Tuesday, February 27, 2018

City Council goal setting special meeting, Saturday March 3, 2018

Note: The Saturday, March 3rd, special City Council goal setting meeting will be held at the Police Station public room, 2075 Coast Highway. This goal setting session is not expected to be televised, but as always the public is welcome to attend.

Interactive City Council agenda, 3/3/18.        City Council agenda 3/3/18, pdf pages 38.

Open Session, 9:00 AM, Refreshments, 8:30 AM 
Special City Council work plan session priorities, FY 2018-19

Image result for goal setting picture
NIMBY Council majority improve City infrastructure?
1.  Goals, projects, and initiatives to be implemented in the coming fiscal year, report, pdf pages 2. 
a)  Major project/initiatives, FY 2017-18, mid-year update, 2/23/18, pdf pages 30.
Items:  1) Rent stabilization/just cause eviction/rent advisory task force, 2) Economic Development program, 3) sea level rise/local coastal plan update, 4) climate action plan implementation (CAP), 5) develop and implement cannabis policy and appropriate regulations,  6) new Pacifica library evaluation and planning efforts, 7) short-term rentals, 8) affordable housing, 9) paving program: rehabilitation projects and increasing pavement condition index, 10) Highway 1 congestion relief study of alternatives (except widening), 11) aircraft overflight noise, 12) conduct a needs assessment for new City facilities, 13) homeless issues, 14) complete general plan update, 15) introduce priority-based budgeting (PBB), 16) establish a priority development area (PDA), 17) Manor Drive overcrossing improvement project, 18) Ohlone/Portola heritage trail - rediscovering America/Portola expedition anniversary, 19) bluff erosion protection and infrastructure preservation projects: 310-330 and 400 Esplanade, 20) Beach Boulevard seawall and promenade replacement project.

b)  Environmental Scan (City data: internal and external condition information context), FY 2018-19, pdf pages 4.  
Factors:  1)  Economic/financial, 2) State, Federal political and CA Legislative, 3) technology, 4) environmental, 5) City organization planning.

Public comments, (usual 3 minutes per individual allowed)Adjourn. 
Note graphic from TED, Ideas worth spreading, Ideas about Goal-setting,"How to be a great leader." Then again, with regard to this Council majority (3), there's another "attitude" graphic from Tomorrows Youth, (Australia),"Goal setting".

Posted by Kathy Meeh

Sunday, February 25, 2018

City Council meeting, Monday February 26, 2018

Attend in person, 2212 Beach Boulevard, 2nd floor. Or view on local television or live feed Pacific Coast TV. If you missed meetings, view on PCT26 YouTube!  The city council meeting begins at 7 p.m., or shortly there following. City Council updates and archives are available on the City Council website.      Channel 26 television schedule, see Monday, 2/26/18.  

Image result for 2212 Beach Blvd, Pacifica, CA picture
Item 8.  Will NIMBYland leadership ever approve
reasonable development solutions, or must this City's
future simply be swept into the ocean and cease to exist?
Interactive City Council meeting agenda, 2/26/18.    City Councilmeeting agenda, 2/26/18, pdf pages 127.

Open session, 7:00 p.m.  Call to order, roll call, salute to flag.  Closed Session:  none, report none.   
Special presentations:  Voters Choice Act, Mark Church, Chief Elections Officer County Clerk/Recorder.  Sam Trans bus service, Jessica Epstein.

Consent Calendar  
1.    Approval of financial disbursements (checks), FY 2017-18, report.  a) 1/17/18 - 1/31/18.
2.    Approval of Minutes, report.  a) 2/12/18.
3.    Adopt a City General Plan ordinance amendment to rezone from high density residential to low density residential (R-1), a single family residence project site: vacant lot located at San Pedro Terrace Road terminus (APN 023-075-050).  Adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND), and Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMPR). Second reading, report/ordinance. a)  area map.  b)  R-1 zoning map.  c) Deed legal description.  d) MMPR.  e) Staff summary report 2/12/18.
4.   Amendment to WRA, Inc. agreement to complete the environmental review (CEQA requirement) for the proposed 24 unit, 801 Fassler Avenue residential condominium development (APN 022-083-020; APN 022-083-030): $3,730 (new not to exceed $146,455), report.  a) 3rd amendment. 
Oral communications. Public; Council, Staff.  Public hearings, none.  

5.    Collection System Rehabilitation and Replacement project, Pedro Point: award contract to Pacific Trenchless, Inc., FY 2017-18, C031A: $3,495,189, plus 20% contingency. Also approve 1st amendment to Freyer & Laureta, Inc. (design engineering services): $74,700, report.  a) Pacific Trenchless, Inc. contract.  b) Freyer & Laureta, Inc. 1st amendmennt.
6.    Mid-year General Fund budget, 2017-18, report, resolution 1) mid-year budget, 2) authorizing new, updated job descriptions. a) Resolution, adopting updated employment descriptions: Senior Services Assistant Supervisor; and, Recreation Assistant Supervisor.  
b)  Mid-year General Fund summary.  Job description changes:  c) Recreation Assistant Supervisor.  d) Senior Services Assistant Supervisor.  Clarification occurred at the Monday 2/26/18 City Council meeting that there would be no budget cost increase in updating these employment descriptions. 
7.    Long term financial plan update, 2018-2023, report.  a) Spreadsheet projection.
8.    Request for hotel site opportunity qualifications and proposals: 2212 Beach Blvd. development, report. a) area map.
Reference, Item 8.  City of Pacifica, 2212 Beach Blvd Hotel Project.  Site reports, studies.   Related article.  Pacifica Tribune/Jane Northrop, Staff Writer, 9/23/16, "Hotel developer selected for Beach Blvd., union workers speak against city council choice."   Note graphic/photographs above (credit Marque Glisson, 3 of 20) posted from City of Pacifica/Anne H. Stedler 1/6/17,"Ocean front hotel development opportunity, RFQ...", 1/20/16.

Posted by Kathy Meeh

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Scary budgeting

There is no margin of error in the projected budget for '18/'19. That's kind of scary. I don't purport to know a whole bunch about government accounting but to have a .41% surplus doesn't leave much wiggle room. The inter-fund loans and transfers are voodoo economics to me. It seems like money floats in and out of different funds where it lands I certainly can't say. I know council has borrowed heavily from the sewer fund. How do they pay that back? 


Other Significant Costs-Pensions On December 21, 2016, CalPERS lowered their discount rate from 7.5% to 7.0% over the three subsequent years. As a result of this policy change by CalPERS, we estimate that the City will incur addition pension expenses of approximately $700K to $800K annually for the next four to five years.  In addition, this growth in expenditures is expected to continue, albeit at a lower rate until FY 2031/2032.  We have incorporated the estimated General Fund impact into this long term forecasts

Revenues - Expenses = Pacifica’s Financial Future The product of matching the revenue forecast with the likely expenditure projections is shown in the attached Long Term Financial Plan 2018-23 (Attachment 1).

Based on the assumptions described above, the LTFP projects that our expenditures have   outpace revenues continuing through 2022-23.  Regardless, City staff will bring forward balanced budgets for Council consideration every year.

This report has gone into some detail about what is included in the projections but of equal importance is what is not included. Of particular note are the following:

 All 9 employee union contracts will expire during the 2017-18 and 2018-19 fiscal years. Again, for these projections, we have assumed no change in salary & benefits beyond the expiration dates.

 These projections also do not address repayment of the outstanding interfund loans that are outside of the General Fund.

 The forecast does not factor in the economic impact of any future recreational cannabis sales or the impact of SB 1 funds.

Because of the variety of uncertainties that affect the City’s finances, these projections are updated each year to reflect the most accurate and current information available to us at the time.

Submitted by Jim Wagner

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Planning Commission, Tuesday February 20, 2018

Attend in person, 2212 Beach Boulevard, 2nd floor.  Or, view on local television or live feed Pacificcoast.TV, (formerly pct26.com).  If you miss civic meetings, view on PCT 26 You Tube!  The planning commission meeting begins at 7 p.m., or shortly there following.  Planning Commission updates, archives are available on the City website: City Council Agendas, and City Planning Commission.  Channel 26 television schedule, see Tuesdau, 2/20/18.   


Interactive Planning Commission agenda 2/20/18.     Planning Commission agenda, 2/20/18.

Open Session, 7:00 p.m.  Administrative:  Approval of Minutes, none.. Designation of liaison to City Council, none.  Consent items, none.  Communications:  Public oral.


Study Session

Image result for Springwood Way, Pacifica, CA picture
Item 1.  Here?  Oh yeah, "Traffic!"

1.     File No. 2017-041:  Springwood Way, beyond the eastern terminus, approximately 8.9 acres (resubdivision project area considered 8.4 acres, owned by applicant, Linda Mar), APNs 023-391-010; 023-391-392; 023-392-010; 023-392-020; 023-395-020.  Consider annexation and resubdivision allowing construction of 11 single-family residences:  re-subdivision a portion of the Tobin Park subdivision located in unincorporated San Mateo County, report.  a)  Site Development Map.  b)  Existing Tobin Park Subdivision Map.  c)  Parcel ownership in Tobin Park subdivision.  d) Unincorporated area/south Pacifica.  e) Applicant's Preliminary Design Report.  f) Conceptual architectural plan.

New Public Hearings

2.     CDP-38417, PV-521-18:  400 Belfast Avenue (Pedro Point), APN 023-026-040.  Construct a 1,345 sq. ft. addition, including a 2nd story, plus attached garage (reduced front setback) to an existing 1,080 sf single-family residence on a 7,500 sf parcel. Remove one heritage tree, demolish an existing carport and a portion of a garage located within the public right of way, report.  a) Land use and zoning.  Resolution Draft:  b) Approval with Variance and COAs, or c) Denial of Variance, Parking Exception and COAs.  d) Project Plans.

3.    PSC-827-17, CDP-393-17, S-127-17, SE-029-18. 105 Rockaway Beach Blvd, Best Western plus Lighhouse Hotel (Rockaway Beach), APN 022-026-280. Sign replacement, report.  a) Planning Department letter. 

Communications:  Planning Commission, Staff, Adjourn. 


Reference, development/planning acronyms.  APN, Assessor's parcel number.  CDP, Coastal Development permit. CZ, (Coastal Zone Combining) zoning districts. DP, development permit. GPA, General Plan Amendment.  LDR, low density residential.  PE, Parking Exception. PSD, Site Development permit. PV,  Permit Variance. S, Sign permit. SE, Sign Exception. SP, Specific Plan. RIA, Rent Increase Application.  SUB Subdivision. TA, text amendment (ordinance). UP, Use permit.  Zoning. California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).  CA CEQA Guidelines, Article 19, Categorical Exemptions: Class 1 categorical exemption, section 15301. Freestanding single-family residences set-back and parking, C-1, neighborhood commercial. C-3, Service Commercial.  R1, single-family residential, Reference.com. S, City of Pacifica Sign ordinance.  CA code, accessory (second residential) dwelling units, 65852.2.  Zoning/Planning Handouts, City of Pacifica.  RZ, rezoning.  TDR, transfer of development rights (urban planning).     Note photograph: Springwood Way from Realtor.com.

Posted by Kathy Meeh

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Poop Bond

"Take a look at the payment schedule for our 2017 bond issued for the "poop" bag behind the community center. Maybe, look at the title where it refers to the 22M bond yet the bond is 26M which includes a 4M premium. Is that a commission? Now take a look at the first 5 years of payments. Interest only. All payments are to be paid from revenue from your sewer fees. Now take a look at the annual payments for the balance of the term from 2022 to term. Looks like the payments skyrocket. I would say get ready for some massive rate increases for your sewer fees. Just a rough estimate, some people (maybe all) could see their sewer fees triple or more from whatever is set for this year. Now how are people on fixed incomes going to pay for that?!"

From cities CAFR report

Submitted by Jim Wagner

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Pacifica City Council Meeting Agenda, Feb. 12


Posted by Steve Sinai

Pacificans get mushroom treatment

Jim Wagner and Mark Stechbart | My Turn

Here we go again. City Council continues to stay mum on crucial details
regarding ocean rise and whose homes and property are in the flood
zone. Were you aware City Council is going to put a value on your home
in the flood zone? Got your attention? That got my attention!

City Council has not notified homeowners, nor all property owners of
commercial or private property, they are in or close to the flood zone. The
city website has a report with flood maps buried in a file labeled
“appendices” (why not label the file “homes in the flood zone”?). The
flood maps are so basic you cannot tell who is in or out.

City Council routinely notifies property owners by mail if a development
project within 500 feet of them is under consideration in their
neighborhood. Yet City Council has not notified anyone in the flood zone.
Why the secrecy? When, if ever, will City Council mail a notification?
Some artful dodging is at play to keep the addresses secret.

The City‘s coastal project schedule says that the Asset inventory
(Translation: Property in flood zone) was to be “deliverable” Nov. 17.
Pacifica didn’t post its Asset inventory until Jan. 2, almost two months
late. The report did not include an inventory, but only referenced “GIS
Files” (Geographic Information Systems, an imaging program).

That original Jan. 2 Asset inventory report also had a big oversight --— it
did not include houses, or businesses.

In order to find out if your home or business is in the flood zone, you need
the GIS files. To read the GIS files, you need to buy an expensive reader
which is private proprietary software. Then you need the expertise to
install and use the reader and a computer configured to handle the size
of the program.

City Council has also placed a value on all homes in the flood zone. 
However, City Council has not asked the homeowners if the “value” is correct. 
We are concerned this secret home
value will be used to make a finding that certain areas are not worth
defending through shoreline protection measures. We happen to think all
areas should be ”valued” worth saving. Proven shoreline protection
technology is available and Pacifica has state and federal elected officials
we can count on for assistance.

Couple all this with the first public hearing of the coastal planning citizens
group. No public testimony was allowed. The public was only allowed to
put post-it notes on wall maps after the meeting was over. Meeting
materials and a powerpoint presentation were not available before the
meeting and it was eventually posted on the city website a week later.

What homeowners don’t know right now because City Council has bottled
up the information could cost everyone dearly. All this is a run-up to the
Feb. 13 coastal plan public meeting where the public is actually allowed
to testify. We don’t know the details of the Feb. 13 meeting nor when an
agenda, even if incomplete, will be released. We do know the public is in
the dark. City Council, this is unacceptable.

Submitted by Jim Wagner

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Planning Commission Monday, February 5, 2018

Attend in person, 2212 Beach Boulevard, 2nd floor.  Or, view on local television or live feed Pacificcoast.TV, (formerly pct26.com).  If you miss civic meetings, view on PCT 26 You Tube!  The planning commission meeting begins at 7 p.m., or shortly there following.  Planning Commission updates, archives are available on the City website: City Council Agendas, and City Planning Commission.  Channel 26 television schedule, see Monday, 2/5/18.  

Interactive Planning Commission agenda, 2/5/18.    Planning Commission agenda, 2/5/18, pdf pages 1250.

Open Session, 7:00 p.m.  Administrative:  Approval of Minutes (draft): 1/16/18. Designation of liaison to City Council 2/12/18, (San Pedro Terrace 6-unit subdivision).   Consent items, none.   Communications:  Public oral.

Image result for 801 Fassler Avenue, Pacifica, CA picture
Item 2.  801 Fassler Avenue
may finally get built.

Continued Public Hearings 

1.    PSD-819-17, UP-85-17, PV-519-17.  2-story addition (l,698 sq. ft. to an existing 3,503 2-story single family residence, plus a patio area, deck, uncovered parking area, removal of  heritage tree:  674 Corona Drive (APN 022-210-090), report.  Attachments:  a)  land use and zoning. b) resolution/donditions approval (draft). c) project plans. d) A/B-5 zoned properties, Linda Mar.  e) Geotechnical/geologic evaluations and reviews:

2.     DP-75-14, RZ-192-14, SP-149-14, TDR-03-14, removal of heritage tree; payment request in lieu of providing below market rate housing units: 24-unit residential condominium, 801 Fassler Avenue (APN 022-083-029, and APN 022-083-030), report.  Attachments:  a)  report and minutes, 11/6/17.  b) resolution, ordinance, conditions of approval and related documents.  c) proposed project plans/update, 11/2017.  d) Environmental Impact Report supplement.  e)  building A/proposed alternative.  f) project/elevation Comparison.  g) additional traffic observations.  h) Fassler restriping plan.  i) proposed trail network.   j) proposed deed restriction plan.  k) public comment letters. l) Planning Commission meeting project minutes.

Communications:  Planning Commission, Staff, Adjourn. 

Reference, development/planning acronyms.  APN, Assessor's parcel number.  CDP, Coastal Development permit. CZ, (Coastal Zone Combining) zoning districts. DP, development permit. GPA, General Plan Amendment.  LDR, low density residential.  PE, Parking Exception. PSD, Site Development permit. PV,  Permit Variance. S, Sign permit. SP, Specific Plan. RIA, Rent Increase Application.  SUB Subdivision. TA, text amendment (ordinance). UP, Use permit.  Zoning. California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).  CA CEQA Guidelines, Article 19, Categorical Exemptions: Class 1 categorical exemption, section 15301. Freestanding single-family residences set-back and parking, C-1, neighborhood commercial. C-3, Service Commercial.  R1, single-family residential, Reference.com. S, City of Pacifica Sign ordinance.  CA code, accessory (second residential) dwelling units, 65852.2.  Zoning/Planning Handouts, City of Pacifica.  RZ, rezoning.  TDR, transfer of development rights (urban planning).  Project, 801 Fassler Avenue, (City of Pacifica).  Note: photograph image from Redfin.

Posted by Kathy Meeh