I've been to Riptide, its birds not economy |
Our "economy " is our wishful thinking |
Sue's failed ideology has helped dive us to the brink of bankruptcy. With only a $900,000 surplus in our general fund we are one lawsuit away from insolvency. And what does Sue Digre want to do? Continue to block development and much needed property tax income, try to tax Pacifica businesses more and build trails to nowhere. It hasn't worked in over 10 years, Sue. It's time for you to go.
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Really, its true |
Alternatively, the letter from Dan Underhill titled "Misinformation" seemed more like an autobiography since he's the one giving false facts. Dan said the recall campaign against Sue Digre and Pete DeJarnett is funded by big developers from outside Pacifica. That sound like some of the bull the cigarette makers were pushing on us about Prop 29. Then Dan without giving any real facts, says we should all go to ultra liberal minded John Mayberry's blog (Riptide) for the real "facts." I've been to Riptide. I've never seen so many intolerant, anti-business anti-development people in one place. A real beacon of the truth. Not.
If you want to join our grass roots effort to help save Pacifica from the likes of Sue Digre and Pete Dejarnett contact Therese Dyer theresedyer1932@gmail.com
Reference - Bill Moore, "Marketing our passing through environment" Pacifica Tribune Letter "Marketing Pacifica", 6/6/12.. And, Dan Underhill, "Get your information from Pete" Pacifica Tribune Letter "Misinformation", 6/6/12.
Posted by Kathy Meeh
Posted by Kathy Meeh
a lot of pictures of cows here. Seems appropriate!
There is literally no reason for anyone to come to Pacifica.
Literally? Tell that to the people who come to Linda Mar Beach, Nick's, Rockaway Beach, the pier, Mori Point, Sweeney Ridge, San Pedro Valley Park, Pacifica Performances, Sanchez Art Center, Spindrift Players, surfers and fisherpeople and hikers and bike riders and diners and audience members, and many more. Then there are the people who come to Pacifica looking for a house to buy. Look up the definition of "literally." Your comment is not true.
Anon said "a lot of pictures of cows here. Seems appropriate!"
That "cow" has horns and a ding dong. I call bull.
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