Hetch Hetchy is our main water source |
Silicon Valley Mercury News/Paul Rogers, 1/24/13. "Effort to drain Hetch Hetchy dealt major setback."
"In a move
that could be the political death knell for environmentalists' efforts
to drain Hetch Hetchy Reservoir in Yosemite National Park, the
Francisco Public Utilities Commission has approved a plan to block the
draining of the famed reservoir unless the 26 cities and water districts
in San Mateo, Santa Clara and Alameda counties that receive Hetch
Hetchy water give their approval.

"It's a fairness question," said
Michael Carlin, deputy general manager of the commission. "They are
paying two-thirds of the bills. They are two-thirds of our customers. We
need to make sure that whatever we do is fair and equitable to all of
our customers."
The 5-0 vote, which came after 13 minutes of discussion at a
low-profile commission meeting
on Tuesday, means that unless the move is overturned by a lawsuit,
environmental groups can no longer hope to drain the reservoir simply by
winning approval from the voters of San Francisco. The
reservoir in Yosemite and the Tuolumne River that flows into it are the
main water source for 2.5 million Bay Area residents. Although San
Francisco owns and operates the system of pipes, dams and tunnels, only
one-third of the users of the water live in San Francisco. The other 1.7
million live on the Peninsula, in parts of San Jose and Alameda County."
Read more.
Related article -
San Francisco Chronicle/John Wildermuth, 11/10/12. "
Despite an emphatic loss in Tuesday's election, backers of Proposition
F will continue their long-running effort to drain San Francisco's
Hetch Hetchy Reservoir and restore a once-pristine slice of Yosemite
National Park."

"We went into this election knowing we'd probably lose," said Mike Marshall, executive director of Restore Hetch Hetchy, which put the initiative on
the ballot. "One goal was to win, sure, but also to build a political
infrastructure in the city, educate voters about where their water comes
from and create a debate about restoring Hetch Hetchy." In
upcoming months, Marshall's organization is planning a legal attack on
the city's use of the Hetch Hetchy facility, as well as environmental
challenges to the reservoir. The group also has supported efforts to
have Congress rescind its 1913 decision to allow the dam to be built in
the national park." Note: The lower 3 photographs are from the San Francisco Chronicle, various dates.
Related Fix Pacifica reprint article - Sacramento Bee, 2/15/12 -
"Dain Hetch Hetchy reservoir?"
Posted by Kathy Meeh
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