Then let the "open space" hills, subsidized arts and recreation, and the Pacific Ocean pay our bills.
Pacifica Tribune, 5/8/12, guest columnist, City Councilmember Sue Digre.
My Turn: "Our environment is our economy."
My Turn: "Our environment is our economy."
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...dancing and breathing ocean air is our economy |
In my view, environment means all of the following: the ocean, rolling hills, creeks, trails, history, arts, music, poetry, Spindrift Theater, pier, sports, recreation of all types, resident activism and volunteerism, numerous small businesses and business enclaves. What we don't do is market ourselves well enough to get money into our local cash registers. That's what "our environment is our economy" means. It is a call to appreciate what we have and to market, not mar it.
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No, its Pathetica! |
Thanks to all who cherish and protect our natural environment, preserve and re-enact our history, fill our city with song, art, poetry, sports, live theater and run local businesses. You are all Pacifica treasures."
Posted by Kathy Meeh
Dear dear Mother Sue, it is time for you to take a vow of silence along with the vow of poverty you have taken for Pacifica. Your myopic views, that you so ineptly put to paper, bring tears to my eyes. Laughter will do that some times. I would suggest that you have someone proof read your prose. Preferable, someone that understands word flow, syntex, and maybe someone that can actually figure out what the hell you're trying to share! Maybe a translator from Moronia.
Dear Phynius, if you can't follow what Ms. Digre has written, I suggest you take a course in reading. And learn how to spell syntax.
Peace, harmony, trust funds, sin taxes. Dancing with the bark babes. Love and understanding. Grant us grants, oh, wise Oz. Let's all go for a long walk off a short pier. Sue leads the way. All hail the Digre, leader of lemmings, champions of the, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, champion of the dullards that believe that our trails are our salvation. Just wait. It shall be because "The Digre" has decreed.
Nero fiddled while Rome burned.
Council is quaint while Pacifica decays.
"In my view, environment means all of the following: the ocean, rolling hills, creeks, trails, history, arts, music, poetry, Spindrift Theater, pier, sports, recreation of all types, resident activism and volunteerism, numerous small businesses and business enclaves. What we don't do is market ourselves well enough to get money into our local cash registers. That's what "our environment is our economy".." Councilmember Sue Digre (from her My Turn article above).
Yes, our "environment is our economy". That's the reason this city has a balanced structural deficit (financial, infrastructure and social). The subsidized recreational activities described by Councilmember Digre do not pay city overhead. And, enclave (isolated) small businesses are a prescription for business and city failure. Expression of language is not the issue (as stated by Anon 5/12, 1:31pm), but an unbalanced city economy (policy) is. Mission accomplished, its time for Councilmember Digre to step-down.
I've been hearing this, "We don't market ourselves," "we're a diamond in the rough," blah, blah for almost 30 years. The hippies had their chance and blew it. It's time to run the city like a city, and not like a park.
Begone, Sue and Pete.
You can say this about councilmember Sue Digre - she is consistent. Too bad that she is consistently OUT OF TOUCH! I agree that it is time for councilmember Digre to step down.
Haven't you noticed! Digre has already "stepped down". The rabbit hole that is! She stepped down rationally a long long time ago. She lives in the tin-foil-hat world of failed buzz words and not-too-catchy silly slogans. We have to live with her for two more years. The best we can do is stack the deck against her with four rational, intelligent council members.
How many votes did she get?
The people that voted for her agree with her.
I did not vote for her but I respect her position and how she is consistent.
I have noticed Sue Digre around town. I watch her and how she interacts with the people and business. People like her. She spends money in our local establishments. She has a strong following.
I am not aware of any malfeasance on her part and can not support a recall. I also do not like the bullying of elected candidates that I see going on. If you don't like Pacifica's environment, then get the BLEEP out! There will be no OUTLET's in the QUARRY!
Yeah, developers are lining up to build in that quarry. What a joke.
"The people that voted for her agree with her." Referring to Sue Digre (or other city councilmembers), not necessarily.
Anonymous, 9:50 AM, false argument replacing 1) the need for a balance city economy with 2) support of "nice personalities". Sue Digre, Jim Vreeland, Pete DeJarnatt have failed this city, because its clear "our environment is NOT our economy". That is as irrefutable today as it was 10 years ago. And, each of these councilmembers assisted in assuring this city would reach the low failure mark of broken city and business infrastructure we see all around us today.
Continuing with your solution to fix, you suggest if we don't like the failed agenda handed to us (our city) over 30 years of underhanded "environmentalist"/NIMBY plotting, we can and should move out of town. The reality is as a city (or unincorporated area) "we're all in it together", we all live here and are subject to the same conditions. At the same time, compromise has been essentially on the part of those of us who have been ripped-off by your ideological agenda.
The 88 acre quarry, if used for retail/commercial/mixed-use/downtown, is our city's one major chance to fix some of the economic damage caused by some of you. Its long past time for you and others to "get that", and support development of the blighted quarry land (also a prime waterfront location).
BTW, read about Recall, you're wrong about that too. First paragraph describing recall of elected officials: "..a fundamental part of our government system... used by voters to express their dissatisfaction with their elected representatives." That includes voters dissatisfied with city council results over 10 years. Hence, voters are welcome to sign recall petitions, and those who want to help with this citizen effort may contact Therese Dyer,, or phone (650) 355-9568. Glad we clarified the intent of Recall again.
IDK, is laughter or tears the right response? Maybe a walk on the beach.
who would want to put a outlet mall on the cali coast? so tacky. it is not a part of the culture. sorry, won't happen.
201 anon, You're probably right. An outlet mall in the quarry (or anything else) probably won't ever happen, but an outlet mall is no tackier than the Santa Cruz Boardwalk, the Venice Sideshow, Catalina, Fisherman's Wharf, Pier 39, etc, etc. Guess making money is just too tacky. And what's that about it being not part of our culture? Get real. CA is ground central for all things materialistic. We consume!
only a commie would say something like that. Every place is NOT EQUAL. We are definitely not santa cruz, san francisco, venice beach.
WE ARE A BEDROOM COMMUNITY WITH SMALL BEACHES. We work with what we have. Get over it.
Commie? How nostalgic! You living in a cave? Hit your head doing a duck and cover? When your eyes uncross take a look around. There's nothing special about Pacifica other than a general,and not at all genteel, shabbiness. You want to preserve that? Not me. I deserve better and I didn't take a vow of poverty to live here. Develop anything and everything. We have enough open space for 10 coastal communities. Follow the laws and do it well but build, baby, build!
The development that the citizens of this city should be pushing is the oddstad senior housing, two library locations (once they have moved into the new wwtp). Those projects should already be on the books. Common sense projects. Force city council to approve these projects.
They still can't get a quorum to hear the appeal on the Oddstad project. I wonder if there is still an Oddstad project or if it's morphed into a lawsuit? Is it really common sense to dictate a public library in the middle of prime ocean front property like the OWWTP? Probably not, but it should scare off any developers trying to make a buck on the site. Net result of all this drama? Zero Development. Somebody must be happy.
To be clear, I think Council did approve the Oddstad assisted living thing months and months ago. The wheels came off the trolley after that when an appeal was filed. No quorum, no appeal hearing, and thus, no project.
Anonymous 1:16 The Planning Commission approve the Oddstad Assisted living project on Nov. 21 2011. The City Council needs to approve the General Plan Amendment as recommended by the Planning Commission and hear the two appeals.
Thanks Tom. I know YOU were there.
Did Council already vote on this project? Seems I remember this happening and then the appeals being filed. Or not?
I'm sure Sue is a great person. But she ha proved herself a disastrous elected official who has helped leed us down the path of insolvency all in the name of her wacky no progress anti business environmental crusade.
Pacifica can not stand anymore of your love Sue. Please do the right thing and resign so we don't have to spend more money to recall you.
Anonymous; due to a lack of a quorum The City Council has not been able to hold a public hearing on the Oddstad Project. They were only able to vote to continue it. It is my understanding that it will be heard in June and that the quorum issue has been solved.
Thanks Tom. Fingers crossed for a quorum and a developer who is still interested and still has financing.
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