Thursday, February 16, 2012

Closure of San Mateo County long term care facility

Excerpts from San Mateo County Times/Joshua Melvin, 2/16/12. "San Mateo County supervisors votes to close nursing center; 230 patients to be displaced."  
Supervisors Valentine's Day meeting, swell!

Over tearful pleas and angry protests from staff and residents of San Mateo County's public long-term nursing facility, the board of supervisors voted unanimously voted Tuesday to shutter the center.  The 5-0 vote to not renew the county's lease with the owners of the Burlingame Long Term Care Facility on Trousdale Drive means laying off as many as 200 workers and moving about 230 disabled, elderly or chronically ill residents. The drawdown of workers and patients -- most of whom are low-income Medi-Cal recipients -- will happen during the next 16 months, officials said in the meeting at the Westin Hotel in Millbrae.  ...County officials said they will not close the facility until every patient has been placed in a new home.   ...Commenting briefly, supervisors reiterated their concern about safety and cost. Reductions in state health care subsidies in the form of Medi-Cal would require the county to chip in $9 million from its general fund to keep the doors open. Read the full article and view the 2:05 minute video. 

Posted by Kathy Meeh

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