Saturday, June 9, 2012

Half Moon Bay - discovery, city subsidizing parcel owner sewer fees

In Pacifica just the opposite was true until the "Bighorn decision" (July 24, 2006).  Rather than the city subsidizing the waste water treatment plant (sewage system), the city compromised the waste water treatment plant infrastructure by subsidizing the city General Fund from these parcel owner monies.  Legal under a rented land clause?  Yes it was until 7/24/06.  Ethical?  In my opinion, no.  
Good sewer fees until 2009

Half Moon Bay Review/Mark Noack, 6/8/12.  "Utility hikes coming to HMB households."

Water board members are scheduled, Tuesday, to approve a 12 percent rate increase for the district's 6,400 customers. That hike follows a 9 percent increase in sewer fees signed off by the Half Moon Bay City Council earlier this week.

CCWD managers say the recent round of rate hikes comes as the result of district capital projects, particularly a $7 million upgrade at the Denniston Treatment Plant. The proposed increase would raise about $750,000. The water district has steadily increased rates for each of the last 10 years.

Offering a different explanation, city officials say sewer rates must go up because they have stayed artificially low for years. Up until 2009, the city was reportedly subsidizing the cost of running its sewer system by withdrawing about $1.9 million from its reserve fund.  Read Article.

Pacifica related - Public Law News, BLAWG, 7/24/06. "California Supreme Court issues long-awaited Bighorn Decision."

Posted by Kathy Meeh

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