The water change will only be aesthetic, with water continuing to meet
all state and federal regulatory requirements, according to the San
Francisco Public Utilities Commission. The operational changes in the water system are due to routine
maintenance of the system’s Foothill Tunnel and seismic upgrades to the
San Joaquin Pipeline System in the Central Valley. Instead of receiving
water from Hetch Hetchy Reservoir,
SFPUC customers will be receiving
water exclusively from local reservoirs. The increased rate of treatment
of the local reservoir water at the SFPUC’s Sunol Valley Water
Treatment Plant in the East Bay causes air to be mixed into the water,
which in turn makes the water appear cloudy or milky. If the water is
allowed to stand for a few minutes, the cloudiness will dissipate as the
air bubbles rise to the surface and break apart, according to water
Posted by Kathy Meeh
Posted by Kathy Meeh
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