Sunday, June 24, 2018

City Council meeting Monday, June 25, 2018

8.    Proposed Resolution establishing required CA state budget appropriation limit (Article XIIIB), FY 2018-19, and accepting the independent accountant's report, FY 2017-18, report/Resolution.  a) Annual limit, FY 2018-19.  b) Calculation, FY 2018-19.  c) Accountancy guidelines, FY 2017-18.
9.    Resolution, General Municipal Election, 11/6/18 to elect 3 City Council members for 4-year terms, report/Resolution.  a) San Mateo County service agreement.
10.  Review of City's conflict of interest code (for new government participation positions and revised titles), report. a) Executive oversight officer/biennial notice, 2018.

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Book 'em, Danno!

We thought you’d enjoy this from the California Fair Political Practices Commission:

In the Matter of Fair Rents 4 Pacifica, Julie Starobin, and Thursday Roberts; FPPC No. 17/1217. Staff: Commission Counsel Christopher Burton and Political Reform Consultant Tara Stock. Fair Rents 4 Pacifica is a local ballot measure committee created to support City of Pacifica Measure C, which appeared on the November 7, 2017 Special Election ballot. Julie Starobin was the Committee’s treasurer. Thursday Roberts is the Committee’s principal officer. The Committee, Starobin, and Roberts failed to timely change the name of the Committee to reflect the supported ballot measure, and failed to include “Measure C” in the Committee’s name on mass mailings and advertisements, in violation of Government Code Sections 84103, 84107, 84305, and 84504 (1 count). Fine: $3,500.

Kirk Alan Pessner

650-401-8735 x 301 (PHONE)
650-401-8739 (FAX)

916-254-5180 (PHONE)
916-379-8531 (FAX)


Submitted by Jim Wagner

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

California Ranked 2nd In Psychopathy In New Study

Southern Methodist University in Texas used data on the five personality traits to rank states.

hell I could have told them that! i'm just surprised we're number 2! hahahhaa

Submitted by Jim Wagner

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Planning Commission meeting, Monday June 18, 2018

Attend in person, 2212 Beach Boulevard, 2nd floor.  Or, view on local Pacific Coast television, Pacifica Channel 26If you miss civic meetings, view on PCT 26 You Tube!  The planning commission meeting begins at 7 p.m., or shortly there following.  Planning Commission updates, archives are available on the City website: City Council Agendas, and City Planning Commission.  Channel 26 television schedule, see Monday, 6/18/18.  


Interactive Planning Commission Agenda, 6/18/18.    Planning Commission Agenda, 6/18/18, pdf pages 58.

204 Olympian Way, PACIFICA, CA 94044
Item 2. Olympian Way (Pedro Point)

Open Session, 7:00 p.m.  Administrative:  Approval of order of Agenda, Approval of Draft Minutes:  a) 6/4/18.  Designation of Planning Commission liaison to City Council meeting, none.  Consent items, none.

Communications: Public (oral).

Continued Public Hearings    

 1.  File No. 2017-033: SP-166-17. Construction of a 3-story, single family residence, 3,643 sq. ft., (Fairmont district): 327 Beaumont Boulevard, (APN 009-037-470), report. 

 2. File No. 2017-029: CDP 390-17.  Construction of a 2-story, single family residence, 3,819 sq.ft., north side of Olympian Way, 11,150 ft. west of Grand Avenue intersection (APN 023-038-350), report.  Attachments:  a) Land use/zoning exhibit map.  b) Draft Resolution/COAs.  c) Project Plans.  d) Arborist report. 

Communications:  Planning Commission, Staff, Adjourn.    


Reference, development/planning acronyms.  APN, Assessor's parcel number.  CDP, Coastal Development permit. CZ, (Coastal Zone Combining) zoning districts. DP, development permit. GPA, General Plan Amendment.  LDR, low density residential.  PD, Planned Development.  PE, Parking Exception. PSD, Site Development permit. PV, Permit Variance. S, Sign permit. SE, Sign Exception. SP, Specific Plan. RIA, Rent Increase Application.  SUB Subdivision. TA, text amendment (ordinance). UP, Use permit.  Zoning: California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).  CA CEQA Guidelines, Article 19, Categorical Exemptions: Class 1 categorical exemption, section 15301. Freestanding single-family residences set-back and parking, C-1, neighborhood commercial. C-3, Service Commercial.  R1, single-family residential,  S, City of Pacifica Sign ordinance.  CA code, accessory (second residential) dwelling units, 65852.2.  Zoning/Planning Handouts, City of Pacifica.  RZ, rezoning.  TDR, transfer of development rights (urban planning).  City: Capital Improvement program (CIP), Title/Ordinances/Municipal Code. General Plan. (GP) update documents, background history.  Pacifica Municipal Code (PMC). Local Coastal Land Use Plan, (LCLUP), update documents.       Note photograph 2nd block of Olympian Way, slide 7 of 21 from Redfin.

Posted by Kathy Meeh

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Councilmember Mike O'Neill speaker at Democrats meeting, Saturday June 16, 2018

This Saturday morning, June 16, the monthly meeting of the Pacifica - Daly City Democrats Club will feature a talk by Pacifica City Councilmember and history buff Mike O’Neill, who will share lesser-known stories about Congress members over the years. Councilmember O’Neill will also, as time permits, respond to questions about current matters of interest to Pacificans.

Image result for Mike O'Neill, Pacifica, CA picture
Councilmember Mike O'Neill has some
great stories to share. Reason to be there.
The meeting, in the rear banquet room at the Sharp Park Golf Course Restaurant, will begin at 9:30 a.m.  Breakfast will be available for $12, continental for $6, or just coffee for $3. However, no purchase is necessary, and the meeting is free and open to the general public.

If you have not yet joined or renewed your membership in Pacifica - Daly City Democrats,  please consider becoming a 2018 member now by completing a membership application available at the sign-in table Saturday morning. 

Submitted by Connie Menefee, Club President 

Related, Councilmember Mike O'Neill. City of Pacifica/City Council, vote history.  Campaign website, San Mateo County/Pacifica/Smart Voter information, 11/6/12.  Note:  Photograph of our current City Council by Horace Hinshaw, Pacifica Tribune/Horace Hinshaw, Editor, 12/21/16, "O'Neill to lead City Council." "... O’Neill, as the newly-appointed mayor, made his incoming remarks, saying to the audience, “I will be brief because I know I’m the only thing between you and cake.”  Good article, Horace!

Posted by Kathy Meeh

Monday, June 11, 2018

Climate Change Has Run Its Course - WSJ

Steven F. Hayward
June 4, 2018 6:54 p.m. ET
Climate change is over. No, I’m not saying the climate will not change in the future, or that human influence on the climate is negligible. I mean simply that climate change is no longer a pre-eminent policy issue. All that remains is boilerplate rhetoric from the political class, frivolous nuisance lawsuits, and bureaucratic mandates on behalf of special-interest renewable-energy rent seekers.

Judged by deeds rather than words, most national governments are backing away from forced-marched decarbonization. You can date the arc of climate change as a policy priority from 1988, when highly publicized congressional hearings first elevated the issue, to 2018. President Trump’s ostentatious withdrawal from the Paris Agreement merely ratified a trend long becoming evident.
A good indicator of why climate change as an issue is over can be found early in the text of the Paris Agreement. The “nonbinding” pact declares that climate action must include concern for “gender equality, empowerment of women, and intergenerational equity” as well as “the importance for some of the concept of ‘climate justice.’ ” Another is Sarah Myhre’s address at the most recent meeting of the American Geophysical Union, in which she proclaimed that climate change cannot fully be addressed without also grappling with the misogyny and social injustice that have perpetuated the problem for decades.
The descent of climate change into the abyss of social-justice identity politics represents the last gasp of a cause that has lost its vitality. Climate alarm is like a car alarm—a blaring noise people are tuning out.
This outcome was predictable. Political scientist Anthony Downs described the downward trajectory of many political movements in an article for the Public Interest, “Up and Down With Ecology: The ‘Issue-Attention Cycle,’ ” published in 1972, long before the climate-change campaign began. Observing the movements that had arisen to address issues like crime, poverty and even the U.S.-Soviet space race, Mr. Downs discerned a five-stage cycle through which political issues pass regularly.
The first stage involves groups of experts and activists calling attention to a public problem, which leads quickly to the second stage, wherein the alarmed media and political class discover the issue. The second stage typically includes a large amount of euphoric enthusiasm—you might call it the “dopamine” stage—as activists conceive the issue in terms of global peril and salvation. This tendency explains the fanaticism with which divinity-school dropouts Al Gore and Jerry Brown have warned of climate change.
Then comes the third stage: the hinge. As Mr. Downs explains, there soon comes “a gradually spreading realization that the cost of ‘solving’ the problem is very high indeed.” That’s where we’ve been since the United Nations’ traveling climate circus committed itself to the fanatical mission of massive near-term reductions in fossil fuel consumption, codified in unrealistic proposals like the Kyoto Protocol. This third stage, Mr. Downs continues, “becomes almost imperceptibly transformed into the fourth stage: a gradual decline in the intensity of public interest in the problem.”
While opinion surveys find that roughly half of Americans regard climate change as a problem, the issue has never achieved high salience among the public, despite the drumbeat of alarm from the climate campaign. Americans have consistently ranked climate change the 19th or 20th of 20 leading issues on the annual Pew Research Center poll, while Gallup’s yearly survey of environmental issues typically ranks climate change far behind air and water pollution.
“In the final stage,” Mr. Downs concludes, “an issue that has been replaced at the center of public concern moves into a prolonged limbo—a twilight realm of lesser attention or spasmodic recurrences of interest.” Mr. Downs predicted correctly that environmental issues would suffer this decline, because solving such issues involves painful trade-offs that committed climate activists would rather not make.
A case in point is climate campaigners’ push for clean energy, whereas they write off nuclear power because it doesn’t fit their green utopian vision. A new study of climate-related philanthropy by Matthew Nisbet found that of the $556.7 million green-leaning foundations spent from 2011-15, “not a single grant supported work on promoting or reducing the cost of nuclear energy.” The major emphasis of green giving was “devoted to mobilizing public opinion and to opposing the fossil fuel industry.”
Scientists who are genuinely worried about the potential for catastrophic climate change ought to be the most outraged at how the left politicized the issue and how the international policy community narrowed the range of acceptable responses. Treating climate change as a planet-scale problem that could be solved only by an international regulatory scheme transformed the issue into a political creed for committed believers. Causes that live by politics, die by politics.
Mr. Hayward is a senior resident scholar at the Institute of Governmental Studies at the University of California, Berkeley.
Submitted by Jim Wagner