In response to a recent blog comment: If a city council welcomes developers to strategically boost their economy, offer services, and improve their city-- these developers will offer a project and build. Meantime, how's that "we can do nothing" attitude against opportunities working-out for this city over the past 10 years?

The negotiations will also include plans for moving the Redwood
Creek culvert that cuts across the northern third of the area, making
difficult construction of a building or underground parking. Although
any final design is still years away, the unanimous vote by the Redwood
City Council Monday night to narrow down the applicant pool is a
beginning step to transforming Block 2, the Winslow Parking lot and the
future Depot Circle. The so-called Block 2 is bordered by Jefferson
Avenue, Middlefield Road and the Caltrain tracks while Depot Circle is
the intersection of Winslow and Hamilton streets.“We are standing at the precipice of something great for our downtown,” said Councilman Jeff Gee." Full Article.
Reference: City Managers Request for Qualifications (RFQ), news release, 9/2/11. That's how fast this is moving. The city designated the land and the concept with voter approval.
Posted by Kathy Meeh
I'm ready for this. Let's run a heavily used commuter train through town, announce we're the county seat, and see what develops!
No need to be "ready", that train fell into the ocean years ago. Guess being the butt of the county is something like being the county seat.
I think HMB holds the County Butt title. We're probably a class 2nd or 3rd if that warms your heart.
This project in Redwood City could easily take 8-10 years to finish. It's in the fuzzy concept stage now.
Probably will get built because Redwood City is a desirable location for this type of development.
Every other city can but Pacifica!!
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