Saturday, March 6, 2021

City Council meeting, Monday March 8, 2021

This City Council meeting may be viewed and virtually participated in on ZOOM ,  or  through the City website livestreamDial-in is also available 1-669-900-6833 .  Also, this City Council meeting will be televised on local Pacific Coast Television PCT/Pacifica Channel 26 PCT also links their program calendar, and recent coastside civic meeting videos.   
Complying with the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Disease Notice (fully detailed on page 1 of the City Council PDF link below):  this civic meeting will not be physically open to the public, and will be held through teleconferencing.   
Public comments, see pages 1 and 2 of the pdf agenda below.  1) Live access is available through Zoom and dial-in: during the public comment period, press 9 to raise your hand; when called upon, provide the last 4 digits of your phone number.   Or, 2) comments for the record only prior to 4 pm date of the meeting may be submitted to  1) In the subject line be sure to specify whether oral communications or an Agenda item and the number, 2) in the text include your full na
me, 3) limit your text to no more than 350 words.  Note: many of the pdf links below currently redirect to the City (requires an extra step to open).

 Interactive City Council Agenda, 3/8/21      City Council Agenda, 3/8/21, pdf pages 316.

Consideration item 9.  Villages at Pacifica.
Proposed Affordable Housing Agreement.
Termination of prior Condominium Agreement.

Open Session, 7 p.m.  Administrative, call to order, roll call, flag salute. Public Hearings, none.  Special Presentations, none.

Consent Calendar

1.    Approve financial disbursement
s (checks) FY 2020-2021:   a) 
1/16/21 - 1/31/21.
2.    Approve Minutes: a)
3.    Continuation of a Proclamation: Coastline from Westline Drive to the end of Beach Blvd,
report.  a) Proclamation.
4.    Continuation of a Proclamation: Local emergency at the Anza pump station,
report.  a) Proclamation.
5.    Continuation of a Proclamation:  Local emergency regarding Novel (new) Coronavirus (COVID-19), report.  a) Proclamation.
6.    Approve Teamsters Local 856  side letters of agreement: working out of class/limited term assignments,
report/Resolution.  Bargaining Units:  a) Wastewater.  b) Miscellaneous.  Original agreements, 2018-2021:  c) Wastewater.  d) Miscellaneous.
7.    Approve the Woodard & Curran, Inc. agreement for design of Sharp Park Pump Station improvements, $286,485,
report/Resolution.  a) Agreement.
8.   Receive the General Plan Implementation of the Housing Element 2015-2023 annual progress report (file, transmit to CA Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD), and the Governor's Office of Planning and Research (OPR),
report.  a) Housing Element APR.  b) Regional Housing Needs Allocation schedule.
Public oral communications (through Zoom, or telephone).
Council communications, Staff communications. 

Implement an Affordable Housing Regulatory Agreement,  and terminate the condominium approval agreements with the Villages at Pacifica apartment complex (formerly Marymount Summit/Gateway Apartments),
report.  a) Resolution (draft).  Prior City Council action:  b) Report, 11/23/20.  c)  Minutes, 11/23/20.  d)  City Council Resolution 12/4/20.  e)  Affordable Housing Regulatory Agreement, 1/26/21.     Pacifica Villages LP, proposed property management: The John Stewart Company (JSCo)  f) Pacifica Villages LP letter 3/1/21.  g) JSCo firm resume.  h) Senior executive and staff resumes.
10.   Appointments to Committees, and Commissions, report.  List of applicants: a) Beautification Advisory Committee.  b) Open Space & Parkland Advisory Committee.  c) Planning Commission.
Note:  photograph for Villages at Pacifica from
Housing on Merit (HOM).
Other City News.
  Connect with Pacifica/Kevin Woodhouse, City Manager, 3/5/21. 
Posted by Kathy Meeh

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