Tuesday, March 23, 2010

California State Democratic Party Local Delegate Endorsements



Barbara Arietta
Democratic State Party Region 4 Conference Secretary

In Burlingame, CA on Sunday March 21, 2010 Delegates from the Democratic State Party's Region Four unanimously endorsed Assemblymembers Fiona Ma (12AD), Tom Ammiano (13AD), Jerry Hill (19AD); State Senator Leland Yee (8th SD); Congressmember Nancy Pelosi (8CD) and Congressmember Jackie Speier (12CD) to continue in their respective offices. The results of Sunday's voting will be delivered to the State Democratic Party at the Democratic State Convention in Los Angeles next  month at the Party's annual convention, which will be making endorsements for the November election.

Two of the candidates announced recent achievements in their political careers. San Francisco County Assemblymember Fiona Ma (12AD) announced that she has just been made Speaker Pro Tem and San Mateo County Assembly Jerry Hill (19th AD) revealed that on Friday evening, March 19, he was elected Chair of the Democratic Caucus.

All of the candidates, except Congressmembers Nancy Pelosi and Jackie Speier, appeared at the Pre-Endorsement Conference to make a presentation to the Conference Delegates. Both Congressmembers were detained in Washington. D.C. because of the need to vote on the new Healthcare Reform Bill, which followed only a few hours after the Conference adjourned.

In spite of not being able to be there in person, Congressmember Jackie Speier called in to the Conference and waited on the phone as the Delegates were being called to cast their votes by a voice roll call being taken by Conference Secretary Barbara Arietta from Pacifica . After the Congressmember cast her vote she asked to be put on speakerphone to thank all those 12th Congressional District Delegates who voted for her. "I wish to thank all of you for taking the time to give me your votes. I am honored to serve you and San Mateo County."

Prior to Speier's voice vote by phone, Mark Nogales a Field Representative from Speier's San Mateo office told the assembled audience that Speier has said that the 12th District in San Mateo County has the best ethnic diversity and best educated in the country. He stated that Speier has worked very hard to obtain both financial protection and consumer protection for the public.

Shortly upon the heels of the ending of the Conference, Congressmember Speier, along with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi found themselves casting their votes on the passage of the historic health insurance reform legislation.

"I have never been more honored to be in public service than I am right now. Seventy-five (75) years after the passage of the Social Security Act and 35 years after the passage of Medicare, I am proud to stand with the American people on the right side of history. President Theordore Roosevelt said, 'Nothing in the world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain and difficulty', Speier said. "There is no doubt that this effort was worth doing and that for every American, access to quality helath insurance is certainly worth having."

Speier continued to state that while those in Congress have had to face difficulties and expended great effort to see this through, the real pain in the debate was borne by the millions of Americans, whose health care fight isn't one of words, but rather, of life and death. The Congressmember commended the President, Speaker Pelosi and the House leadership for standing firm amid the most hateful and malicious rhetoric that Speier has ever experienced in all of her time in public service.

"The shameful campaigns of fear-mongering and ridiculous conspiracy theories are over and the American people have won. Soon, we will live in a country where the diagnosis of a serious illness will not mean the loss of your home, where losing your job will not mean the loss of medical care, and where those suffering with AIDS, cancer and chronic diseases can focus their energies on getting well, not fighting with their insurance companies," Speier said.

 "This bill does not do all that I hoped it would. But the struggle to ensure the health and well-being of American families is not going to be solved with one piece of legislation or one session of Congress," Speier continued."What we have passed tonight is a strong foundation upon which we can build a more equitable and accessible health care system for all Americans.

Posted by Steve Sinai


Kathleen Rogan said...

I did not know that the facts of how this health care bill was jammed down out throats , that they, Speier and Pelosi, would expect no one to protest. 37 sitting House Democrats and No Republicans voted for this Commie Bill. COMMIE BILL! I Don't give a shit what they think. How DARE THEY!

Anonymous said...

My my my. Such the potty mouth on this screaming child.

Kathleen Rogan said...

Classy VP Biden "this is a Fxxxing Big Deal" on todays signing of the health care bill to our President. Yep, what a classy bunch of dudes. Dudes. Not Statesmen. Just. A. Dude. Not that there is anything wrong with- just- being- a -dude.

Anonymous said...

Hitler signed the "Enabling Act" - March 23, 1933-- Hitler was officially
declared a dictator and democracy was destroyed.

Unknown said...


That is quite interesting.

Anonymous said...

Hitler signed the Enabling Act on March 23, 1933.

On what world was this, because on my world, it was signed by Hindenburg on that date.

Anonymous said...

The tactics that were used by Rahm Emanuel on House Democrats are very similar to the tactics the Nazi's used to force the passing of the Enabling Act. Some true facts about who Rahm Emanuel is;

"Suddenly Emanuel grabbed his steak knife and, as those who were there remember it, shouted out the name of another enemy, lifted the knife, then brought it down with full force into the table

''Dead!'' he screamed.

The group immediately joined in the cathartic release: ''Nat Landow! Dead! Cliff Jackson! Dead! Bill Schaefer! Dead!''

Senator John Blutarsky said...

"Neidermeyer, DEAD! Dean Wormer, DEAD!"

Kathleen Rogan said...


Cool Song. Listen to the lyrics.

Kathleen Rogan said...

@Senator, Animal House.

Maybe that's where Rahm got it from. He lives in his own Animal House, that he, created. He is an Animal. I'm scared.

Kathleen Rogan said...

Holy Toledo! (keeping it clean for Sinai)

Read this article:

I'm scared.

Kathleen Rogan said...

Lois, Read this. Another well written article.


Unknown said...

I agree. We have been taken over by the elite who think they know better how to "take care of us". People need to wake up but I believe they have their head either in the clouds or in the sand..not sure where their heads are.

Why those in power want to bring us down to the level of other countries, I have no idea. I do not want to go there. Let them emulate us. We do not need to bow down. They are really trying to make us all work at menial jobs so they can take care of us. THEY will continue to get their great perks and governmental retirement/medical plans.

Anonymous said...

"The tactics that were used by Rahm Emanuel on House Democrats are very similar to the tactics the Nazi's used to force the passing of the Enabling Act."

The Act you claimed was signed by Adolph Hitler? That one? Uh-huh. Whatever.

The Republican attempt to keep Americans from living (who might otherwise obtain healthcare) is very reminiscent of the tactics used by the Khmer Rouge and Pol Pot's rise to power.

Let me share with YOU some true facts about who Mitch McConnell is.

*consults wacko internet site for talking points*

*posts anecdotal story*

*cracks knuckles*

*grins smugly*

*tightens tin-foil hat*

*that'll show 'em, heh heh*

Steve Sinai said...

And even then, McConnell's still considered the more intellectual of the two senators from Kentucky.

Anonymous said...

Some more true facts about who the Republicans are:

* * *

The House Republicans were in disarray. President Obama, in a deft political maneuver, had held a "Healthcare Summit" and had forced the opposition to reveal their hand. For no longer could they simply stall, throw up roadblocks, or simply disagree with the Democrat-penned healthcare bill; now they had to provide their alternatives.

But they had nothing.

"Damn it, John," plead Mitch McConnell, House Minority Leader, "What the hell are we going to do?"

"Do?!" roared John McCain, Senator from Arizona, "You're going to get back in their and kick some ass!"

"I... I'm not sure, John"

"Listen, you scrub. You know... do you know how many old fogies live in my state? Do you KNOW how much this bill is going to cost us if they don't die off like we want them to? If this bill passes and these oldsters get the care they need. IT COULD BE THE END OF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY!"

McConnell blanced. "Geez, John, that's a little harsh. I-"

McCain was in a fury, motioning to a nearby busboy to approach, he strangled the undocumented immigrant in front of the wide-eyed McConnell.

"Get in their and DO IT!" said McCain.

McConnell shuffled off to do his Satanic master's bidding.

The Satanic Master said...

The above story is true except for the fact that it actually occured some 25 years ago. And the undocumented immigrant busboy turned out to be none other than little Barry Obama.

Unknown said...

shoot me.

Kathleen Rogan said...

Oh hey! Everybody! Looky here! On fixpacifica! The. One. And. Only. Bevy of Boob Suckers!!!! Titty Titty Titty Sucky Sucky Sucky...............till the milks all gone.

Kathy Meeh said...

Lois you said, "Why those in power want to bring us down to the level of other countries, I have no idea." Try 5% of people control 90% of the money in the United States (statistic from a capitalist Financial continuing education course I'm currently taking).

Here's a statistical variation which indicates a more favorable wealth distribution as of 2007 (article updated 2/2010):

Top 20% of the people have 85% of the total net worth. Top 20% of the people have 93% of the financial wealth.


Yes, government pension reform is needed. And, some of you are worried about health care improvement for our people? The issue is relative isn't it?