Attend in person, 2212 Beach Boulevard, 2nd floor. Or, view on local Pacific Coast television, Pacifica Channel 26. If you miss civic meetings, view on PCT 26 You Tube! For Channel 26 television schedule, see Monday, 6/24/18. The City Council meeting begins at 7 p.m., or shortly there following. City Council Agendas and Minutes archives are available on the City website.
Interactive City Council meeting agenda, 6/25/18. City Council meeting agenda, 6/25/18, pdf pages 265.
Closed session, 5:30 p.m.
Proclamation for Kathy O'Connell, City Clerk. Tune in, there must be a special reason. |
1. CA code 54957.6. Conference with labor negotiator: Firefighters local 240, Battalion Chiefs, Local 856; Wastewater Treatment Plant employees, Local 856, Miscellaneous Local 856, Department Directors, Local 350, Managers Local 350; Police Officers Association, Police Supervisors Association, Police Management Local 350.
Open session, 7:00 p.m. Call to order, roll call, salute to flag. Closed Session report.
Special Presentations/Proclamations: 1) Pacifica School District Superintendent, Dr. Wendy Tukloff; 2) Parks, Beaches and Recreation month; 3) Kathy O'Connell, City Clerk.
2. Approval of Minutes, a) 6/11/18.
3. Cancellation of City Council meeting, 8/27/18, report.
4. Authorize San Mateo County Area Agency/Agency for Older American (OAA) Senior Services grant funding contracts, FY 2018-19: 1) Transportation, 2) Congregate Nutrition, 3) Home Delivery Meal programs, report.
5. Resolution approving CA Department of Education subsidized child care and child development funding contracts, FY 2018-19: child care $640,462, preschool $173,782, total $814.244, report. a) none. b) CCTR 8241. c) CSPP 8525.
6. Approval of Cotton Shires & Associates (engineering design services), Milagra Creek Outfill repair project contract, amendment 1, report. a) Amendment No. 1, $43,370 from Fund 38 disaster accounting.
7. Approval of R.E. Staite Engineering, Inc.contract change orders, Pacifica Pier Wall Caps Replacement project, report. a) Change orders 1 and 2, $7,055.
8. Proposed Resolution establishing required CA state budget appropriation limit (Article XIIIB), FY 2018-19, and accepting the independent accountant's report, FY 2017-18, report/Resolution. a) Annual limit, FY 2018-19. b) Calculation, FY 2018-19. c) Accountancy guidelines, FY 2017-18.9. Resolution, General Municipal Election, 11/6/18 to elect 3 City Council members for 4-year terms, report/Resolution. a) San Mateo County service agreement.
10. Review of City's conflict of interest code (for new government participation positions and revised titles), report. a) Executive oversight officer/biennial notice, 2018.
Communications (oral). Public, City Council, City Staff.
Public Hearings
Public Hearings
11. Pacifica Hotel Business Improvement District annual report (BID), FY 2018-19, (same rates as levied in FY 2017-18), report/Annual Report Resolution. a) BID Resolution. b) BID Annual Report,l FY2017-2018.
12. Skyridge Homeowners Association appeal against Skyridge Development removing heritage trees (north of Sharp Park road along Skyline Boulevard: the project was approved by the City Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission, report. a) Skyridge Tree Appeal Documents. b) Planting Plan.
13. Adopt the City Annual Operating and Capital Budget, FY 2018-19, report/Resolution. a) City of Pacifica Proposed Budget, FY 2018-2019.
Adjourn. Note photograph of Kathy O'Connell from City of Pacifica/City Clerk/City Council/Planning Commission.
Posted by Kathy Meeh