Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Race-baiting from Measure C supporters

It used to be that pulling the Hitler card pretty much acknowledged that you had lost the debate. It seems that new tactics have been perfected to prove that your point is not valid. 

Name calling, accusations, intimidation, threats, and more have all now been loaded into the tool box of those campaigning for C.  It's too bad that a civil discussion can't be entered into. 

Are the strong point of this measure so weak that you can't debate why it is necessary beyond the frantic cry of "because!".  

People of Pacifica are more intelligent than that and I like to think we are savvy voters. 

Submitted by
Jim Wagner
Proud to be in the Real Estate Profession

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Ballot initiative filed to repeal Costa-Hawkins, California’s rent control limitation law

A statewide ballot initiative was filed today to repeal the Costa-Hawkins Rental Housing Act, landmark legislation that’s protected California from extreme forms of rent control.  Because Costa-Hawkins has prohibited rent control on new construction after 1995, it has  encouraged private investment into new rental housing for more than 20 years.
Proponents of the initiative include Michael Weinstein, president of the AIDS Healthcare Foundation; the Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment, also known as ACCE and one of the primary tenant organizations in California; and the Eviction Defense Network.
Under the Costa-Hawkins Act, apartments built after 1995 are exempted from local rent control laws, as are single-family homes. Costa-Hawkins also allows a property owner to set the rent at the market rate once a tenant moves out and a new tenant moves in – known as vacancy decontrol.
According to Tom Bannon, CEO for the California Apartment Association, “If new construction and single-family homes are not protected from rent control  and the ability for owners to raise rents to market when a tenant vacates a unit is not protected against rent control, private investment into rental housing will come to a screeching halt.  Without a degree of certainty, small landlords, pension funds, and other investors will not have an incentive to maintain or improve the current rental housing stock.  Without an adequate supply of homes for their employees,  businesses will look to other states that are more favorable to housing construction. California’s efforts to attract employers will ring hollow.  California already has a housing shortage, and repealing the Costa-Hawkins Act would make matters considerably worse.  No new construction would mean there would be no place for our grown children and grandchildren to live.”
CAA, which opposes all forms of rent control, is preparing to defeat the initiative should it ultimately qualify.
At this point, the Legislative Analyst’s Office will perform an analysis of the measure, and the state attorney general’s office will prepare a title and summary. This process could take up to 60 days. Once it is complete,  proponents can begin circulating the petition to qualify the initiative for the November 2018 ballot. 
The measure will need approximately 600,000 signatures to secure the 366,000 valid signatures necessary to qualify. The last day to qualify a measure for the November 2018 statewide ballot is June 28, 2017. 
The push to put a Costa-Hawkins repeal before voters follows a similar effort that stalled in the state Legislature this year.
In early 2017, Assemblyman Richard Bloom, D-Santa Monica, authored AB 1506, which sought to repeal Costa-Hawkins. While the bill was put on hold amid opposition from CAA, the assemblyman can request a hearing on the bill again in 2018.

Submitted by Jim Wagner

Monday, October 23, 2017

Out-of-towner justification for why Pacifica should spend its time on Presidential impeachment rather than filling potholes

We are undergoing a serious threat to our democratic institutions, under the dubious presidency of Donald Trump. We are very happy to hear that Pacifica is considering a resolution, on Monday Oct 23, to urge an impeachment investigation of the President. It is past time.

We are across the Bay in Alameda, and passed a resolution urging impeachment in March, 2017. You might be interested to know that along with Alameda, 15 other cities, towns, and counties have passed resolutions, and more are to come, including San Francisco. See the complete list below. As time goes on, we have increasingly urgent questions about the President’s business entanglements (foreign and domestic) and his mental stability. As you know, the Constitution vests the House Judiciary with the responsibility to investigate these kind of concerns, which go far beyond the criminal inquiry being conducted by Mueller.

Three questions come up quite commonly when cities contemplate these kind of resolutions: (1) Should cities be concerned with issues of the Presidency and the Constitution? Shouldn’t they stick with pothole repairs, the homeless, etc? (2) If Trump were to be impeached, would we be left with someone equally bad, Mike Pence and (3) What is the point of urging resolution while the Republicans control Congress? Let me briefly respond to all three, in case this is helpful:

1. City Council members take an oath to uphold the Constitution. Furthermore, cities are the closest governmental unit available and accessible to citizens. For both reasons, the city is the perfect and appropriate arena to pass on concerns of citizens which pertain to the highest office in the land.

2. We are a nation of laws. We do not fail to investigate and try people who are violating the law because it might have inconvenient consequences. Pence may be entangled in Trump’s problems and “go down with the ship”, but if not, we will deal with Pence when the time comes.

3. Take a page from the Republican playbook: didn’t they vote to repeal the ACA numerous times, over a period of years, even though each time it failed? They did so to make a point, even if they did not win. In doing so, they got publicity and stood up for what they thought was “right.” Ok. We can do that too! Furthermore, at any time, the Republicans could reach the breaking point, and champion country over party. Let’s hope this happens soon. There are certainly signs this happy day is coming, and not a moment too soon.

Best wishes for a successful vote for impeachment on Monday, October 23.

Katie and Kenneth Cameron, in behalf of Alameda4Impeachment

Sunday, October 22, 2017

City Council meeting Monday, October 23, 2017

ttend in person, 2212 Beach Boulevard, 2nd floor. Or view on local television or live feed Pacific Coast TV. If you missed meetings, view on PCT26 YouTube!  The city council meeting begins at 7 p.m., or shortly there following. City Council updates and archives are available on the City Council website.      Channel 26 television schedule, see Monday, 10/23/17.  

Interactive City Council agenda, 10/23/17.        City Council agenda, 10/23/17, pdf pages 

Closed Session, 6:30 p.m.
A.  Existing litigation, Guadagnini v. City of Pacifica, US District Court, Northern District of CA, case 15-4715 JSC Med:  Paragraph (1) of subdivision (d) of Section 54956.9.  

Image result for Trump picture
item 9.  Trump with local NIMBY:
NIMBIES say "Trump bad".
Open session, 7:00 p.m.  Call to order, roll call, salute to flag.  Closed Session: none; report none.  Special presentations:  Proclamation.  City of Pacifica 60th Anniversary.

Consent Calendar 
1.      Approval of financial disbursements, FY 2017-18,  report.  a) Disbursements 9/14/17 - 9/28/17.
2.    Approval of Minutes, report.  a) 9/25/17.  b) 10/9/17.
3.    Cancellation:  City Council meeting (light agenda, potential lack of a quorum), 11/13/17, report.
4.     Approval of contracts for the protection rock revetment repair project, 500 Esplanade. Agreements:  a) GHD, Inc.  b) Cotton Shires & Associates.
5.     Resolution approving purchase and demolition of cliff failure homes, and City purchase acquisition of site properties, seller's accepting of  State FEMA hazard mitigation grant program funding, $993,760 (Fund 38), report.  Agreements:  a)  532 Esplanade. b)  528 Esplanade. c)  RV Stitch Construction Services. d) FEMA project approval: Federal $993,750, non-Federal $875, 370, total $1,889,120, performance completion by 9/22/19, pdf report, computer bottom of page 4.
6.     Update on possible/impossible modern Pacifica library planning efforts, report.
Oral communications. Public; Council, Staff.  

Public hearings
7.       Sanitary side sewer maintenance ordinance update, report.  a) repealing Section 6-9.602. b) Hearing notice, Pacifica Tribune, 9/20/17. 
8.       Climate Action Plan Implementation (CAP), 2017,  report.  a) Goals/measures, action report, pdf pages 34.
9.      Resolution (requested by Mayor Pro Tem Keener) to impeach President Trump, report/resolution.

Adjourn.     Note photograph image to CNN/Politics, "Pittsburgh mayor outraged by Trump's comment..."video link.

Posted by Kathy Meeh

Thursday, October 19, 2017

This is what cities run by extreme ideologues waste their time on

It's nice to see little ole po-dunk Pacifica entering the national political battle field. I can't think of anything more important to burn dollars on paying attorneys to draw up fancy lawyer-speak  that  puts a bull's-eye on Pacifica's ass. Not crumbling infrastructure, dilapidated streets, or sea walls falling into the ocean threatening thousands of residents homes and businesses isn't as important. Way to go Despicable Three. Keeping it classy and focused. 

Council agenda, 10/23/2017.

NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PACIFICA HEREBY RESOLVES to call upon the United States House of Representatives to support a resolution authorizing and directing the House Committee on the Judiciary to investigate whether sufficient grounds exist for the impeachment of Donald J. Trump, President of the United States, including but not limited to the allegations listed herein; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED to call upon the California Legislature to adopt its own resolution calling upon the United States House of Representatives to support a resolution authorizing an investigation into whether sufficient grounds exist for the impeachment of Donald J. Trump, President of the United States; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be transmitted officially to Congresswoman Jackie Speier, the City of Pacifica’s representative to the United States House of Representatives; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be transmitted officially to State Assembly member Kevin Mullen; and to State Senator Jerry Hill, the City of Pacifica’s representative to the California Legislature; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be transmitted officially to United States’ Senators Dianne Feinstein and Kamala Harris, and to United States’ Attorney General Jeff Sessions

Submitted by Jim Wagner

Measure G (marijuana operations tax) forum, this Saturday, October 21, 2017

Pacifica-Daly City Democrats Club email/H.J. Crow, 10/17/17.
Image result for Marijuana tax picture
6% marijuana operation tax,
maybe more later, worth it?
Image result for Marijuana tax picture
Our economy is our weed,
might as well tax it.
"This Saturday, October 21the Pacifica - Daly City Democrats Club monthly meeting will host a Forum on Measure G (on the November 7 ballot), “An ordinance establishing a Marijuana Operations Tax” in Pacifica. Although no written opposition argument was submitted on Measure G, the forum promises to be a lively and informative discussion on a wide range of issues related to our community and marijuana, including the ordinances regulating marijuana operations in Pacifica. 

If Measure G passes, how will this impact our community?
Panelists from local cannabis dispensaries, Pacifica’s Chamber of Commerce, and the educational community, as well as audience members, will undoubtedly voice a variety of opinions on these topics. 
The meeting begins at 9:30 a.m. in the rear banquet room at the Sharp Park Golf Course Restaurant.  Breakfast is available at $12, or continental at $6 or just coffee at $3.  However, no purchase is necessary and the meeting is free and open to the general public."

Submitted by Connie Menefee, President of the Pacifica-Daly City Democrats

Reference.  Ballotpedia, 9/24/17,/local ballot measures/Measure G/Marijuana operation tax.     Note photographics: Piggy from Pulse marijuana Packing Company, ".... Medical Marijuana Tax Deduction?"  Ben Franklin from Wonderland Collective/Cannabis 101, 7/3/17,"How Nevada Plans To Use Their Marijuana Tax Revenue."  Disclaimer:  the photographs and captions attitude are that of the poster (below), and were not provided by the Club or Forum members..  

Posted by Kathy Meeh

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Planning Commission Monday, October 16, 2017

Attend in person, 2212 Beach Boulevard, 2nd floor.  Or, view on local television or live feed Pacificcoast.TV, (formerly pct26.com).  If you miss civic meetings, view on PCT 26 You Tube!  The planning commission meeting begins at 7 p.m., or shortly there following.  Planning Commission updates, archives are available on the City website: City Council Agendas, and City Planning Commission.  Channel 26 television schedule, see Monday, 10/16/17.  

270 Sterling Ave, PACIFICA, CA 94044
Item 1.  Goodbye ugly!
New future coming.

New Public Hearings 
CDP-389-17.  Demolish a condemned single-family Pedro Point residence building, 270 Sterling Avenue (APN 023-023-040), report, pdf pages 8.  Attachments: a) Land use zoning exhibit map.  b) Resolution, pdf pages 7.  c) Photographs (4). d)  Demolition plan graphic.
Communications:  Planning Commission, Staff, Adjourn.  


Reference,  Item 1. 270 Sterling Avenue, Pedro Point street location, Google map.  Note photograph, 270 Sterling Avenue 2 of 2 from Redfin/Amy Brenner, REA.

Reference, development/planning acronyms.  APN, Assessor's parcel number, CDP, Coastal Development permit. CZ, (Coastal Zone Combining) zoning districts. LDR, low density residential.  PE, Parking Exception. PSD, Site Development permit. PV, Variance. S, Sign permit. SP, Specific Plan. RIA, Rent Increase Application.  SUB Subdivision. TA, text amendment (ordinance). UP, Use permit.  Zoning. California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).   CA CEQA Guidelines, Article 19, Categorical Exemptions: Class 1 categorical exemption, section 15301. Freestanding single-family residences set-back and parking, C-1, neighborhood commercial, R1, single-family residential, Reference.com. S, City of Pacifica Sign ordinance.  CA code, accessory (second residential) dwelling units, 65852.2.  Zoning/Planning Handouts, City of Pacifica.   

Posted by Kathy Meeh

Friday, October 13, 2017

California cities get next year’s pension bill. ‘It’s not sustainable,’ Sacramento official says

The Sacramento region’s largest local governments will see pension costs go up by an estimated 14 percent next fiscal year, starting a series of annual increases that many city officials say are “unsustainable” and will force service cuts or tax hikes.
The increases come after CalPERS in December reduced the expected rate of return from investments, forcing local governments and other participants in the state’s retirement plan to pay more to cover the cost of pensions.
In recent months, local governments have found out just how much more they can expect to pay as CalPERS sent them notices of estimated costs. Ten of the largest local governments in the capital region can expect to pay a total of $216 million to CalPERS in fiscal 2018-19, an increase of $27 million over this year. Nearly half of that increase will be borne by one local government – the city of Sacramento.
Responding to widespread concerns from local government officials, CalPERS agreed to spread higher costs over eight years. That means cities will see rate hikes each year that are similar to this year’s, assuming that the fund’s investments make 7 percent annually under the new expected rate of return.
Submitted by Mark Stechbart

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Daly City, San Mateo County officials rebuff rent control, other onerous policies

October 4, 2017

During a meeting attended by more than 150 members of the rental housing industry, the Daly City City Council last week rejected the idea of rent control and a number of other onerous housing policies.

On a 3-1 vote on Sept. 25, the council also dismissed policies such as just-cause eviction, relocation assistance, mandatory acceptance of Section 8 vouchers and the creation of a rent registry.

At issue was whether to include these policies as part of Daly City’s Assessment of Fair Housing Report (AFH). The report is a comprehensive study on a jurisdiction’s housing barriers, a routine process required by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for jurisdictions that receive federal grants.

Had the fair housing plan been adopted by the City Council as presented by city staff, Daly City would have been required to begin studying these policies as early as September 2018.

The California Apartment Association and coalition partners mobilized members to attend the meeting and speak out against the punitive mandates.

“We understand that the city wants to address the city’s housing needs and we should. However, this is not the right approach,” Rhovy Lyn Antonio, CAA’s vice president of public affairs, told the council. Policies like rent control have been proven to be a failure in every city where it’s been adopted. It does not build one single unit of housing nor guarantees that the rent controlled unit goes to a household with low income.

Submitted by Victor Spano

Sunday, October 8, 2017

City Council meeting Monday, October 9, 2017

Attend in person, 2212 Beach Boulevard, 2nd floor. Or view on local television or live feed Pacific Coast TV. If you missed meetings, view on PCT26 YouTube!  The city council meeting begins at 7 p.m., or shortly there following. City Council updates and archives are available on the City Council website.      Channel 26 television schedule, see Monday, 10/09/17. 

Interactive City Council agenda, 10/9/17.     City Council agenda, `10/9/17, pdf pages 74. 

Image result for Columbus Day pictures
NIMBIES:  Wow, we found Pacifica...
that must mean we own it.
Open session, 7:00 p.m.  Call to order, roll call, salute to flag.  Closed Session: none; report none.  Special presentations: none listed.   

Consent Calendar 
1.     Approval of financial disbursements, FY 2017-18, report:  a)  9/12/17 - 9/15/17.
2.     Continuing proclamation: existence of a local emergency, Westline Drive to end of Beach Blvd, report. a) bluff failure photographs, 10/2/17.
3.     2nd reading, adopt accessory dwelling unit ordinance revisions (exempt from CEQA), conforming with CA state legislature government code 6585D2.2. Report/ordinance, pdf pages 31.
4.     2nd reading, adopt Sanctuary City ordinance, municipal code: chapter 16, title 4. Report/ordinance, pdf pages 10.  a) Federal funds 2017-19, awarded, not expended/reimbursed, potential liability $2,928,253.
Oral communications. Public; Council, Staff.  

Public hearings 
5.    Municipal code clarification of maintenance and repair for side sewer laterals which connect to City sewers: property owners are responsible, report. a) Wastewater ordinance amendments.  b) Pacifica Tribune hearing notice, week of 9/20/17. 

6.     Recology of the Coast rate adjustment, 2018, report/resolution.  a)  Public hearing 12/11/17/collection cost changes 1/1/18.  b) Protest hearing procedure.
7.     Vacancy appointments to committees and commissions, report.   a) Beautification Advisory Committee.  b) Emergency Preparedness & Safety Commission.  c) Economic Development Committee.  d) Planning Commission.
Adjourn.     Note graphic from Liberty Voice/Beth Balen, 10/7/14, "Columbus Day Controversy ..." 

Posted by Kathy Meeh

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Pacifica being sued for non-ADA compliance at City Hall

I wonder how much it will cost to become ADA compliant at city hall! 

whatever it is we don't have the money to do it. maybe one of the local contractors will do it on credit!


Submitted by Jim Wagner