Monday, March 15, 2010

Years after homeowners default, debt collectors may still come after them

By Jim Wasserman

Homeowners defaulting on mortgages today may be surprised to learn years from now that they still owe thousands of dollars – and a collection agency is coming after them to get it.

That's because lenders have been quietly selling second mortgages and home equity lines left unpaid after foreclosures and short sales. The buyers: collection agencies, which in California have up to four years to make a claim.

If they win court judgments, these collectors could have years to pursue borrowers with repayment plans, and even garnish their wages, said Scott CoBen, a Sacramento bankruptcy attorney.


Kathleen Rogan said...

First , it was the illegal alien that were defaulting, then it was the middle class that couldn't afford the balloon payment, then it was the middle class that lost their job, now it is spreading to upper middle class that lost their three digit job and can't find another. Then what's stopping them from becoming homeless? They will get everything for free. That's what I would do. Screw them. Bastards! All of them. Time to get mad people.

Steve Sinai said...

What's a "three digit job"? If it means income, I don't know how anyone could qualify for a mortgage making under $1000/year.

Kathleen Rogan said...

LOL! I meant 6 digits. Now, I am laughing my head off. Oh well.

Kathleen Rogan said...

It is a domino effect. I don't blame the family's that are suffering under all of this mess. Some have and will be caught in the economic tidal wave. When will it end? Anyone know?

Councilman Reaper said...

It ends tomorrow, 3:30PM. It all ends.

Kathy Meeh said...

"Reaper", is there a Domino's Pizza party tomorrow 3:30 PM? Kathleen the only one making an end-of-the-world fuss, along with "brown shirts" hysteria and scapegoating-- must be some kind of spillover from T-bag agitation.

Now the "illegal aliens" are responsible for mortgage defaults? No.

Look around, we are in a serious recession, but conditions are pretty stable here. Lots of people still have jobs and homes, people are not rioting in the street. The social safety net (which we all pay into) is to a large extent in place and working thankfully.

Unknown said...

"T-bag agitation"?? Lovely. I am sad to hear you refer to people that choose to disagree with you and choose to voice their opinion called that derogatory term. Or am I reading you wrong again, Kathy?

Kathy Meeh said...

Lois, So far what we've seen with T-baggers is the need for more researched information, less hysteria, less scapegoating, less racism, and lessons from the old McCarthyism.

Its one thing to disagree based on merit and that is fair, but stating "illegal aliens" are the cause of the mortgage defaults is "hog wash" and race bating. Then, in the "Class Struggle" article suggesting "coming soon, the Brown Shirts (Nazis)in YOUR neighborhood." Is there really any indication of that happening?
Yesterday the demand was to see President Obama's education transcripts, everything was given to him not earned, and he's not American because his father wasn't born here--huh?

Stirring-up of this kind of rhetoric is irrational, and not coming from the far left, its coming from the the far right. When President Bush was elected, and others before him I don't remember this kind of nonsense happening. Elected, President of us all, that the way that one works.

This President did not cause the current financial crisis. Next issue is Health Care reform long overdue, uniform standards state to state are needed, that means federal oversight. And when more people get covered in the process good.

Kathleen Rogan said...

I think it's propaganda like this that has gotten people involved and scared. Check it out. The end is even creepier than the beginning.
I Pledge Video Exposed! (I Pledge To Serve King Obama)

Bank CEO said...

Promissory Note. Means in simple terms. I promise to pay. Even if the property values go down, even if I get sick, even if I want to go out and blow all my money, even if I gamble the money away, invest my money and lose it in some hare brained scheme. I promise to pay!!!

Columbia Encyclopedia entry: promissory note
Promissory note, unconditional written promise to pay a certain sum of money at a definite time to bearer or to a specified person on his order. Promissory notes are generally used as evidence of debt. The holder of a note made payable to bearer may transfer his rights to another by delivery of the note. If the note is payable to order, it may be transferred by endorsement and delivery.
The Columbia Encyclopedia. Copyright © 2001-09 Columbia University Press. All rights reserved.

Unknown said...

"When President Bush was elected, and others before him I don't remember this kind of nonsense happening. Elected, President of us all, that the way that one works." Nope, nothing like Dan Rather making issues with Bush's military record (just to name one)?

Amazing how quickly we forget.

But on the subject of the Tea Party Americans - these are every day Americans fed up with the arrogance of our representatives who believe they know what we need and will do whatever they can to pass a bill that will bankrupt America. I agree that there are things that can be fixed - but this isn't it - 2,700 pages that most of them haven't read? All the back room deals that are going on to strong arm people to accept this health reform bill. Some states get special deals? Is that fair?

This President is certainly adding to the financial crisis and will bankrupt America in the process with this Health Care Reform Bill, IMHO.

Anonymous said...

tea bagger:
Someone who rests their testicles on another person face, while they are asleep/passed out.guy dipping his balls into a girls mouth, slowly going up and down just like a tea bag

Kathleen Rogan said...

Did you hear Dan Rather saying, "Obama couldn't even sell watermelons"


Anonymous said...

sounds like another racist left wing-nut remark to me...

Kathleen Rogan said...

I would do anything to keep my home. I would not recommend anyone walking away. I just know there are lots of foreclosures all around me. It's very sad. I'm staying forever so I could drive all you crazy.

Markus said...


Anonymous said...


Back to the promissory note. I promise to pay. Too many people used stated income and over stated the stated income and bought way too much house. People had the idea houses would continue to go up in value and figured we just have to hang on for a couple years and sell and make an easy 40%-50% over what they paid.

The markets in some areas are down 50%.

The 2nd wave of foreclosure is just getting starting and will really kick in this summer.

Kathleen Rogan said...

CNBC: Housing Battles Back: Homeowners, that are underwater, trying their best to save their credit by doing a short sale. Banks don't like short sales because they have to write down their capital which makes wall street nervous. Yeah, this is now way over.

Councilman Sayanythingtogetelected III said...

Anyone see the great clip of Princess Pelosi at a podium saying "we need to pass this bill to see what's in this bill".

Kathleen Rogan said...

Yes. I have it on You Tube. Classic.

Kathleen Rogan said...

Speaker Nancy Pelosi is considering a parliamentarian procedure whereby the House may deem the passage of the Health Care Bill by adopting the companion bill. This means there may not be a record roll call vote on the Senate passed health care bill. Pelosi will do this if she cannot get the votes to pass the Senate bill.

Good Bye, America.

Anonymous said...

It used to be "Let's pass the bill before our constituents see what's in the bill". Pelosi and Slaughter have taken it to a whole new level...

Kathleen Rogan said...

National Taxpayers Union:
National Taxpayers Union:

Pelosi is trying to force this health care bill through without the house voting on it. Call your Reps NOW!!!!

Kathy Meeh said...

As I understand it Banks prefer short sales to taking back property, works-out better financially.

To my knowledge Health care is are the reconciliation stage, voted on prior by the house and senate. So, no thanks, I won't be obstructing the process by calling "Pelosi". An information meeting on health care reform will be held in Pacifica on March 20th by Jackie Speier, hosted by the Pacifica Democrats Club for those interested, and RSVP is advised, look for the announcement on this blog.

Guess there is not enough tea bag blogs for you out there Kathleen? This blog is Fix Pacifica.
Did you take a right turn on the internet and get lost?

Krazy Kathleen said...

WAKE UP!! Princess Pelosi is a libturd. ANyting from u-tube and Fox News is true, so if its a Fox clip on utube it doubly true and fair and balanced. Screw u libturds - you panies are in a twist. I like stormfront, so "seig heil" libturds. Kick the colords and Mexcans and blacks out of the USA - greatest country in the werld. Commie and Marxist Obama wants to destroy America. Hey, Glen Beck spelled it all out and I'm just the messenger don't hate me. WAKE UP!!

Unknown said...

You are pretty funny Kathy!

Kathleen Rogan said...

Rec'd this from a friend:

Wednesday, I was at the doctor whom I have been going to since we moved down here (he is the one who discovered my cancer). I have to get a very expensive shot every 3 months

($3000) that is designed to keep the PSI down and help to prevent a recurrence of the cancer.

Has some uncomfortable side effects, and I was questioning the need to continue with it, which he assured me was necessary.

He then asked how old I was, and when I replied 70, he said that if this legislation goes through as intended by the powers that be, that I probably would not be able to get it next year, as that would be money better spent on someone else with greater longevity. I would be referred to someone to "counsel" me.

I asked him why the AMA had recently endorsed the plan. He replied that only about 15% of the nation's doctors were members of AMA, and most of them were not really on the front lines of doctorhood but in some other areas of medicine. He said he was a member, but would not be after this membership year.

This man got part of his training in London , and practiced in Canada for 16 years before coming to the US , and he has no use for socialized medicine, regardless of how you wrap it, or what kind of bow to put on it. He said that we have a shortfall of around 400,000 doctors at the present time, and many of today's doctors are of the baby boomer generation who are nearing retirement and/or will decide to hang it up rather than deal with the results this is sure to bring.

Anonymous said...

I would bet serious money that the same person who posts under "Krazy Kathleen" is the same POS who insults others who post under fake names?

Unknown said...


The Republic has a CONSTITUTION???

Amendment 28

Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United States that does not apply equally to the Senators or Representatives, and Congress shall make no law that applies to the Senators or Representatives that does not apply equally to the citizens of the United States.

I just received this in an email. It's good enough for us lowly citizens but not good enough for our representatives.

Kathleen Rogan said...

If the Pelosi/Slaughter/Waxman argument against using a self-executing rule against a debt limit increase measure sounds familiar, it should because it's the same argument now being used by Republicans to oppose the Slaughter Solution for moving Obamacare through the House.

Of course, there is one major difference between 2005 and 2010. Debt limit increases are routine in Congress and have been for decades. But to place the American private health care system under government control -- effectively socializing one-sixth of the U.S. economy -- that has never been done before.

Read more at the Washington Examiner:

Kathy Meeh said...

Lois, health care reform is a major restructuring from state to state to national oversight as well as provision and benefit changes. 2700 pages of indexed code text including references and glossary doesn't sound unreasonable to me.

Senators and Congressional Representatives also have staff which they rely upon. Their job and they've been looking at health care reform for the past year.

Health care reform should benefit "everyday Americans" since the project increase in those covered will be 30-40 million people. Unemployment insurance and stimulus COBRA benefits have also helped "everyday Americans" who have lost their jobs.

I think were all pretty outraged at the failure of financial markets oversight. In the early 2000s oversight failure came from the big CPA firms, a few years back the failure was from the bond rating agencies, the SEC, and the government.

So here we are moving forward. Stirring-up the masses is not helpful, except as there is pressure to assure better oversight and regulation. The email above is part of the ongoing misinformation campaign, private health insurance will continue. Health care reform will cause the coverage of more people and provisions will be uniform state-to-state, hopefully including a guaranteed acceptance provision and maternity.

Kathleen Rogan said...

Capitol switchboard: 800 965 4701 & 800 828 0498 You must have a name when you get the operator...ask for your Representative. Do NOT TELL the operator anything. Just ask for your rep.

Dr. Freud said...

Kathy Meeh, you may be the single most delusional person I have ever encountered. Seriously...

Kathleen Rogan said...
It Figures… Obama’s Rally Prop ‘Natoma Canfield’ Qualifies For Financial Aid; Is Patient At Top US Cancer Center; Won’t Lose Home
March 15th, 2010 Jim Hoft

Obama’s Health Care Rally Prop Is In Hospital… Getting Care… Despite No Insurance.

Unknown said...

"Stirring-up the masses is not helpful" I love that Kathy! How in the world do you think Obama got elected?

Incredible argument.

What is your response to Amendment 28 of the Constitution? Do you think your representatives are holier than thou?

Scotty said...

Is there anything we can do to encourage the right-wing nut jobs to go post somewhere else, like on a Fox News site? How about if I buy you a candy bar?

Or even better, why don't you go back to Jeff's site? Please?

Kathleen Rogan said...

Barack Obama threatens to withdraw support from wavering Democrats
Barack Obama has said he will not campaign for any Democratic congressmen who fails to support health care reform.

Then hopefully they will all vote no, because everyone he has campaigned for has lost.

Kathleen Rogan said...

Check this out;

A Message to Washington

Kathy Meeh said...

Kathleen, the reason that health care belongs under federal regulation (similar to so many other issues) is because provision state-to-state vary, most apparent in the individual/family market.

In Congress issues of health insurance has been viewed with a whole lot of research and expertise over the past year. Time for the reform can move forward, and over time detail provisions will change slightly.

Federal regulation is a positive action. This country is no longer 13 colonies with a hand full of people. Times change, and humans hopefully learn to provide oversight and manage better. Of course health care was much less sophisticated 300 years ago-- blood letting, the herbalist, getting rid of the devil, etc.

Lois, 28th Amendment, funny doesn't exist.

RWNJ said...

Scotty - how do you know they were on Jeff's site? It would seem that Scotty must visit Jeff's site - willingly (and regularly). So although he doth protest too much, Scotty really does seem to want to read the "right-wing nut job" posts after all. I mean, no one is pointing a gun to your head, are they Scotty? A little bit disingenuous, aren't we Snotty Scotty?
Hey Snotsman, are you a right wing nut job?

Kathleen Rogan said...

Correction on Capitol switchboard numbers: 800-828-0498 and 877-762-8762 Ask for a not talk with operator.

Unknown said...

Well, it should be. It is a proposed amendment and we should have it. Still doesn't answer the question of why we have the elite and then the citizens who need to be taken care of.

How did we get to this place? When did health insurance, college education paid for by the working class, computers in every home, cell phones in every person's hand become a right?

PELOSI: "Think of an economy where people could be an artist or a photographer or, eh, a writer without worrying about keeping their day job in order to have health insurance, or that people could start a business and be entrepreneurial and take risk but not [be] job-locked because a child has asthma or someone in the family is bipolar. You name it. Any condition is job-blocking."

Isn't that special?

Kathy Meeh said...

Lois, its also time for modernization of health care, and this has nothing to do with the elite vs. what you refer to as "every-day Americans". There's a major distinction between health care and having a cell phone isn't there?

College education? Guess this is a new "we don't got enough" polarized idea introduced. Based upon the tide the "every-day American's" are following, guess more and better education is needed--a lot more.

Scotty, maybe the far right and far left should set-up their own blog, then maybe it would be more like the Campbells and the McDonalds. Let us know the outcome, but not until then.


Scotty said...

RWNJ (Jeff, is that you?), you've found me out. I read that blog religiously. Please post there under all your aliases going forward, and you'll be guaranteed to have my undivided attention. Please take all the other tea baggers with you as well.

Unknown said...

It is all about the elite (the administration, Congress and the House) vs. the American people.

Maybe you want to pay for higher education for other people...but I don't. It was hard enough sending my own through. Not all people want or need to go to college. I think there should be more apprenticeship programs for those who choose to work with their hands. The electrician and plumber unions have it right in that aspect.

But I do love how you ignore what your party says it will accomplish with this bill - so if I decide to be an artist, you will pay for my health care?

Kathy Meeh said...

Lois, your words "If I decide to be an artist, you will pay for my health care?" What is this code for? I'm sure that is not written in the 2700 pages of the health care modernization code.

Higher education needs to be subsidized, just as it was when you went to school, and its too expensive now. I agree with you that trades and skilled jobs are an important alternative to other forms of education.

Another Alias to Piss Off "Scotty" said...

Sorry Scotty, keep guessing. But listen, I didn't realize we were supposed to try and out each other. So what you say, Scotty, sorry, I mean Laurie, let's do our own blog together. Just you and me, bud. I'll provide content, e.g., investigative reporting, insightful comments, satirical pieces, funny multimedia presents, etc. Of course, you will provide your usual angry one dimensional hackneyed responses - nothing more. God forbid you ever do anything on a blog other than criticize other bloggers/commenters, pat yourself on the back for being a moderate and profess your love of Steve Sinai (maybe a "Massa Moment" for you, who knows?).

Kathleen Rogan said...

Who says we have to believe that all levels of public education is the best form of education??I am one who believes , it is NOT.

I went to a lecture in 2008 at Lucille Packard Childrens Hospital. The Doctor giving the lecture dropped out of high school, at 15, joined the merchant marines, he lied about his age to get in. Then he decided he wanted to become a writer and traveled around the world. Then he decided he wanted to become a doctor and went about going back to school. He ended up working in the Amish Community for a decade. He set up a clinic, hired staff and went about caring for the babies and small children who were very ill. He has since finished his work there and came to the LBP Children's Hospital and gave a lecture of his work. He had some of the children he treated there along with his wife and family. Incredible story. This hospital will be ruined once this bill goes through.

This propaganda crap about everyone has a right to an education is just that, crap and propaganda.

This health care bill has written in it to take over all student loans and the government WILL decided who gets to go to school and who should be a plumber, not that there is anything wrong with being a plumber. But, what if the plumber later wants to become a lawyer? Highly unlikely that he will have that choice. Think. Think long and hard about what you are to allow happen to this free country.

Councilman Double-dip said...

Why is Speier coming to Pacifica to talk to us about helath care reform? By Saturday it'll be a done deal. This is pure and simple socialism. Redistribution of assets. I make it, you tax it, then give it to that person over there because THEY deserve free education, health care, stipends. I'll just keep working like an idiot. Now instead of just a family to support I get a bonus family or two. Lovely!

Kathleen Rogan said...

Look above for the phone numbers I posted and call the capitol. TELL THEM WHAT YOU THINK!!

Kathleen Rogan said...

LOOK AT WHAT YOUR PAYING FOR************Hipsters on food stamps
They're young, they're broke, and they pay for organic salmon with government subsidies. Got a problem with that?
By Jennifer Bleyer

Scotty said...

Let's see:
- Pats himself on the back about his "investigative reporting" and "insightful comments". Check.
- Upset with Sinai for not sharing his hysteria. Check.
- Spins completely out of control and obsessively turns the tiniest of things into personal vendettas. Check.

Naw, no way that could be Simons. Please, go enjoy your strip malls and chain restaurants and leave Pacifica to Pacificans.

Kathleen Rogan said...

I am mad as hell.

My oldest, 21 years, works two jobs, lives on her own, pays for her own college, pays for her own health care and car, dentist. Scrimps and saves. Cooks dinner every night for herself. Was raised by parents who came from extreme humble beginnings. What have we done to this country???

I am mad as hell. IS ANYBODY LISTENING?!?!?!?

Kathy Meeh said...

The above is exactly the reason as much public education as is possible is necessary. Sharing the cost of joint benefits, advancements, basic services is necessary in a civilized world.

When you're older I think you will likely accept your social security and medicare payed in advance benefits gracefully. You probably appreciate roads, clean air, clean water, utilities, police, fire, paramedics, public medicine, building standards, food that generally is not tainted. Without public education, maybe fortunately some of you would not be wasting time here. Social services is part of the safety net, and to cite a few irregular examples as the norm is pure idiocy.

Apparently when Medicare was initiated in 1965 there was a lot of controversy as well. The unfortunate thing is most of us aren't in this kind of screaming, so let us know when its over.

Kathleen Rogan said...

People were motivated more when they had none of these services; motivated to take care of themselves and family, community. Sheriff and Fire use to be all volunteer. Motivated to keep their job.

Public Education should be the last thing. It is not needed as much as a free society is needed first. Free to make up your own mind whether public education is the right place for you or not. Schools have become too big and are nothing but warehouses to brainwash and indoctrinate our young. Hand out food stamps and condoms, birth control, when they graduate, like trick or treating they will be back for more. Why bother to look for a job??

I noticed all my elected officials, who I did not vote for, are calling me and emailing me all of a sudden. Thanking me for contacting their offices. They don't want to vote on this bill, so they are keeping in touch so they can say in the future, I DID NOT VOTE ON THAT BILL. Well, I got their number. I won't let them get away with it.

Kathleen Rogan said...

I'm a high school drop out and I know more about this country than that marxist kenyan fool Oblah-blah in the white house.

What have we done to this country that my daughter has to work to support herself and doesn't have her own mexican servant to do the cooking for her!

My own maid is demanding I pay her miniumum wage. Shes illegal so she can go back to her own country if I'm so horrible!


Kathleen Rogan said...

Check this out:

Congressman Mike Rogers' opening statement on Health Care reform in Washington D.C.

Anonymous said...

Doctors Panic Over Health Care Reform - Say They Will Leave the Profession

This could be the most alarming story yet to come out of the health care debate.

Forget about all the inane squabbling on Capitol Hill. Forget what the polls say. Forget the Tea Party rallies, the town hall meetings, the strong-arm tactics of MoveOn and the SEIU, the debunked sob stories… For a moment, let’s just look at what physicians say they will do if Obamacare becomes a reality.

The Medicus Firm, a national physician search firm, recently surveyed 1,195 doctors, and what they found should shock you more than Nancy Pelosi after another eyelift:

* 46.3% of primary care physicians (family medicine and internal medicine) feel that the passing of health reform will either force them out of medicine or make them want to leave medicine.

AGAIN, for those of you who need a little extra help (like in Louise Slaughter’s district) - almost half of primary care physicians would leave the business! If the bill did not literally call for actual rationed health care, that is exactly the result we would get anyway. Less doctors, means less care. Less care, means rationing. Rationing… dare I say… leads to panels. Yes, panels (be they of the death or life variety) deciding who gets what care and when.

Some other grim findings from the survey:

* 72% of physicians feel that a public option would have a negative impact on physician supply, with 45% feeling it will “decline or worsen dramatically” and 27% predicting it will “decline or worsen somewhat.
* 24% of physicians think they will try to retire early if a public option is implemented.

The physicians take a decidedly more cautioned approach to reform than the president:

* 62.7% of physicians feel that health reform is needed but should be implemented in a more targeted, gradual way, as opposed to the sweeping overhaul that is in legislation.

The New England Journal of Medicine thought enough of the survey to include it on their medical careers site.

People need to wake up and smell the rationing. Although, this doesn’t mean that all these doctors would definitely leave the profession, the real fear among them exists. These doctors may not jump ship, but they are terrified that it could happen. You will not like it when you have to wait months to see your doctor.

It’s come to this - whom do you trust: your doctor or some bureaucrat? These are the people on the front lines of health care, not backroom lobbyists or dizzy politicians.

Make your voice heard. From Jed Eckert.

Steve Sinai said...

Jed Eckert is a far-right winger, so let's not pretend that he's interested in an objective analysis. The Medicus Firm is a physician head-hunting/recruiting firm who's business would be hurt by a public health option. They have every reason to oppose it.

Here's a study conducted by the New England Journal of Medicine.

New England Journal of Medicine study on support for health care reform. Over 65% of primary care physicians supported a public option.

Summary from the study -

Overall, a majority of physicians (62.9%) supported public and private options (see Panel A of graph). Only 27.3% supported offering private options only. Respondents — across all demographic subgroups, specialties, practice locations, and practice types — showed majority support (>57.4%) for the inclusion of a public option (see Table 1). Primary care providers were the most likely to support a public option (65.2%); among the other specialty groups, the “other” physicians — those in fields that generally have less regular direct contact with patients, such as radiology, anesthesiology, and nuclear medicine — were the least likely to support a public option, though 57.4% did so. Physicians in every census region showed majority support for a public option, with percentages in favor ranging from 58.9% in the South to 69.7% in the Northeast. Practice owners were less likely than nonowners to support a public option (59.7% vs. 67.1%, P<0.001), but a majority still supported it. Finally, there was also majority support for a public option among AMA members (62.2%).

Laurie Frater said...

In trying to plough through the madness that seems to have hit this blog in recent days, I noticed my name:

"So what you say, Scotty, sorry, I mean Laurie, let's do..."

For the record: I have only ever posted to this blog two or three times - all recently, and all under my own name.

Anyone who suggests otherwise is simply, flat-out wrong.

And if anyone doubts the veractity of that, say so using your real name and I'll consider proving it. Over and out!

Gay Republican said...

Kathleen Rogan said...

WTF! Creepy, Gay Republican. I read Hillbuzz, what a great website/blog. I may start hanging out there. For the record, I support choices in marriage for gays and choices in woman's health. I am worried that with this health care, our choices will disappear.

Steve Sinai said...

The miracles of Photoshop. Whoever did it knows how easy it is to manipulate and incite the tea-baggers.