Monday, July 12, 2021

Democrats Club Breakfast meeting, this Saturday July 17, 2021

free welcome back clipart - Clip Art Library
The Pacifica - Daly City Democrats Club will hold its monthly meeting at Sharp Park Restaurant this Saturday, July 17, beginning at 9:30 a.m. 

This will mark our return to having live and present breakfast meetings for the first time since February 2020!

The meeting is open to the public but limited to those who have been fully vaccinated for Covid (at least two weeks after second Pfizer or Moderna shot or after
a J&J shot). Entering the meeting room will mean that you attest that you have been fully vaccinated. Please respect the health and saf
ety concerns of all who are present.

welcome back meme -
Think I'll just eat breakfast, listen
to speakers, and think about it first.

Our program will be a presentation on today’s labor and union issues, by two leading members of the San Mateo County Democratic Party: Brigid O’Farrell, a sociologist who writes and lectures on employment equity, American unions and labor history; and Erin Chazer, a San Mateo Labor Council executive.

Please note that purchase of breakfast is optional, but if you wish to have breakfast or coffee, we can accept only cash or personal check (payable to Sharp Park Restaurant): Full Breakfast $12; Continental $6; Coffee, Tea, or Chocolate $3.

Submitted by H. James Crow, Club Treasurer

Brigid O'Farrell, author, Sociologist, employment equity scholar, industrial and labor relations.  Erin Chazer, labor and building trades councils, San Mateo Labor Council's Assistant Executive Officer, previous Jerry Hill staffer.  Related. San Mateo County Democratic Party.  San Mateo County Central Labor Council.       Note graphics:  Welcome Back from Clipart Library; Obama meme lead to
Posted by Kathy Meeh

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