past 30 years, the consequences of which we live with. Jeff was a valuable, intelligent ally and promoted our pro-economy cause when he was here, with our appreciation for that he should move-on.
It's an interesting document. Posted simply to stir the pot. Curtis still has lots of friends and like-thinkers in Pacifica and with that in mind it's worth reading.
Anon 12:22, worth reading is the Climate Control Task force draft report, the draft EIR for HWY 1,Dinah's "let me blow my horn" rants in the GM appendix, and any other "NIMBY" report that has ever come out of this city. Are you myopic or do you really want to be an unincorporated area of the county, because that's where we are headed, visionary.
I will say Simon's research skills are amazing, simply amazing.
Umm Curtis's address is on that unabomber rambling
None of you guys did..
end of discusssion
Alright Jeff, you can stop calling yourself a hero, you're not fooling anyone. Please do yourself a favor and seek therapy.
Sinai, you are looking more and more like a fool
I posted that, Simons did not
Jim, none of the above comments are mine, although I do suspect "Simons Fan" is Simons.
Sinai, now you are sounding like the Lockhorns, the old married couple who stay together just to fight and argue
Or a bitter X who goes thru life complaining about the rotten x and how they got screwed in the divorce
Simons, ran for council got about 4500 votes
No one else on this blog except Mary Ann and Tom Clifford ran
This is the reason why Vreeland got reelected, no one would get off their asses and back one of the candiates last election
From the article "Climate Action Plan informs the development of the General Plan."
Sounds reasonable, except in Pacifica that probably translates to plan 100 years ahead based upon some theoretical models. And that planning involves "managed retreat" only. Give nature the lead, build nothing west of highway 1, and allow the seawall to deteriorate. Nice, except for homeowners, businesses, the golf course, the highway-- and there goes the city, except for the frogs and snakes that managed to travel uphill.
When I checked the queue of comments to be moderated this morning, there were four or five comments mentioning Jeff Simons. None of them was civil. This always happens when his name comes up.
From this point forward, any comment mentioning Jeff will not be posted. It's best we forget about him, and let him get on with his life.
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