Monday, March 29, 2010

Bernie Sifry's Widdle Boy

I was watching the PBS NewsHour (which I suppose makes me a COMMIE!!), and in a report about how the White House is using the internet, Bernie's widdle boy Micah was interviewed. He shows up at about the 6-minute mark of the video.

Posted by Steve Sinai


Kathy Meeh said...

Bernie's not so "widdle" adult son Micah L. Sifry is another Tech professional and new media political internet communication authority. TECHPRESIDENT.COM

This was fun, thanks for posting this Steve.

Kathleen Rogan said...

So when the WH Broadcasts on the internet will they jam it force it on us like the health care bill was? Will we be allowed to unplug or will we be handcuffed and fined? So many questions , so little time.