Friday, December 14, 2018

City Council meetings (Regular and Special), Monday December 17, 2018

Attend in person, 2212 Beach Boulevard, 2nd floor.  Or, view on local Pacific Coast television, PCT/Pacifica Channel 26PCT links to meeting videos: calendar, and recent coastside civic meeting videos. City Council and Planning Commission meetings begin at 7 p.m., or shortly there following.  City meeting agendas (current and archived) are available on the City meetings calendar.  City websites:  City Council, and Planning Commission.  

Interactive Regular City Council Agenda 12/17/18.     Regular City Council Agenda, 12/17, pdf pages 28.

Image result for City Council members, Pacifica, CA pictures
This is our current City Council, as we say
thank you for your service and goodbye to
Councilmember Sue Digre and Mayor John Keener.
Open Session, 7:00 p.m.  Call to order, roll call, salute to flag led by Pacifica Boy Scout Troop #264.
Consent Calendar 
1.    Adoption of an ordinance establishing five (5) voting Districts, adding Chapter 9, "District Elections" to Title 2 of the City Municipal Code, (second reading), report, Ordinance.  a) City Summary Report, 12/10/2018,
Communications (Oral): Public.

Interactive Special City Council Agenda 12/17/18.     Special City Council Agenda, pdf pages 19.

Open Session, immediately following the above meeting. Call to order, roll call.
Welcoming remarks and purpose of the meeting: Mayor John Keener. 
Consent Calendar
1.     Adoption of a Resolution declaring results of the General Municipal Election of 11/6/18, (City Council candidates), report.  a) Resolution XX-2018.  b) Certification.
A.   Special order of Business
B.    Outgoing Mayor's and Councilmember's remarks.
C.    Presentations to outgoing Mayor/Councilmembers
D.    Oath of Office to newly elected Councilmembers.
E.    Selection of new Mayor.
F.    Selection of new Mayor Pro Tem.
G.    Incoming Mayor's remarks.
H.    Adjournment followed by refreshments. 

Adjourn.  Note photograph by Horace Hinshaw from Pacifica Tribune, 12/21/16, photograph 2, "O'Neill to lead City Council."
 Posted by Kathy Meeh

Thursday, December 13, 2018

KTVU: Despite controversy, Pacifica City Council narrowly approves plan to combat sea level rise

POSTED: DEC 12 2018 10:11PM PST

An ongoing debate over how to deal with sea level rise in Pacifica reached a vote among city council, approving an adaptation plan despite numerous homeowners pleading their cases to delay approval.
Councilmembers voted 3-2 in favor of moving forward and ultimately submit the plan to the California Coastal Commission for approval.
The fiery meeting Monday lasted more than four hours as Pacifica residents, business owners and government officials voiced their concerns over some strategies and raised questions about how the plan is written. Property values, insurance coverage, future development, coastal erosion and funding were the main themes discussed among the community.
The California Coastal Commission estimates the ocean will rise three to seven feet over the next century. It’s asking all 60+ California coastal cities update their local coastal plans. The last time Pacifica’s was updated was in 1980. 

Read (or watch) more...

Posted by Steve Sinai

City of Pacifica Council Election Certification and Precinct Results

Submitted by Mark Stechbart

Saturday, December 8, 2018

City Council meeting, Monday, December 10, 2018

Attend in person, 2212 Beach Boulevard, 2nd floor.  Or, view on local Pacific Coast television, PCT/Pacifica Channel 26PCT links to meeting videos: calendar, and recent coastside civic meeting videos. City Council and Planning Commission meetings begin at 7 p.m., or shortly there following.  City meeting agendas (current and archived) are available on the City meetings calendar.  City websites:  City Council, and Planning Commission.  

Image result for puzzle 5 parts picture
Item 7. Which of 5 Districts will love me
the most if I run for City Council?
Open Session, 6:00 p.m.  Call to order, roll call, salute to flag. Closed Session: none.
Special Presentations:  Proclamation recognizing the danger of DUI, in Honor of Mya Thone. 

Consent Calendar  
1.     Approval of financial disbursements (checks):  a) FY 2018-19, a) 11/1/18- 11/15/18.
2.     Approval of Minutes,  a) 11/17/18.  b)  11/26/18.
3.     Approval of street sweeping agreement: Contract Sweeping Services, Inc., report. a) Contract agreement.
4.      Proclamation confirming existence of a local (coastline) emergency: Westline Drive to the end of Beach Boulevard, report.  a) Photographs: 400 Esplanade bluff failure.
5.      Resolution declaring a Shelter Crisis (government code 8698.2), as a first step in applying for the State of CA Homeless Emergency Aid Program (HEAP) funding as part of SB 850, and the 2018-19 Budget Act (Chapter 48, Statutes of 2018).  City findings are that 112 persons in our city are homeless and living without shelter, report, Resolution.
 6.     Approval of the 2017/18 Mitigation Fee Act Annual Report of Development Fees (AB 1600), report.  a) City Final Report, 6/30/18.
Communications (Oral):  Public, City Council, City Staff.

Public hearings 

7.      Ordinance establishing District Elections, with members of the City Council from five (5) Districts: adding Chapter 9, "District Elections" to Title 2 of the City Municipal Code, report, Ordinance.  a) District map 505b (draft).  b) District map FSIA 1 (draft).  c) Public Comments.

8.      Local Coastal Program (LCP) policies relating to Sea Level Rise Adaptation (draft). City prepared LCP related to sea level rise adaptation (draft), and a vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Plan to support the LCP policy recommendations, report.  a) LCP policies 1980, and draft LCP policies. b) Planning Commission: Summarized response to public comments, c)  Planning Commission Minutes 11-19-18.  d) LCP Policies (Sea level rise hazard adaptation).  e) Sea Level Rise Adaptation Plan, Final Draft.  f) Vulnerability Assessment.  g) LCP planning schedule, (note: Final Draft approval LCP policies, 12/10/18).
Adjourn.    Note graphic from Three rings Connections/DonnaG, 10/9/18,"5 parts of reading: completes the puzzle."

Posted by Kathy Meeh

Friday, December 7, 2018

Final Results for Pacifica City Council Election November 2018

SUE BECKMEYER                        8,099    18.34%
MARY K. BIER                              7,527    17.04%
MIKE O'NEILL                              7,469     16.91%
VICKIE FLORES                           6,630     15.01%
JOHN KEENER                             6,543     14.81%
ADONICA SHAW PORTER         5,465     12.37%
BRIDGET DUFFY                         2,436      5.52%

72.6% registered voter turnout.

Posted by Steve Sinai

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Who disrespects voters more? Wisconsin or Pacifica?

The Pacifica City Council still intends to vote on the Local Coastal Program on December 10, instead of swearing-in the new council - a blatant act of disrespect to Pacifica voters.

Yesterday the City Clerk was sent an email informing them that by allowing the “lame duck” council to vote on the Local Coastal Program and the council election districts, they are violating the law and ignoring the overwhelming decision of the voters in November’s election, when they voted Mayor John Keener out of office.

RIGHT NOW, your help is needed.  Please send a short email to the City Council telling them to honor the law and the will of the voters and INSTALL the new council at the December 10th council meeting.

Send your email to the City Clerk:
The letter from the Coalition attorney to the city appears below:

Posted by Steve Sinai

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Planning Commission meeting, Monday, December 3, 2018

Attend in person, 2212 Beach Boulevard, 2nd floor.  Or, view on local Pacific Coast television, PCT/Pacifica Channel 26PCT links to meeting videos: calendar, and recent coastside civic meeting videos. City Council and Planning Commission meetings usually begin at 7 p.m., or shortly there following.  City meeting agendas (current and archived) are available on the City meetings calendar.  City websites:  City Council, and Planning Commission. 

Interactive Planning Commission meeting, 12/3/18.      Planning Commission meeting, 12/3/18, pdf pages 121.

Image result for 4009 Palmetto Ave, Pacifica, CA photograph
Item 3.  4009 Palmetto Avenue, almost ready
for building (but then this City is Nimbyland
Open Session, 7:00 p.m.  Administrative:  approval of order of agenda; approval of draft minutes, a) 11/5/18, and b) 11/19/18.  Designation of liaison to City Council meeting, none. Public hearings, none.
Consent items: 
1.    File 2018-052.  Use Permit (UP) determination for hair salon in a neighborhood commercial (C-1), coastal zone combining (CZ) district: 1680 Francisco Blvd (APN 016-022-120), Sharp Park district, report.  Land use determination: a) Proposed Hair Salon,  b) Adjacent R zoning potential impacts.  c) Planning Department: compatible business use.

2.    File 2018-056. Request for zoning permit extension, Specific Plan (SP-153-15) renewal to construct a single-family residence: 323 Beaumont Blvd (APN 009-037-450), Fairmont district, report.  a) Planning Commission Resolution 924, 11/16/15.  b) Extension approval 10/17/17.  c) Renewal request 11/6/18, now ready to submit revised design package.
3.    File 2018-054. Request for renewal of Site Development Permit (PSD-790-14), Variance (PV-513-14), and Parking Exception (PE) construction of a 4-unit apartment building: 4009 Palmetto Avenue (APN 009-402-270), Fairmont West district, report. a) City Council Resolution 78-2106, 12/12/16. b) Planning Commission extension letter, 12/12/17. c)  Applicant renewal request 10/18/18, (delay due to ongoing NIMBY Appeals and litigation).
Communications: Planning Commission, Staff. Adjourn.
Reference, development/planning acronyms.  APN, Assessor's parcel number.  CDP, Coastal Development permit. CZ, (Coastal Zone Combining) zoning districts. DP, development permit. GPA, General Plan Amendment. 
LCP, Local Coastal Program.  LDR, low density residential.  MUP, Marijuana Use permit. PD, Planned Development.  PE, Parking Exception. PSD, Site Development permit. PV, Permit Variance. S, Sign permit. SE, Sign Exception. SP, Specific Plan. RIA, Rent Increase Application.  SUB Subdivision. TA, text amendment (ordinance). UP, Use permit.  Zoning: California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).   CA CEQA: Guidelines, Article 19, Categorical Exemptions: Class 1 categorical exemption, section 15301. Freestanding single-family residences set-back and parking, C-1, neighborhood commercial. C-3, Service Commercial.  R1, single-family residential,  S, City of Pacifica Sign ordinance.  CA code, accessory (second residential) dwelling units, 65852.2.  Zoning/Planning Handouts, City of Pacifica.  RZ, rezoning.  TDR, transfer of development rights (urban planning).  City: Capital Improvement program (CIP), Title/Ordinances/Municipal Code. General Plan. (GP) update documents, background history.  Pacifica Municipal Code (PMC). Local Coastal Land Use Plan, (LCLUP), update documents.    
Note photograph of 4009 Palmetto Avenue face image to proposed design, illustrated at Open Listings. 

Posted by Kathy Meeh

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Sea level rise preparation plan puts Pacifica property owners on edge

 - The Fairway Park West neighborhood in Pacifica has been the place Jeff Guillet and his family have called home for nearly a decade, but he’s concerned his property and its value could soon be at risk with the passage of a new coastal plan.
The City of Pacifica is working on updating the Local Coastal Program plan or LCP, which includes preparing for sea level rise over the next 50 to 100 years. It involves making tough decisions to prepare for the worst case scenario. Guillet claims his entire neighborhood is located in a hazard zone, made up of any land west of Highway 1 in Pacifica.
“My home is a third of a mile from the beach, 40 feet above sea level,” Guillet said. “There is no way that I’m going to be affected by sea level rise in the next 100 years.”
While the city has looked at maintaining ocean barriers and replenishing beaches with sand, it’s one controversial proposal that would negatively affect Guillet’s property that has him outraged. The proposal is called managed retreat, which means moving homes and businesses located in the hazard zone to allow nature to do what it wants and maintain the beach.
“We were shocked,” Guillet said. “I just feel angry that this is being done to me by my city that should be protecting me.”

Read (and watch) more here...

Posted by Steve Sinai

Friday, November 23, 2018

City Council meeting, Monday, November 26, 2018

Attend in person, 2212 Beach Boulevard, 2nd floor.  Or, view on local Pacific Coast television, PCT/Pacifica Channel 26PCT links to meeting videos: calendar, and recent coastside civic meeting videos. City Council and Planning Commission meetings begin at 7 p.m., or shortly there following.  City meeting agendas (current and archived) are available on the City meetings calendar.  City websites:  City Council, and Planning Commission.  

Interactive City Council agenda, 11/26/18.      City Council agenda, 11/26/18, pdf pages 285.

Closed Session, 6:00 p.m.
Image result for Holiday rain picture
Enjoy the rainy weather, aka: Happy Holidays!
A.     CA code 54957.6.  labor negotiator conference:  Janae Novotny; KevinWoodhouse, City Manager.   Employee organizations: Unrepresented Employees; Firefighters Local 2400; Teamsters Local 350 Department Directors.
B.     CA code 54956.9, (d)(2); (e) (1), anticipated litigation (1 potential case).

Open Session, 7:00 p.m.  Call to order, roll call, salute to flag. Closed Session report.
Special Presentations
1)     San Mateo County Libraries Annual Report, Julie Finklang.
2)     Beautification Advisory Committee, Mayors' Beautification Awards.  
Consent Calendar  
1.     Approval of financial disbursements (checks):  a) FY 2018-19, 10/16/18-10/31/18.
2.     Approval of Minutes,  11/13/18.
3.     Approve Construction Testing Services, Inc., 2nd amendment for the Wet Weather Equalization Basin Project Material Testing and Geotechnical Services (sewer capacity improvement), $80, 185, report.  a) CTS amendment 2. 
4.     Approve Rain for Rent, first amendment for the Linda Mar Pump Station Temporary Wet Weather Pumping and Storage project, $310,193, report.  a) First amendment.
5.     Part-time job salary schedule, 1-1-19, report/Resolution.  a) Redlined draft.  b)  Part-time salary schedule final draft.
6.     Unrepresented Management and Confidential Employees, compensation and Benefit Plan (2% increase each year, 7/7/18, 7/6/19, 7/4/20), report/Resolution.  a) Redlined changes, 2018-2021. 
Communications (Oral):  Public, City Council, City Staff.

Public hearings  

7.     Recology of the Coast 2.75% rate adjustment 1/1/19 through 12/31/19, report/Resolution.  a)  Rate Schedule (attachment N).  b) Proposed refuse collection charges. 
8.     CalPERS pension liability costs, report.  a) Actuarial valuation and graphics, 6/30/17.  b) SM County Grand Jury findings/response, 6/28/18. 
9.     Affordable Housing initiatives research and Rent Advisory Task Force (RATF) next steps, report.  a) RATF Charter, (... property owners and renters... stability and predictability...).  b) City of Healdsburg example.  c) RATF Report, 5/22/17.  d) City Council Minutes, 5/22/17. 
10.    Consider moving the 12/10/18 Sea Level Rise Adaptation Policies to 1/2019, report.
11.    New fire engine purchase financing agreement, report.  a) Lease financing,11/7/18.  b) North County Fire Authority proposal, 7/5/18.
12.    Kevin Woodhouse, City Manager employment agreement, first amendment, report/Resolution.  a) First amendment (draft).
Adjourn.     Note photograph by Jeff Moore "Braving the weather...Kent" from The Guardian/Helen Carter, 8/26/10, "Millions plan.. holiday trip.." 

Posted by Kathy Meeh