Note: The Saturday, March 3rd, special City Council goal setting meeting will be held at the Police Station public room, 2075 Coast Highway. This goal setting session is not expected to be televised, but as always the public is welcome to attend.
Interactive City Council agenda, 3/3/18. City Council agenda 3/3/18, pdf pages 38.
Open Session, 9:00 AM, Refreshments, 8:30 AM
Special City Council work plan session priorities, FY 2018-19
NIMBY Council majority improve City infrastructure? |
a) Major project/initiatives, FY 2017-18, mid-year update, 2/23/18, pdf pages 30.
Items: 1) Rent stabilization/just cause eviction/rent advisory task force, 2) Economic Development program, 3) sea level rise/local coastal plan update, 4) climate action plan implementation (CAP), 5) develop and implement cannabis policy and appropriate regulations, 6) new Pacifica library evaluation and planning efforts, 7) short-term rentals, 8) affordable housing, 9) paving program: rehabilitation projects and increasing pavement condition index, 10) Highway 1 congestion relief study of alternatives (except widening), 11) aircraft overflight noise, 12) conduct a needs assessment for new City facilities, 13) homeless issues, 14) complete general plan update, 15) introduce priority-based budgeting (PBB), 16) establish a priority development area (PDA), 17) Manor Drive overcrossing improvement project, 18) Ohlone/Portola heritage trail - rediscovering America/Portola expedition anniversary, 19) bluff erosion protection and infrastructure preservation projects: 310-330 and 400 Esplanade, 20) Beach Boulevard seawall and promenade replacement project.
b) Environmental Scan (City data: internal and external condition information context), FY 2018-19, pdf pages 4.
Factors: 1) Economic/financial, 2) State, Federal political and CA Legislative, 3) technology, 4) environmental, 5) City organization planning.
Public comments, (usual 3 minutes per individual allowed). Adjourn.
Note graphic from TED, Ideas worth spreading, Ideas about Goal-setting,"How to be a great leader." Then again, with regard to this Council majority (3), there's another "attitude" graphic from Tomorrows Youth, (Australia),"Goal setting".
Posted by Kathy Meeh