Thank you for your service to our community, Steve!
Pacifica Tribune?Jane Northrop, staff writer, 12/25/12. "City Manager Rhodes shares his take on Pacifica."
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Steve Rhodes, Pacifica City Manager * |
.... What advice would he offer his successor? Again, it would come down to balancing high environmental standards with adequate growth and development.
Despite the economy, Pacifica made progress on major projects under Rhodes' watch. The general plan is being reviewed and updated. Utilities along Palmetto Ave. are being undergrounded. The city has acquired some of the land for the headlands trail and established a shuttle -- Devil's Slide Ride -- from Pacifica to the new hiking and biking trails. Small beautification projects will add up to big results and make a difference about how people feel about their community. Plans for tasteful development are in the works or under study. "I think Pacifica needs to focus its effort on filling in Palmetto Avenue, doing something with the Beach Boulevard property and perhaps something at the quarry," he said.
The city took the lead on completing environmental studies for the city-owned property on Beach Boulevard and drafted specs for a developer. That plan proposes a hotel, restaurant, shops and a library/media center.
"I would advocate everyone get behind the library foundation's work. The community would do well with a new library," Rhodes said." Read article. * Note: The photograph of Steve Rhodes from Preserve Our Pier Supporters (POPS) organization.
Related - Pacifica Tribune, 12/18/12, "City Manager announces June retirement." "At the helm of the city for the last six years, City Manager Stephen Rhodes announced last week he will retire at the end of July. That date coincides with the end of his contract with the city. Rhodes provided six months notice so City Council will hopefully have time to recruit a new city manager before he leaves." Read more.
Posted by Kathy Meeh
Old news Meeh. Old news!
people already lined the bird cage with this article
"Old news" Anonymous 9:10 AM
Good. I purposely held up this article hoping that comments, if any, would be more thoughtful than what we have observed over the past few weeks.
Worst city manager, ever.
Thoughtful, very thoughtful.
Anyone who could possibly say Steve Rhodes was the worst City Manager ever obviously never had any dealings with him. I have worked with six city managers during my time with Coastside/Recology/Chamber of Commerce ect and put Steve in the top two. He listens and actually hears you. He does not do a rush to judgement but researchs what he may not know and gets back to you with comprehensive comments. Besides all this, he is a real gentleman in the fullest sense of the word. His retirement is a huge loss for Pacifica in being able to glean his knowledge and level headed thinking. It is Pacifica's gain that he will continue to make this City his and Doug's home.
I thought Steve Rhodes was an excellent city manager. The only people who hated him were the "Keep Pacifica Poor" hippies and NIMBYs.
can you please state for the record how many times you stated Rhodes, was an excellent city manager?
Did you say this in an Letter to the editor or at council?
Stephen Rhodes is fair, thoughtful, even-handed, competent and a real gentleman.
I'm glad he's making Pacifica his home post retirement.
He's been working with loons, one and all. Served his time in the bin and earned his freedom. Glad he's staying in town.
Rhodes is a professional to the core. He had plenty of provocation, but I never saw or heard of anything petty, vindictive, or rash on his part. A very steady and competent city manager during unstable times, and as Chris Porter noted, always a true gentleman. Good job Mr. Rhodes and thank you!
omg the show me the proof guy/gal is back @335
Spano should take his place, not Ritzma. We need some honesty and openess not more cover ups
I see we have some city council members posting here, attempting to justify their support of this incompetent who's retiring.
The backroom was his venue, and we're all paying for it.
In my book a good city manager controls the council also. This council controled Steve Rhodes?
Honestly what has been done on his watch?
What has been brought into Pacifica that was revenue producting.
Wait Walgreens the remodeled McDonalds and Fresh N Easy.
I don't know him that well but isn't Rhodes still saying there is no consultants report for police outsourcing? Supposedly some council have said there IS a report but it needs editing for public consumption. Word is that this report that doesn't exist will be released in a few weeks.
Oh cool, an edited report. Hardly a triumph for democracy and honest government. However, the election is over so maybe now's the time to do a little damage control or even prepare the public for the next move. If they do plan to release an edited report, we are once again being manipulated by council. Aren't they also doing some kind of efficiency study of the police department. Keep it handy. Might be useful.
The backroom is the venue for every city manager. It's the nature of the job. And if you think council does their work in front of the public you are dangerously naive. As far as controlling council, how's that supposed to work? Control your bosses? Really? Might manipulate them a little or play one against the other, but usually not a good career move. More commonly, one or perhaps two councilmembers work very closely with the city manager and the others trail behind and not always so obediantly. Rhodes did more than ok during tough times. His successor will have bigger challenges.
@917 We need someone with real, top level economic development experience and we need them fast! Are we sure that's what council wants? Not at all.
Good luck getting "someone with real, top level economic development experience." They're going to other cities with bigger budgets and higher salaries. All we can afford is either a newbie or someone at the end of their career like Rhodes.
Sad, but probably true, and I have my doubts that council wants a real star. No rainmakers need apply in Pacifica. We'll just lurch along on our way to the bottom, wringing our hands, avoiding decisions while looking for consensus all the way down.
How's Vallejo doing?
The City Manager-City Council relationship is highly variable and depends of course on the particular City Manager and the individual Council members. We've had City Managers who directed the Council and City Managers who have been directed by the Council. In Mr. Rhodes' case, most of the time he has directed the Council what to do, and some of the time individual Council members have tried to direct him - with not a lot of success.
Oh, is that how it was? His retirement will provide yet another opportunity for certain council members to make excuses.
An old pro like Rhodes must have known that the scapegoat role would be Pacifica's parting gift for his service. Enjoy those pensions, Mr. Rhodes. You earned every dollar.
"Rhodes did more than ok during tough times. His successor will have bigger challenges."
Yes, Mr. Rhodes skated quite well during the collapse, advising council that spending the reserves was a good idea during the collapse, (who cares, I'm outta here!) entering into a bad garbage contract, (send him a box of cigars, Chris!) holding illegal closed-session meetings to conceal the police outsourcing process.
Yes, indeed, his successor will have bigger challenges because of his incompetence and the city council's idiocy.
705 he loves you too! from afar and from very comfortable circumstances, big thank you!
It seems like there are lots of small people who like to whine about things and throw stones without ever offering solutions.
tru dat!
For those of you who are not in the know. I know alot of you guys think your in the know but you are not.
Ritzma is going to be the new city manager in June
I sure hope you're wrong about that.
Youuu raaang?
"Ritzma is going to be the new city manager in June"
Oh sure 643am, that HR background qualifies Ritzma to be General Manager of the city. Thanks for the laugh!
Oh sure 643am, that HR background qualifies Ritzma to be General Manager of the city. Thanks for the laugh!
The HR background qualifies her for Finance director also.
@730 you sneer at this prediction, but she did somehow manage to replace a very highly qualified director of finance just as we slid into the recession. She did this with only her HR expertise. So now if she's a candidate for the top job she has both the HR background (heavy labor) and several years exp as the city's top financial person. I think she's a contender and this is Pacifica where stranger things have often happened. And if she does get it she'll be there awhile. It all depends on what council is really looking for and their true agenda for this city--and that remains to be seen.
Pete Dejarnatt, for city manager!
She's already proven herself to be NOT THE RIGHT PERSON FOR THE JOB.
If we want to change Pacifica then we need to CHANGE Pacifica.
I triple dog dare you to say that at the next city council meeting.
As a resident and taxpayer, I would hope that the Council casts the net far and wide to find the best person for our next City Manager. Do a National Recruitment. Hire Bobbi Peckam, Bob Murray, or Avery and Associates (all public sector executive search consultants) to do their magic and find us the best. Advertise in all the venues where City Manager types linger: ICMA, Western City, Calopps, etc. A City Manager selection is one of the most critical decisions Council will ever make.
During 2012 Pacifica campaign season, some candidates, now Council members sure did talk alot about hiring an Economic Development Manager. As Anon 917 and 1027 suggest, Council can certainly hire a City Manager with a "pro-Development" skill set, bias or fervor....and save ourselves some money on the Economic Development staff Position(s) we've talked about and maybe cannot afford.
Some City Managers are more pro-development, hands-on, pro-active with development and developers than others. A City Manager can run and champion an "Economic Development" program, or delegate to others. Many have said the last election was a victory for "pro-development / pro-business" ideology here in Pacifica. Will that ideology translate and transmit to Council when they make their City Manager selection? In the coming weeks and months, they'll be looking here in Fix Pacifica and elsewhere for the answers. Let them know what you think: What are the most important qualities that our next City Manager should possess?
Pacifica's Economic Development Committee recently selected Wahlstrom and Associates to do the Pacifica Economic Development Plan. The Redwood City Strategy they authored is quite good, and a line from it is appropriate to mention here. "The Economic Development function (should) reside in the City Manager's Office. This will allow for the visibility and empowerment required to effectively activate Economic Development....As (part) of the City Manager's office, (there will be the) ability to work across Department Lines and secure positive outcomes that support the City's Economic development agenda." The word "activate" in second sentence is the pivotal word to me. Let's urge our Council to make sure whoever our next City Manager may be possesses the experience and desire to Activate Economic Development here in Pacifica. Economic Development is not the only issue that a City Manager is responsible for. We have our police, environmental, recreational and fiscal issues, among others, that our next City Manager must also deal with. With what he's had to work with, Steve had worked hard, and done a great job. Whoever is next needs to push harder in the Economic Development area. Can Human Resources and Finance Expert Ritzma facilitate Economic Development sell Pacifica as a location for investment? Has she ever negotiated a development agreement or done a development RFQ as we'll surely be doing for Beach Blvd. What relationships, if any, does she have with the development community? Steve has worked closely with Ann, she has the institutional memory, and those are points for Ann, but can we do better and is Ann who we need to facilitate the resolution of our problems. These are the questions that any Council should ask interviewees for City Manager and certainly here in Pacifica. Our Council has an Opportunity to seat a new Leader and Ambassador of the City to the private sector, with Steve's retirement, I hope they dont' blow it.
Same people posting the same negative comments but at least they use their names on the other blogs.
@944pm you said a mouthful anon! now let's see what this council we've elected is really all about.
we'll know without a doubt in this one appointment. can we change Pacifica? do we have the political will? make the wrong hire and no amount of posturing and excuses will hide the truth.
Negativity? Unvarnished truth in many, many cases. Some people have a problem with that and the anonymity is just gasoline on the flames.
So Ann will remove her sock puppet Steve and emerge as the victor finally? Yea???
Oh boy.
It's all up to council and that's a very scary thing. O'Neill may be the only real pro-development person on there who hasn't been allianced into being totally ineffective. He's got the short 2 year term to work for real change.
Todd, you have well documented on the blogs your personal differences with Steve as has Lionel. There is absolutely no need to be so disrespectful to a person who has served this City in very stressful times. As I previously stated, I have worked with six Pacifica City Managers and would rank Steve in the top two. No need to start in on Ann either.
Chris, I'm a friend. You are one of Pacifica's leading pro-business voices. Your vast experience in the business world has gained you the respect and trust of many on the Chamber, and throughout town. You have chimed in on Mr. Rhodes, and I agree with you. But looking to future, would you care to comment on what the Council should be looking for with respect to our next manager? Should Council go with a controversial insider, long groomed for the position, or as Anon944 suggests, see if we can find someone outside our box who can better articulate the Chamber / BACPAC vision that elevated our Council. In the high tech world, they call their leaders "Evangelists". They pitch their company to investors, they pitch their products to buyers, they weave dreams and are judged by their results. They get people excited, (think Steve Jobs), and are like some of their religious counterparts. We need an Evangelist here, someone dynamic, charismatic and driven. We need someone who believes in the potential of Pacifica, and can get others to believe. I believe that Ann is talented, and has gained credibility with much of the council. But I dont think she can Lead, Motivate and Inspire, like someone else may....Someone like you. What do you think Chris?....Do you support Ann as our next City Manager? Might you be interested in being our CEO? I think you'd be awesome. We will sink or swim depending on who is at the helm of this city. We need your input and/or participation.
Just my anonymous opinion but Chris Porter is definitely smart enough and tough enough and I can see the leadership qualities and the "evangelical" side. I've often wished Ms. Porter would run for council. What a difference she could make there! But, just as with Ms. Ritzma, where's the actual development experience and the connections to that community? Ritzma is clearly the convenient choice. Is Porter the political choice? If we expect the City Manager to lead and drive economic development then a purely political appointment by council will serve Pacifica no better than council's convenient, in-house pick because neither one appears to have the vital development credentials. This is probably Pacifica's last chance. If we are too broke to hire both a city manager and a director of economic development--and we are too broke--then we desperately need a city manager with serious economic development chops if we really want to change Pacifica.
Good God! No choices.
I like Chris Porter , too. Always have.
city hall gave Recology every rate increase they asked for. Did anyone think Recology wouldn't like city council or city staff?
Last time I checked, my name was Chris Porter, not Recology. It was not Coastside before that. I have fought many battles with City Hall, won some, lost many and broke even a few times. That never stopped me from working overtime to personally help the City on whatever committee or project they asked me to participate in and when I have been able to, I have donated either personal or company monies to various causes I am personally behind such as the Historical Society, the Resource Center and of course the Chamber of Commerce. I cannot speak for the Chamber but my personal choice would be someone who has the political knowledge and the enviromental and sconomic accumen to stand on their own two feet and give Council the straight facts without having to worry about reprisals. Someone who does the research and thinking first and the talking second. I thank whoever thinks I would be a good candidate for this job but I I am far too direct and impatient. I do have some development experience from my real estate days in helping my broker father establish two small
complexes in San Francisco and also working on development of several of the then I.Magnin department stores in Southern California and the outskirts of Chicago in my I.Magnin management days. I agree this will be a very important choice for the direction of the future of Pacifica. If people have noticed, the Chamber has been very active in the fostering of public awareness which has helped in the increase of the TOT as a percentage (without taking the TOT voted in increase a couple of years ago into account). The Chamber has also developed a Pacifica APP for your IPhone and streamlined its website. The fiasco of two years ago with the Chamber book was overcome in 2012 with an excellent product that has received praise from the community. The Taste of Pacifica and the Tree Lighting in Rockaway were hugely successful Chamber events. What I think I am trying to say is don't expect the new City Manager to have to solve all problems. Use some revenue to foster the people who can help with economical development in this town, the Chamber of Commerce.
I miss I. Magnin, in SF, loved that store. Makes me appreciate Chris Porter more now that we know more about her backround. Ms. Porter has a lot of experience. I feel lucky to have such a professional working in Pacifica. She has always been extremely fair and professional to me whenever I entered into Coastside Scavenger's office. Knowing that she is in that spot makes me believe I am in good hands and can trust her word.
Being "direct and impatient" would be a breath of fresh air at city hall. Would it ever! But the city manager reports to council and they can terminate at will for almost any reason. Politicians are ego-maniacs and working with them requires tact, patience, and manipulation. If you get canned or marginalized it doesn't matter how good you were because you're not in the game anymore. We need someone who is good, ie, with extensive recent development experience (involving a city, county, etc) and who also can stay in the game. Those candidates are out there. Fear of reprisals for doing the job? Sure, and in what job do you not have to worry about keeping the bosses happy? Chris Porter, please run for council! That's where you could make such a positive difference, particularly, if this council drops the ball as usual and promotes the wrong person to be city manager. They'll find a way to blow it!
The Taste of Pacifica and the Tree Lighting are great events and are the types of things upon which the chamber should focus. The website redesign and iPhone app were silly and a complete waste of money IMHO.
They're great events because they bring people together and that builds the sense of community. Do they make money for the participating businesses? If not, how long can people continue to be involved in such a tough economy? That's not a criticism, merely a question. Is this something the city should and could "foster" with direct funding to the chamber?
Is there anybody posting on this website with good authority on Ritzma being considered for City Manager?
If this is true, we need to put extreme pressure on our beloved Council to get their heads out of their asses.
It's not an election year so the public has zero clout. Council will do whatever works best for them. What else is new?
could it be true? smoke. fire. pacifica city council.
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