Friday, August 30, 2019

Joint City Council and Planning Commission Study Session, Tuesday September 3, 2019, 5:30 p.m.

Attend in person, 2212 Beach Boulevard, 2nd floor.  Or, view on local Pacific Coast television, PCT/Pacifica Channel 26PCT links to meeting videos: calendar, and recent coastside civic meeting videos. City Council and Planning Commission meetings usually begin at 7 p.m., or shortly there following.  This Joint Meeting begins at 5:30 p.m.  City meeting agendas (current and archived) are available on the City meetings calendar.  City websites:  City Council, and Planning Commission.
Image result for Pacifica, CA downtown picture
Item 1. Time to update the City General Plan, etc.
Interactive Joint meeting agenda, 9/3/19.      Joint meeting agenda, 9/3/19, pdf pages  664.

Open Study Session, 5:30 p.m.  Administrative.  
Study Session Agenda
1.     Plan Pacifica process to update the General Plan and Local Coastal Program, and to develop a new Park Pacifica Specific Plan (continued from 8/26/19), report.  a) General Plan and Local Coastal Program (LCP) 2014, proposed changes (draft).  b) Joint Study Session update summary report, 8/26/19.  c) Public Comments, pdf pages 464, received from 8/27/19, includes Natural Resources Agency report, 7/2014, (343 pages), and various other third party reports, documents and related letters. 
2.    Council and Commission questions and discussion.
3.    Public comments on Study Session agenda item.
4.    Final Council and Commission Comments.
Related.  Note the regular Planning Commission meeting scheduled for 7 p.m. has been cancelled, report.   Note photograph of Pacifica beach and Pacifica Beach Hotel from

Posted by Kathy Meeh

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Joint City Council and Planning Commission Study Session, Monday August 26, 2019, 5:00 p.m.

Image result for pacifica, Ca general plan picture
Planning for needed development
within our natural environment.
Attend in person, 2212 Beach Boulevard, 2nd floor.  Or, view on local Pacific Coast television, PCT/Pacifica Channel 26PCT links to meeting videos: calendar, and recent coastside civic meeting videos. City Council and Planning Commission meetings usually begin at 7 p.m., or shortly there following.  This Joint Meeting begins at 5:00 p.m.  City meeting agendas (current and archived) are available on the City meetings calendar.  City websites:  City Council, and Planning Commission

Interactive Joint meeting agenda, 8/26/19.      Joint meeting agenda, 8/26/19, pdf pages 179.

Open Study Session, 5:00 p.m.  Administrative. 
Study Session Agenda 
1.     Plan Pacifica process to update the General Plan and Local Coastal Program, and to develop a new Park Pacifica Specific Plan, report.  a) Minutes from Joint Session, 5/11/15.  b) Table discussion and live polling summary.  c) Public comment emails, letters, and forms.  d) Proposed changes to 2014 General Plan and LCP drafts.  
2.     Council and Commission questions and discussion.
3.     Public comments (on study session agenda item).
4.     Final Council and Commission comments.
Adjourn.   Note photograph by Liz Estes from

Posted by Kathy Meeh

City Council meeting, Monday August 26, 2019, 7:00 p.m.

Attend in person, 2212 Beach Boulevard, 2nd floor.  Or, view on local Pacific Coast television, PCT/Pacifica Channel 26PCT links to meeting videos: calendar, and recent coastside civic meeting videos. City Council and Planning Commission meetings usually begin at 7 p.m., or shortly there following.  City meeting agendas (current and archived) are available on the City meetings calendar.  City websites:  City Council, and Planning Commission.

Interactive City Council agenda, 8/26/19.       City Council agenda, 8/26/19, pdf pages 139.

Image result for Calvin Hinton, Pacifica, CA
A. Honor/Memory of Cal Hinton
Open Session, 7:00 p.m. Call to order, roll call, salute to flag. 
Special Presentations
A.    Proclamation in Honor/Memory of Cal Hinton.
B.    2019 Open Space Preservation Award to Pacific Beach Coalition. 
Consent Calendar 
1.    Approval of financial disbursements (checks), 7/16/19 - 7/31/19:  a) FY 2018-2019,  b)  FY 2019-2020. 
2.    Approval of City Council Minutes: a) 8/12/19.
3.    Approval of Freyer & Laureta, Inc. (F&L) for engineering design services, Balboa Way repair project, $75,000, report.  a) Agreement (CO30B).
4.    Notice of  Completion, Collection system projects, FY 2017-18, Pedro Point CO31A, report/Resolution.  a) Notice of Completion.
5.     Notice of Completion, Collection System Projects, FY 2018-19:  Oddstad and Terra Nova CO29A, report/Resolution.  a) Notice of Completion.
6.    Adoption of an Ordinance, amending Municipal Code sections 1-4.01, 1-4.02, and 2-1.133: governing appeal and council review of Commissions and Committees decisions, exempt from CEQA, to allow the Beautification Advisory Committee consideration of art projects on Public property, report/Ordinance.
Communications (Oral):  Public, City Council, City Staff. 

Image result for Pacifica Beach Coalition picture
B. Honor Pacifica Beach Coalition
Public hearings  
7.    Introduction of an Ordinance to repeal and replace Municipal Code, Title 4, Chapter 15, "Smoking Prohibitions", exempt from CEQA: Prohibit smoking is certain areas of the City and multi-unit residences, report/Ordinance.  a) Grand Jury Report. b) City response to Grand Jury Report.  c)  Staff report, 3/25/19.
8.  Confirmation of work tasks for City Manager's Office Management Analyst one-year limited-term position, report.  a) Management Analyst position description.
9.    Designation of voting delegate for League of California Cities Annual conference, report. a) Voting procedures, delegate/alternate form
Closed Session
1).   CA code 54956.8.  Conference with real property negotiator, lease price and terms, Stephen Johnson Photography, 1220 C Linda Mar Boulevard (APN 023-281-130). 
Note photographs. A. from a Pacifica Tribune article by Jean Bartlett, 11/25/16, re-posted on Fix Pacifica, 8/9/19, (for some reason couldn't find other available public pictures of Cal). B. from Pacifica Riptide, 10/30/12, "Assemblyman Jerry Hill Honors Pacifica Beach Coalition." 
Posted by Kathy Meeh

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Reminder Democrats meeting - Congresswoman Jackie Speier, this Saturday, August 24, 2019

Image result for Jackie Speier picture
Congresswoman Jackie Speier will speak to our City.
Speaker:  U.S. Representative JACKIE SPEIER,  

Day/date:  Saturday, August 24, 2019

Location:  Sharp Park Golf Course Restaurant 9:30 am, rear banquet room.
Venue:  Breakfast meeting, open to the public.  For more detail see the prior Meeting Announcement, also listed on the blog, below.

Note photograph from Media ITE/Justin Baragona, 12/16/17,  a KQED News Room video, "Dem Rep. Jackie Speier: 'Rumor on the Hill" is Trump will fire Mueller Before Christmas." 
Posted by Kathy Meeh

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Planning Commission meeting, Monday August 19, 2019

Attend in person, 2212 Beach Boulevard, 2nd floor.  Or, view on local Pacific Coast television, PCT/Pacifica Channel 26PCT links to meeting videos: calendar, and recent coastside civic meeting videos. City Council and Planning Commission meetings usually begin at 7 p.m., or shortly there following.  City meeting agendas (current and archived) are available on the City meetings calendar.  City websites:  City Council, and Planning Commission.  
Interactive Planning Commission agenda, 8/19/19.    Planning Commission agenda, 8/19/19, pdf pages 89.

Item 1.  Marymount Gateway apartment complex
rent increase to market rates.

Closed Session, 6:00 p.m.  No information.  

Open Session, 7:00 p.m.  Administrative:  approval of order of agenda; draft Minutes. a)  Minutes 7/15/19.  Designation of liaison to City Council meeting: none.  Consent items: none.  Consideration items: none. 
Public oral communications.

Continued Public hearings
1.   File 2018-036: RIA 2-18 applicatoin.  Increase rents to current market rate at the Marymount Gateway apartment complex, 435 Gateway Drive, report.  a) Resolution (draft).  b) Planning Commission report, 6/3/19. c) Condominium conversion information.  d) Resolution No. 976.  e) Annotated Rent Roll (7/2019 rent survey comps chart). f) Pacifica rent survey supplement,7/2019.  g)  Marymount Report, HIP affordable housing compliance, 6/2019.
Communications:  Planning Commission, Staff.  Adjourn.
Reference, development/planning acronyms. 
ADU, Accessory dwelling unit cons
truction, APN, Assessor's parcel number.  CDP, Coastal Development permit.  COAs, conditions of approval.  CZ, (Coastal Zone Combining) zoning districts. DA, development agreement. DP, development permit. HDR, High density residential. GPA, General Plan Amendment.  LCP, Local Coastal Program.  LDR, low density residential.  MDR, medium density residential. MUP, Marijuana Use permit. PD, Planned Development.  PE, Parking Exception.  PSD, Site Development permit. PUE. Public utilities easment. PV, Permit Variance.  RIA, Rent Increase Application.  S, Sign permit. SE, Sign Exception. SF, square foot. SP, Specific Plan.  SUB, Subdivision. TA, text amendment (ordinance). UP, Use permit.    Zoning: California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).   CA CEQA: Guidelines, Article 19, Categorical Exemptions: Class 1 categorical exemptions: existing facilities, section 15301; no significant effect section 15061(b)(3); not a project, a review, section 15378. Freestanding single-family residences set-back and parking, C-1, neighborhood commercial.  C-2, Commercial/Office (within 100  ft. of a residential zone) C-3, Service Commercial. Class 3 categorical exemption, section 15303(a).  Class 32, Infill Development projects, section 15332.  MND, Mitigated negative declaration. MMRP, Mitigation monitoring and reporting program.  MOD, modification of subdivision regulations.  MO-RB, Marijuana Operation-Rockaway Beach Overlay District.  MRO, Marijuana Retail Operation.  PMC, Pacifica Municipal Code.  R1, single-family residential,  R-2, Two family residential; R-3, Multi-family residential; R-3G, Multiple-family residential garden district. RIA, rent increase application.  S, City of Pacifica Sign ordinance.  CA code, accessory (second residential) dwelling units, 65852.2.  Zoning/Planning Handouts, City of Pacifica.  RZ, rezoning. TBD, to be determined. TDR, transfer of development rights (urban planning).  City:  Annual progress report (APR). Capital Improvement program (CIP), Title/Ordinances/Municipal Code. General Plan. (GP) update documents, background history.  Pacifica Municipal Code (PMC). Local Coastal Land Use Plan, (LCLUP), update documents.   Note photograph of Marymount Gateway apartment complex and others from
Apartment Guide.
Posted by Kathy Meeh