Introducing SFO's NEW Aircraft Noise Tracking Technology
We are excited to announce the arrival of SFO’s NEW Aircraft Noise Tracker. This tool gives you a near real-time look at actual flight tracks and noise levels around the airport. You can investigate aircraft-related noise events, validate your aircraft noise calculations, and submit community concerns directly to the SFO Aircraft Noise Abatement Office.
The tool enables you to:
- Find Specific Aircraft Information including an aircraft’s type, altitude, origin/destination airport, and other flight identification. Locating yourself on the map offers additional location-specific information.
- Determine Aircraft and Community Noise Levels from permanent and portable noise monitors deployed by the airport which are shown by the colored numbered dots.
- Replay and Investigate Historical Flights
- Display Map Layers of major SFO arrival & departure routes and noise contours
- Submit a Noise Report with SFO’s Aircraft Noise Abatement Office (Coming end of October)
- See Flights in 3D. Our previous tracker, Volans, is still available within the application and allows you to see flights in a 3D view.
Your feedback is important to us! Please share your impressions of the new flight tracker tool by emailing us at noiseabatementoffice@flysfo.com
typical pacifica council BS.. track the noise, call it in, get ignored. This is exactly what digre did for years. Zero noise reduction.
Every time you click the button on the app, a sternly worded letter from city council is delivered directly into the FAA's trashcan.
I am absolutely positive this new app will be a rousing success and SFO will alter their traffic patterns forthwith!
Said no one ever.
One of these days Pacifica may realize the truth. The town has no clout, none, and never will.
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