Friday, January 4, 2013

Stay safe, don't eat the wild mushrooms

Wild mushrooms include those in your back yard. 

Santa Cruz Sentinel/Jondi Gumz, 1/1/13. "Hospital treating Santa Cruz area woman who ate death cap mushrooms."
You would not eat this wild mushroom
Don't eat this wild mushroom either
"A woman who ate death cap mushrooms she picked near UC Santa Cruz is being treated at Dominican Hospital in the first U.S. clinical trial of European antidote Legalon SIL for deadly amatoxin poisoning. .... The woman ate about six mushrooms Friday night after broiling them with rice and garlic, Mitchell said. 

Dr. Alan Buchwald said, "100 percent of the patients that did not go into renal failure before starting treatment had full and complete recovery." Those who go into renal failure first "don't respond to the drug at all," he said. "The drug requires a functioning kidney to be effective."

One of the symptoms of mushroom poisoning is vomiting, and Mitchell said patients "need aggressive intravenous hydration. ....  Death cap mushrooms, known as amanita phalloides, are often mistaken for edible varieties.    Read article.

Posted by Kathy Meeh

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