Attend in person, 2212 Beach Boulevard, 2nd floor. Or view on local television or live feed Pacific Coast TV. If you missed meetings, view on PCT26 YouTube! The city council meeting begins at 7 p.m., or shortly there following. City Council updates and archives are available on the City Council website. Channel 26 television schedule, see Monday, 2/26/18.
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Item 8. Will NIMBYland leadership ever approve reasonable development solutions, or must this City's future simply be swept into the ocean and cease to exist? |
Open session, 7:00 p.m. Call to order, roll call, salute to flag. Closed Session: none, report none.
Special presentations: Voters Choice Act, Mark Church, Chief Elections Officer County Clerk/Recorder. Sam Trans bus service, Jessica Epstein.
Consent Calendar
1. Approval of financial disbursements (checks), FY 2017-18, report. a) 1/17/18 - 1/31/18.
2. Approval of Minutes, report. a) 2/12/18.
3. Adopt a City General Plan ordinance amendment to rezone from high density residential to low density residential (R-1), a single family residence project site: vacant lot located at San Pedro Terrace Road terminus (APN 023-075-050). Adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND), and Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMPR). Second reading, report/ordinance. a) area map. b) R-1 zoning map. c) Deed legal description. d) MMPR. e) Staff summary report 2/12/18.
4. Amendment to WRA, Inc. agreement to complete the environmental review (CEQA requirement) for the proposed 24 unit, 801 Fassler Avenue residential condominium development (APN 022-083-020; APN 022-083-030): $3,730 (new not to exceed $146,455), report. a) 3rd amendment.
Oral communications. Public; Council, Staff. Public hearings, none.
5. Collection System Rehabilitation and Replacement project, Pedro Point: award contract to Pacific Trenchless, Inc., FY 2017-18, C031A: $3,495,189, plus 20% contingency. Also approve 1st amendment to Freyer & Laureta, Inc. (design engineering services): $74,700, report. a) Pacific Trenchless, Inc. contract. b) Freyer & Laureta, Inc. 1st amendmennt.
6. Mid-year General Fund budget, 2017-18, report, resolution 1) mid-year budget, 2) authorizing new, updated job descriptions. a) Resolution, adopting updated employment descriptions: Senior Services Assistant Supervisor; and, Recreation Assistant Supervisor.
b) Mid-year General Fund summary. Job description changes: c) Recreation Assistant Supervisor. d) Senior Services Assistant Supervisor. Clarification occurred at the Monday 2/26/18 City Council meeting that there would be no budget cost increase in updating these employment descriptions.
7. Long term financial plan update, 2018-2023, report. a) Spreadsheet projection.
8. Request for hotel site opportunity qualifications and proposals: 2212 Beach Blvd. development, report. a) area map.
Reference, Item 8. City of Pacifica, 2212 Beach Blvd Hotel Project. Site reports, studies. Related article. Pacifica Tribune/Jane Northrop, Staff Writer, 9/23/16, "Hotel developer selected for Beach Blvd., union workers speak against city council choice." Note graphic/photographs above (credit Marque Glisson, 3 of 20) posted from City of Pacifica/Anne H. Stedler 1/6/17,"Ocean front hotel development opportunity, RFQ...", 1/20/16.
Posted by Kathy Meeh
If I am interested in running for the city council on pro-growth platform, what is my way forward?
How much should I plan for a political campaign?
You must "pull your papers" from the City Clerk, Kathy O'Connell, at City Hall. She will get you all the papers you need and the instructions on what to do. You will need to get the signatures of 20 Registered Voters that live in Pacifica. You will also need to compose, if you wish, I think 200 word statement on your positions which will be printed in the booklet mailed to all voters.
When you return the papers you will need to give Kathy a check in the amount of $300 or $400 that will cover the cost of printing your statement. If it costs more you will be billed after the election win or lose.
If you plan on spending more than $2000 then you must open a Political Committee with the California FPPC. You will also need to open a bank account to receive any contributions you may receive.
That is what was done last time I ran the numbers might have changed but Kathy will tell you what you need to know. She knows her stuff.
What is your way forward? You should go to city hall and get the details you'll need from the city clerk.
How much should you plan? The more you plan, the better you'll do - probably! (But that you have to ask makes me wonder.)
I have been involved in a few campaigns as a volunteer over the years and got to know some candidates, some who won and some who lost. I pose some questions to this bold and brave individual contemplating running. Why would you want to be on Council will be the first question you should ask? The Council is not just about being "pro growth" or "anti growth", while growth is a significant issue, you have to deal with a palette of many issues. Human resources, budgets, programs, capital projects, etc. Do you want to stay up late and live with four other council members a good part of your life? When there is an alcoholic on the crew, that is no fun, not to say there is one now, but there could be and being on council might drive YOU to drinking! Do you want to listen to mundane discussions about things you have no interest in? Do you want to have to be nice to people who aren't very nice? Are you a people person who likes meeting new people? Or a troll who just hangs out behind the keyboard commenting on blogs like me? Do you want to rile up people when you do or want to vote for something controversial?. Is that worth 800 a month and free kaiser for? I'm not so sure. Is there power and prestige in it? Is that what you are after because I think there is little power or prestige being on council here in Pacifica. Are you ready to be laughed at by every council person from DAly City to Menlo Park because your city is the sick man of San Mateo County? What is your volunteer experience because you'll work way harder than you think. Do you have a lot of friends who will sweat blood and work hard for you? Are you independently wealthy or do you think you can raise money grass roots style like John Keener or Deirdre Martin? Are you acquainted with a lot of people in Pacifica and local politicians who could endorse you? Do you want someone like him to set up a "community oriented" website to make you go bananas? Have you served on any city committees or commissions, do you know how government works? Will the unions like you or not because they are big donors. How bout SAMCAR or even Sierra Club? Do you enjoy giving up your time and family life? Look at Karen Ervin, she was a top vote getter but only served one term. Maybe talk to her and see what it's about and ask her why she did not run for re-election before you throw your hat in. Are you squeaky clean, meaning, can those who oppose you, running against you, find out anything bad about you or your past that they can magnify? And now in this day and age, any spurned romantic partners or spouses or dating experiences out there who could come out to kiss and tell and say you are just horrible and reveal your hound dog emails? And who do you work for, or used to work for, might that work for or against you? So I gave you some soul searching points....Let us know how you do...
If you're a realtor running as a pro-growth candidate, you can probably get the San Mateo County Association of Realtors and the National Association of Realtors to fund your campaign, as they have done for other Pacifica City Council candidates.
..let me bite..
Why would you want to be on Council will be the first question you should ask?
- Primarily, to realize a Pacifica with:
1) Better Streets & Better Schools
2) Develop Palmetto Boardwalk
3) Get the Beach Boulevard project moving
4) See if I can solve or at least move towards solving the sea-wall for Pacifica.
5) Restart the conversation around widening HWY-1
6) Put Pacifica on the Map
7) Test my potential for political future
The Council is not just about being "pro growth" or "anti growth", while growth is a significant issue, you have to deal with a palette of many issues. Human resources, budgets, programs, capital projects, etc. Do you want to stay up late and live with four other council members a good part of your life?
- Depends. Probably not. But I have and can work hard for a wider purpose.
When there is an alcoholic on the crew, that is no fun, not to say there is one now, but there could be and being on council might drive YOU to drinking! Do you want to listen to mundane discussions about things you have no interest in?
- No. But I have a knack for detecting inefficiencies in processes and fixing them.
If a conversation can be avoided, then I believe an appropriate process would permit that.
Do you want to have to be nice to people who aren't very nice?
- No. But not-nice people don't bother me. I am largely neutral to both nice and not-nice people.
Are you a people person who likes meeting new people?
- Moderately. Not too many people. But I can handle crowds.
Or a troll who just hangs out behind the keyboard commenting on blogs like me?
- I do hang out quite a bit behind the keyboard. But I don't comment to rile people up.
Therefore, I don't think I am a troll.
Do you want to rile up people when you do or want to vote for something controversial?.
- I would vote on principle and in alignment with the stated agenda.
Is that worth 800 a month and free kaiser for?
- It is not. But taking the long view, its a cost I am willing to pay.
(Assuming, I get to keep my other day job).
I'm not so sure. Is there power and prestige in it?
- Power & Prestige? I don't think so. But I think there is value in learning to serve.
Is that what you are after because I think
there is little power or prestige being on council here in Pacifica. Are
you ready to be laughed at by every council person from DAly City to
Menlo Park because your city is the sick man of San Mateo County?
- I don't mind being laughed at. I am not getting into politics for power and prestige.
I think Pacifica has a lot of potential. And I'd like to help realize that.
What is your volunteer experience because you'll work way harder than you think.
- None.
Do you have a lot of friends who will sweat blood and work hard for you?
- No.
Are you independently wealthy or do you think you can raise money grass roots style like John Keener or Deirdre Martin?
- I don't know how much is required for campaign funds.
What are we talking about? $10K? $25K? $100K?
Are you acquainted with a lot of people in Pacifica and local politicians who
could endorse you?
- No.
Do you want someone like him to set up a "community oriented" website to make you go bananas?
- I think I understand how Pacifica operates and I have ideas on what would appeal to Pacificans.
Have you served on any city committees or commissions, do you know how government works?
- No & No.
Will the unions like you or not because they are big donors. How bout SAMCAR or even Sierra Club?
- No prior political experience. No public standing whatsoever. Just a commoner.
Do you enjoy giving up your time and family life?
- For a cause that helps and can have a positive impact, yes .. (but I am not 100% sure until I get into it)
Look at Karen Ervin, she was a top vote getter but only served one term.
Maybe talk to her and see what it's about and ask her why she did not
run for re-election before you throw your hat in.
- Good suggestion
Are you squeaky clean, meaning, can those who oppose you, running against you, find out
anything bad about you or your past that they can magnify?
- Relatively. Just a common Joe Schmo.
And now in this day and age, any spurned romantic partners or spouses or dating
experiences out there who could come out to kiss and tell and say you
are just horrible and reveal your hound dog emails?
- There is a tiff or two with the ex-s in the past. But nothing Trumpesque.
I'd like to think all of my past relationships were positive. But for one. And even that one was positive in its own way.
And who do you work for, or used to work for, might that work for or against you?
- Nondescript job, nothing too exciting. It pays the bills.
I appreciate your thought and questions, its helpful. I don't know if I am cut out for the job. But I do know the current state of affairs in Pacifica bothers me enough to wonder if I could change things if I ran for the council.
I suspect you're the same individual who reached out to me with an email about this a few months ago. I laid out the realities you were facing, offered to meet over coffee to discuss further, but you appeared to drop off the face of the earth and I never heard from you again. Not an auspicious beginning.
11:42 is fresh meat who in innocence will be ripped to shreds by the packs of wild dogs! Enter the arena, prepare to be consumed.
1) Better Streets & Better Schools
The schools are run by the school districts and not the city. If you don't know this, you're already a big step behind.
2) Develop Palmetto Boardwalk
There is already a Palmetto improvement plan, some of it has been done. Learn about it. It's not a boardwalk.
3) Get the Beach Boulevard project moving
Talks have broken down between Friend Hotel Developers and the City of Pacifica regarding development of a hotel at the city’s old Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) site in Sharp Park. Request for proposals is #8 on the City Council meeting agenda.
4) See if I can solve or at least move towards solving the sea-wall for Pacifica.
Building a seawall along all of Pacifica's coast? Or something less grand? Where will the multi-billion dollar funding come from?
5) Restart the conversation around widening HWY-1
Caltrans recently killed the project. They probably won't be interested in starting it up again.
6) Put Pacifica on the Map
It's on the map.
7) Test my potential for political future
So far, not so good.
I guess I am not cut out for the job. I will no longer consider running.
Save your money and don’t run; it’s painfully obvious by your posts that you’d be in WAY over your head. The positions you’ve taken make it apparent that you aren’t aware of what’s been going on in Pacifica for the last few years.
I can't believe I'm wasting my time with this, but...
1) Better Streets & Better Schools
Everyone wants "better streets." This is standard boilerplate pol flabber-jabber. Repaving costs somewhere between $500K-1M per mile. Pacifica has more than 80 miles of streets. Where are you getting this money from? Our schools are part of a separate school district, not part of the city. C'mon, this is basic Government 101.
2) Develop Palmetto Boardwalk
Um, hello???? Have you even been on Palmetto during the last year? C'mon, this is even more basic stuff.
3) Get the Beach Boulevard project moving
Do you even know what the project is, and why it's not moving? Do you know its lengthy history? If you don't, how do you expect to "get it moving?"
4) See if I can solve or at least move towards solving the sea-wall for Pacifica.
What about the sea-wall needs "solving?"
5) Restart the conversation around widening HWY-1
Holy cow. We just had a big decades-long fight about it and it's d-e-a-d.
6) Put Pacifica on the Map
What does this mean? Is it lost?
7) Test my potential for political future
Politics isn't for you.
1) Don't have to pave all 80 miles. We can start with paving some of the worst ones. Better infrastructure leads to better property values and attracts new migrants. Which in turn can feed into funding for schools. Better Streets (Infrastructure) & Better Schools.
2) Yes, I have. Its plain, boring and under developed and under utilized. We still don't have a library. And Beach boulevard is still undeveloped.
3) There are ways to get it "moving". You simply don't know or aware of them.
4) Where are you going to retreat to when the Ocean wants a piece of highway-1? This is a serious conversation and the city should be made aware of the long term implications.
5) Nothing is ever dead. It just changes into something else. We can revive the conversation. And there are means to do that.
6) Its not lost. Figure of speech. I would think you wouldn't want to insult your intelligence. Right?
7) I don't think you are a troll. Not at all.
I may be going out on a limb, but I think that all but 2 of the previous comments, were written by the same Anon. Not bad, good potential.
Ah, the Smartest Man In The Room has come to grace us with his august presence!
1) Don't have to pave all 80 miles. We can start with paving some of the worst ones. Better infrastructure leads to better property values and attracts new migrants. Which in turn can feed into funding for schools. Better Streets (Infrastructure) & Better Schools.
I guess you're getting the money for this from the magical money tree we grow in the back of Vallemar. Why do you think the roads aren't being paved right now? Did you even read Van's 2017 road survey? You didn't, did you. And let me prevent you from embarassing yourself by saying you'll go after Federal funding because the Feds don't fund local street projects. Also, you keep mentioning "schools." Are you running for the School Board too?
2) Yes, I have. Its plain, boring and under developed and under utilized. We still don't have a library. And Beach boulevard is still undeveloped.
Ah, now we're moving the goalpost's to "Beach Boulevard" in order to distract from the embarassing admission that you don't know what you're talking about when it comes to Palmetto and the improvements to it that ARE ALMOST COMPLETE.
3) There are ways to get it "moving". You simply don't know or aware of them.
Yes, yes. The magical ways. Which you won't share with us because you don't know what you're talking about and also, there aren't any. I can see someone didn't get the City's recent memo about the site. You really don't know what you're talking about here, but you wan't to be a council member????
4) Where are you going to retreat to when the Ocean wants a piece of highway-1? This is a serious conversation and the city should be made aware of the long term implications.
Who said anything about "retreat?" The position was "I will solve the seawall" which will get you laughed out of any room you utter that phrase in.
5) Nothing is ever dead. It just changes into something else. We can revive the conversation. And there are means to do that.
Right! And we can also build a tunnel under all of Pacifica and run Highway 1 through it! I mean, it's possible, right?!
6) Its not lost. Figure of speech. I would think you wouldn't want to insult your intelligence. Right?
I see, so you won't really explain what you mean and it's up to everyone else to guess. Great plan. I'm sure you'll get elected on such vague pronouncements and won't look stupid at all saying them.
7) I don't think you are a troll. Not at all.
I'm here to keep it real, not to stroke your ego and encourage some dumb vanity project for which you're woefully unqualified. This is running a city where your decisions directly affect the lives of 40,000 people and requires a basic grasp of reality. I want people who are serious and know what the hell they're doing on council, not some clown who thinks he's gonna get in there and "get things moving." Get the hell out of the way and let someone who knows what they're doing run. Or go ahead and run, waste everyone's time and money, and dilute the vote enough so we get another kumbaya candidate on council.
"Paving our streets" is code for "Not doing anything" because the streets will always need paving and there isn't any money to pave them, so it's become a meaningless NIMBY catch-phrase used whenever someone opposes some project or another.
The Calera Creek Highway Project has been poison-pilled. If you don't know what I mean or have a plan to overcoming it, you shouldn't be talking about reviving the project.
Not sure what the seawall talk is all about. We've got one. It's there. I have to echo previous comments...not sure what needs solving unless you're talking about addressing sea level rise, or extending the seawal, or? In any event, where is the money for all this going to come from? Sea level rise is an issue far larger in scope than Pacifica can handle and will require resources far in excess than what Pacifica can hope to provide.
Regarding Palmetto, are you proposing to run on a platform of improving the almost-completed improvements? Do you have any idea how long and how much capital it took to get what little has been done? Again with the old refrain: where will the money come from? Do you realize the problem with the existing improvements stem from lack of funding?
With regards to the Beach Boulevard property, we're back to square one on that. Heck, we may be so far removed from original plans that existing EIR and geotech analysis might have to be redone (not sure about this), so good luck moving it forward or whatever you plan on doing that hasn't been tried over the last 20 years. At this point, I think a lynch mob will form if the city proposes throwing another couple hundred thousand to "study" the site for the millionth time.
You guys have put a lot of thought into this. I am thankful for your spirit of sharing and critique. Basically what I understood from your comments: Pacifica is hopeless.
Lets accept I am an idiot to have even pondered the possibility of running for the council. And if we accept Pacfica is hopefless, why does it matter if another idiot joins the council?
Or are you implying there is hope? And if there is hope, what in your opinion would make Pacifica less hopeless or hopeful?
How would you like Pacifica to be?
The same?
Better? And what does better mean to you?
CANDIDATE: I'm for realizing Pacifica's full potential and protecting its beauty while expanding the economy and increasing revenue. I support protecting our investments, and I'm for better roads and schools; I want to ensure the police and fire department have the resources they need; and I want to put Pacifica on the map!
RESIDENT 1: What did he just say?
RESIDENT 2: Nothing.
Basically what I understood from your comments: Pacifica is hopeless.
Lets accept I am an idiot to have even pondered the possibility of running for the council. And if we accept Pacfica is hopeless, why does it matter if another idiot joins the council?
Things are hopeless if we continue making the same myopic decisions that keep us hopeless. Pacifica's issues stem from a very basic structural problem: we don't have enough revenue to provide for the core functions intrinsic to a healthy city. Furthermore, a city needs to be healthy in order to tackle problems above and beyond those of its basic functions.
Since we aren't a fiscally healthy city and are constantly teetering on the edge of bankruptcy, we must turn to outside sources for funding and other assistance. Supporters of Deirdre Martin managed the exact opposite when they helped kill the golden goose through ginning up fake complaints against Mary Ann Nihart and getting her kicked off the ballot on a dumb technicality. This got Martin on council, but at what cost? We lost our best advocate for Pacifica on the county level as a consequence, to be replaced by someone with no public mandate or respect, and with no connection to the county.
Couple this with some really questionable issues taken up by council (Trump impeachment appearing on four council agendas, hello?!...and don't get me started with Keener's interactions with Speier) and now you've now got representatives on the state and Federal level wondering what the hell is wrong with us and not taking our calls. We're not playing nice with our Federal reps, we got rid of our best connection to the county (and its $$$), and now we're going hat-in-hand, begging for their help in funding projects that are way too big for us. It's not a good look, especially when we're incapable of basic, day-to-day operation of the city.
It takes a weird kind of mindset for a councilmember to vote no on everything and then scratch their head wondering why no progress on these basic problems have been made from year to year. It's almost like they don't know what they're doing!
I don't think Pacifica is hopeless. What the comments say to me is that you need to be much better informed about the issues in order to be a viable candidate. How would I like Pacifica to be? What would make Pacifica more hopeful? City council members who are well-informed about the many issues facing us as a city and have specific ideas about what to do to address them.
Ok, I am admit I was naive in proposing to run for the council with the above stated platform/intentions.
What if (a big what if) I ran stating that I would oppose everything Martin and Keener support on principle?
Would that help break the myopic decision making? Would I get enough votes to win?
If Pacifica council members are the laughing stock of the rest of the county, why does it matter I run or win?
If you're still there and haven't been run off...
You're to be commended for wanting to do something instead of sitting on your thumbs like most of us, but do you really want to run for council? Can you imagine getting dogpiled like this every day? Because that's what it'll be like, except you'll also be yelled at in person twice a month. You'll need thick skin. I don't have it so you won't see me running. My feelings are hurt too easily.
If you still have the fire, give it a couple years. Maybe shoot for 2020 and challenge Grand Theft Martin's seat if she runs again. In the meantime, volunteer somewhere or attend a bunch of city council meetings. Go somewhere where you can pick up on what's going on in the city, what the major issues are, what's being done about them. Get your name out there so people recognize it a bit.
That's my advice, for what it's worth, which isn't much.
Can a council member be fired for non-performance?
I mean, what if I simply showed up, did nothing, took no offense, simply voted or veto'd? Can I be one of those meeting long faces? Its the least amount of work.
Is that enough for an elected member to be fired? I probably should do more reading in this regard and how local civic government actually works. But for the sake of chit-chat, I hope you don't mind sharing your views.
2:01, as long as you show up, you can't be fired by the other members of the council or the city. The only method of removal is via a recall petition submitted by the public-at-large.
Pacifica adopted an attendance policy in 2014 in response to the Vreeland fiasco, but it only addresses removal due to unexcused absences.
Also, we're a general law city (as opposed to one governed by a charter), so the laws which dictate how Pacifica's government operates are contained within the state's government code. It's somewhere around the 36500s in the code.
Have you ever been to a city council meeting?
This thread is an exercise in insanity. I'd never vote for an anonymous person. Plus it would be hard to file papers, get a bank account, register with the FPPC. Me thinks Mr. Stegsplunk is funnin with everyone to get them all to show how smart we are.
No. But I will start soon. I am really not politically savvy.
If you are wondering why I haven't been to one so far, it was simply because I didn't want to attract visibility or awareness. I have my own reasons.
I am really not motivated by the $800/month salary. Nor am I in this for prestige.
I simply don't like how often I got stalled at the city hall citing dubious rules and conditions. I guess I am simply frustrated and I want to see if I can do something.
Really though, I don't have a clue. But I have to start somewhere.
Can a council member be fired for non-performance? I mean, what if I simply showed up, did nothing, took no offense, simply voted or veto'd?
I don't know, ask Deirdre Martin or Sue Digre.
or Sue Vaterlaus
How does someone like Sue Digre stay as a council member for as long as she did?
How does she get the votes? And why did people vote for her? What benefit or effect were they hoping for?
Is there anything like a participation/activity metric that tracks a council members performance other than just attendance?
Not sure what sort of metrics you’re asking for. Votes are recorded in the minutes. Committee assignments are made during the first meeting or so of the newly seated council. Check Fogel’s site for those.
10:36. If you really don't have any idea what the answers are to your questions, take a guess. Maybe it had something to do with her being out in the community, meeting people, listening to them and representing their concerns. That seems like a good formula for getting elected.
Not very concerned about Sue Digre who is maxed out on term limits and can't run for reelection. Finally we get rid of her. Martin and her backers, stole her seat on Council by elliminating Maryanne Nihart, using a technicality and thereby negating thousands of votes. Nihart would have won the election. Pacifica voters got screwed. Maryanne, a long time well liked Pacifica resident, with lots of governance experience and numerous political connections throughout the County,State and Federal governments, replaced by Martin, a recent Pacifica arrival with absolutely non of the attributes mentioned above. This woman has not a clue and has her ear open to a select group of people pushing an agenda not supported by majority of Pacificans. Hell of a trade-off. Short of recall, we're stuck with her until the 20 election.
I am more concerned about John Keener and this year's election. This man should be a bean counter. Claims we can't afford to basically, do anything in this town, and has very few connections in the County, State and Federal governments to be able to procure financial assistance. He's also a fairly new arrival. This is the guy we need to make sure doesn't get reelected. I watch the Council meetings with disbelief. No wonder the council majority of 3 is so disfunctional and the laughing stock of the County. I will support candidates to change the go around in circles and nothing gets done mindset of this present majority.
Please point to a single project you ever voted for and got accomplished on behalf of Pacifica. Just one.
Digre has always been the useful idiot for the Lancelle, Verby, Loeb gang.
Deirdre is just plain: a lying, manipulative, power hungry sleaze who needs more than anything to be loved by her gang of misfits. Like Vreeland she has no ethical core and will say anything she is told.
Keener is about as interesting as a pile of weeds and is a perfect soldier for the Kaufman Commies.
Pacifica is in a fix with these broken toys at the helm. Find some candidates with integrity who truly want to make Pacifica better for everyone, not just their little circle of "I got mine, screw everyone else". As long as we don't dis-incorporate before hand, it might not be too late. Don't know for sure.
Well said Mike. You mentioned Vreeland who's work resume included EPA attorney which he held while serving on council. Apparently, this wasn't a conflict. This election rule was used by Martin's boy to get Nihart out of the race and gain her seat on Council. Martin's boy was rewarded with a seat on the Planning Commission. I have a feeling this unethical boy will be a Council candidate in November. We must keep a close eye on this Vreeland wannabe. We need 2 viable candidates to replace Digre and Keener. The opposition will no doubt throw in several obscure candidates to split our vote. We can't fall prey to this kind of trickery. Be informed and offer help and support to the candidates who truly want to work for all Pacificans. I believe O'Neill has a good support base to get reelected,if he chooses to run. Please get informed about each candidate to make a good choice for all Pacificans.
Please point to a single project you ever voted for and got accomplished on behalf of Pacifica. Just one."
He voted to go forward with the poop overflow basin, which is a decision I agreed with. Otherwise, he's a classic, "No development, business is evil, ends justify the means" NIMBY council-member, just like Digre and Martin.
Can you tell me your accomplishments that helped Fix Pacifica?
What a sneaky worded request 7:25! Steve will reply if he wants. I will comment as one of many anoms, fake names and occasionally, real names using the Fix Pacifica blog. There's no doubt in my mind that the activity on this blog, was a big reason we won a Council majority in the 2016 election. Oh, wait, that was stolen! Just stating the obvious reality of events, if the big robbery hadn't happened. Does that register for you John?
The baseline service Fix Pacifica provides is calling attention to the numbskulls on council and the dumbass stuff they keep pulling.
7:25, I don't like to brag about my accomplishments. I am a humble soul.
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