Attend in person, 2212 Beach Boulevard, 2nd floor. Or view on local television or live feed Pacific Coast TV. If you missed meetings, view on PCT26 YouTube! The city council meeting begins at 7 p.m., or shortly there following. City Council updates and archives are available on the City Council website. Channel 26 television schedule, see Monday, 01/22/18.
Interactive City Council meeting agenda, 1/22/18. City Council meeting agenda, 1/22/18, pdf pages.
Closed Session, 6:15 p.m. Government code 54957 (b) (1). City Manager performance evaluation.
Open session, 7:00 p.m. Call to order, roll call, salute to flag. Closed Session report. Special presentations: San Mateo County "Get us moving", Cory Wolbach.
Consent Calendar
Item 11, Airport noise terrorizes many of our Pacificans. But try Burlingame, you'll feel so much better-off here. |
2. Approval of Minutes, report. a) 1/8/18.
3. Approval of Caltrans (Route 1) San Pedro Creek Bridge Replacement Project, quarterly monitoring and annual report, report. Agreements: a) Wilsey Ham Consultant. b) SMCTA Measure A funding. c) State/City monitoring.
4. Approval of Calera Creek Water Recycling Plant communication control panel configuration, ATADModification Project, phase 2: Tesco Controls, Inc., report. a) Agreement, $59,469.00.
5. Approval contract change order 1,500 Esplanade Coastal Protection Rock Revetment Repair Project: Michael Roberts Construction, Inc. report. a) Change order #1. b) Site plan. $665,000 additional budget authority from Disaster Fund 38, 75% reimbursed by CalOES, 17% City insurance, 8% Excess ERAF funds.
6. Resolution, part-time salary schedule, 1/23/18 (CA minimum age update) DRAFT, report/resolution. a) Changes from existing schedule. b) Clean completed schedule.
7. Planning consultant project staff management, M-Group 2nd amendment: 2 consulting firms, (1 full-time employee 6 month equivalent), $150,000 (not to exceed $300,000) reimbursed by project applicants, report. Amendments: a) 2nd (proposed). b) 1st, (and original agreement).
8. Approval Collection System Project, FY 2016-17 construction contract change order, #2: C2R Engineering, Inc., $38,000 additional budget authority, Wastewater Enterprise Fund 34, report. a) Agreement, change order #1, 12/29/17, $60,721.42, total at that time $675,480.07.
9. Resolution, accept FEMA Firefighters matching funds grant, FY 2017-18, report/resolution. a) Letter approving North County Fire Authority safety equipment amendment.
Oral communications. Public; Council, Staff. Public hearings, none.
10. Planning for new Pacifica Library opportunities and facilities, report. a) Summary, 1/2018.
11. Airport aircraft noise, adopt a City position, and develop letters advocating for the same, report. a) List of City position statements, 1/2018.
Adjourn. Note photo/graphic. SF Gate/Getty Images, Mike Moffitt, 6/2/16,"New FAA flight paths bombard Pacifica with noise."
Posted by Kathy Meeh
11. Airport aircraft noise, adopt a City position, and develop letters advocating for the same, report. a) List of City position statements, 1/2018.
Adjourn. Note photo/graphic. SF Gate/Getty Images, Mike Moffitt, 6/2/16,"New FAA flight paths bombard Pacifica with noise."
Posted by Kathy Meeh