Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Widen highway 1 to improve our highway and city

Pacifica Tribune Letters to the Editor, 6/17/14.  "Kudos to Council" by Paul Stewart
Scenic empty buildings will be removed
when Highway 1 is widened

"Editor:  Kudos go to the Pacifica City Council for denying a specious appeal of the Planning Commission's certification of the 2014-2019 Capital Improvement Program as being consistent with the General Plan. 

....  What would happen if Highway 1 is widened? Based on 30+ years of planning... the CalTrans DEIR... and yes, the 2014-2019 Capital Improvement Program, you would have:---- 
• Maintenance of existing coastal hills.
• Relief from traffic jams and safety hazards that have plagued the area for decades not to mention created tremendous liability factors for the city.
• Retention of open space and coastal views.
• Relief from bottlenecks at either end of the project where lanes merge.
• Businesses receiving more consumer visits.
• A full array of improvements (from lane reconfiguration to — only if needed - retaining walls); all designed to enhance safety for both citizens and public services.
• Vastly improved intersections at Reina Del Mar and Fassler.
• Retention of the memorial garden at the quarry.
• Non-debatable-as-to-need traffic security improvements between Rockaway and Vallemar."  Read more from Letters.

Note:  Paul Stewart is Government Affairs Director for San Mateo County Association of Realtors. 

Note photograph:  the building with an old KFC business sign is from Loopnet. 

Posted by Kathy Meeh


Anonymous said...

The paid flack has spoken. Follow the money.

Kathy Meeh said...

156, yes finally the bottleneck through Pacifica will be addressed by the County and the State (Caltrans). Its our turn, we get paid. Reject the studied project, and we get your choice: nothing as usual. Looking forward to highway improvement, which will be this project to improve traffic flow in and through our city.

Anonymous said...

I trust CalTrans implicitly - their reputation precedes them. To all you 'no' gang members I say just see how on time, under budget and to spec the Bay bridge is, then get back to me. Ps the tea shop doesn't count as a local business, as it's behind the KFC sign from that angle.

Anonymous said...

810 LMAO, dude you're funny.