Sunday, March 14, 2010

Know yourself - broad religious-philosophical quizzes

Perhaps there is nothing more interesting for most of us than knowing ourselves. Enjoy the discovery!

Non-theism quiz. What is your broad religious non-theistic philosophy and belief system? This one is a bit heady.

Religious quiz. What type of religion is most compatible with your belief structure? This on is easier.

22 questions with 3 choice variations each from high to low priority. Time about 15 total for both, email results to yourself if you like.

Have a really bad attitude about the rationality of religious belief and related philosophy? Try x-rated George Carlin

Posted by Kathy Meeh

1 comment:

Kathy Meeh said...

Lois, comment moved from "Buying green permits" to quizzes location, hence now easy for you and others to find.

Deism, something in common with Ben Franklin and hence "Richard Saunders" (I guess), and Steve Sinai-- apparently. Not a "personal god", until we're all in a fox hole and they're shooting us.

So here's how the top percentages went for me:
Philosophical-religious: Deist 100%, Ignosticist 100%, Iconoclast 93%, Rationalist 93%.
Religious: Secular humanism 100%, Unitarian Universalism, 100%... Quaker 76%.

The irreverent trailing George Carlin video will likely not make you happy, but "the devil made me do it", think Carlin went to Catholic school from a half Christian, half Jewish household.