Some Pacifica golfers are currently involved with this event. This prestigious golf event will also improve Pacifica's economy, (see comment by Chris Porter).
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San Francisco Chronicle/Business Report Bloomberg/Andrew S. Ross, 6/14/12. "US Open brings millions to Bay Area economy"
First off, according to the United States Golf Association, the week's event will contribute between $140 million and $170 million to the Bay Area economy.
Much of the money will be spent on hotels, restaurants, entertainment
and other purchases by the estimated 215,000 to 225,000 spectators at
the event. Approximately half of the spectators, who are from outside
the Bay Area, will be utilizing up to 70,000 hotel room nights." Read Article.
Reference - History, information., US Open Golf Tournament. "The U.S. Open golf tournament is one of the four golf majors,
and it is the one run by the United States Golf Association, one of
golf's two governing bodies. It is played every year in June, and is the
second major on the golf calender, after The Masters and before the
British Open. The U.S. Open has been played since 1895."
Related - Event schedule. Zap2it blog. "2012 US Open golf TV coverage schedule".." Also, 2012 U.S. Open golf championship link to link to live coverage. .
Related - local article request for photos. Pacifica Tribune/Sports/Horace Hinshaw, 6/12/12. "Are you working US Golf Open at Olympic Club?" "The Pacifica Tribune is interested in publishing pictures
of Pacificans at the golf tournament."
Posted by Kathy Meeh
It would be nice to offer Sharp Park golf course to these kind of tournaments.
Pacifica would be in the map of opportunities . Open for jobs and better off economically improvements.
It is too bad that our politicians don't care much for Pacifica.
That's about the dumbest remark I've seen yet on this board. I'm critical of individual "politicians" and may have very different views than some of them, but to assert that people who ran for election and served on the Council "don't care much for Pacifica" is a failure of logic.
Besides, Sharp Park golf course is owned by San Francisco. Pacifica can't really "offer" it - that's up to SF. We could lobby SF, we could promote it if SF agreed, but to blame "our politicians" for not having a tournament like the US Open at Sharp Park reveals a complete lack of understanding.
Sharp Park, as a golf course, wouldn't even meet the lowest possible standard for a PGA sanctioned tournament, it's that bad.
The bigger question is why didn't the CofC (brainless) and the City Council/Staff (clueless)make an effort to take advantage of the economic bonanza at our doorstep? How about running free shuttles from the Olympic Club to Pacifica hotels? How about providing the tournament organizers/the O Club/PGA and media with a list of Pacifica businesses and individuals with the goods and skills they might need, caterers, carpenters, electricians, transportation services, craft services (heck leave your dog with a Pacifica dog walker for the day while your at the tournament) etc. all from one central bank of contacts. Where is the new thinking from our "new ideas to promote our economy" guru Len Stone that the US Open might be a chance to help out Pacificans? Has he offered anything to date?
Chris Porter, Boardmember of the Pacifica Chamber of Commerce said in another thread on this site that
"All of our hotels are completely booked for the event [US Open] and have been for some time. The restaurants are geering up for larger then usual patronage with Sunday's Father's Day also impacting the restaurant's availability."
Then Chris Porter is either LYING or hasn't bothered checking, or you are just making up BS. How do I know? Go to the Holiday Inn Express Website - pacifica holiday inn - and do a room search for this weekend - plenty of available rooms!
I'm not making up BS. See this thread for Chris Porter's comment that I quoted
Seriously no name Anonymous 3:13pm, take a breath. Chris Porter usually knows what she's talking about because she spends her time working to make this a better city. That's who she is.
I called the Holiday Inn and they have a few rooms available, so what? That doesn't mean the city isn't busy. Why would you spend your time, and waste ours, in an attempt to discredit Chris.
The last guy who called others a liar on this blog, was the biggest liar of them all. Was that you again? And did you already comment on this post today at 11:34 am?
Save your energy Anonymous 3:50pm, the comment from Chris is posted at the top of the article, and here:
"The Pacifica Chamber has done enormous work in promoting itself regarding the U S Open which is being held at the Olympic Club in Daly City. All of our hotels are completely booked for the event and have been for some time. The restaurants are geering up for larger then usual patronage with Sunday's Father's Day also impacting the restaurant's availability. We do try to check the blogs as much as possible."
What this says to me is this Chamber of Commerce is doing what it can to improve our city tourist economy. Sometimes hotels allow so many rooms for an event. Cancellations may occur, or they may overbook or underbook. That's the business. Good news for Pacifica should be appreciated.
The Chamber was told by the hotels that all rooms are fully booked months ago for the U S Open. As far as business in town, both the Surf Spot and Nick's were at least a half hour wait on Wednesday night for dinner. I would only assume that the Moonraker was the same. Before someone says I'm lying, please get off the website and get involved in helping get people in town to bring in much needed revenue. Help clean the beaches, work on beautifying the town, attend events, shop local, ect. Also, we did many of the items you mentioned in original blog over six months ago and I know I don't have to speak for him but Councilperson Len Stone has been greatly involved in reaching out to bring these event people to Pacifica. It's going to be a great weekend for golf, hikings, BBQ's and everything else so enjoy the City you live in.
Ignore the "cotton-headed-ninny-muggins". Their vision for Pacifica is what got us where we are today.
It's time for the adults to start running this town so we can build a sustainable economy to insure the health and safety of our citizens (even the NIMBY's) and take care of our beautiful natural resources.
the "cotton-headed-ninny-muggins" who started this thread said our local politicians "don't care much for Pacifica" and blamed them for Sharp Park golf course not being offered for tournaments like the US Open.
I live in the Sharp Park area and I can tell that I witness six shuttle buses parked on Francisco Blvd. They got off and went inside the hotel on Francisco at the corner of Hilton Way.
As a Pacifican it feel good that they are using our resources. I went for a walk and the restaurants were packed. Thanks Chris Porter for giving us an true information. You are the best in moving forward to help our town.
I'm sure our local politicians all care a lot about Pacifica. The problem is that for the last 12 - 15 years the Council majority cared more about kissing the butts of their NIMBY buddies than running a functional city for everyone else.
The silence of these "know-it-alls" is deafening now that Pacifica is going down the toilet.
Vreeland Digre dejarnatt and Lancelle=the bankruptcy of Pacifica
Nick's and Rockaway is packed tonight
Chris Porter said: "both the Surf Spot and Nick's were at least a half hour wait on Wednesday"
Is the Surf Spot open yet? I thought it didn't open until the 19th?
Aren't Chamber of Commerce by nature "For Profit" organizations whose main objective is to increase membership and collect fees?
Just wondering.
what a week and weekend for Pacifica. Absolutely beautiful weather.
I stopped by this evening and The Surf Spot opens to the public on the 19th. They've been having some invite-only events in the meantime.
I did notice a ton of cars parked near the Surf Spot the other night.
Just wait and see NIMBYS what the Chamber is up to. As the nimbys can see and protest, the business community has had enough and is coming in fast and strong. Your days of rule are over!!!!!
What is the business community doing? Filling all those empty storefronts? Commercial development? I'm waiting to see them come in fast and strong.
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