Attend in person, 2212 Beach Boulevard, 2nd floor. Or, view on local channel 26, also live internet feed, The meeting begins at 7pm, or shortly there following. City Council updates on City website.
City Council Agenda, 6/11/12, 130 pages, and Special Presentation amended only, 6/7/12.
Item 10, Planning Commission Memorandum., 344 pages.
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San Pedro Creek, from Wikipedia |
B. Open session (7:00 pm)
Consent Calendar (pass through)1. Approval of cash disbursements.
2. Approval of Minutes (meeting of 5/29/12).
3. Continuation of Local Emergency.4. Pacifica Fishing Pier Improvements consultant services agreement approval, $34,000 General Capital Improvement Fund 22, reimbursed by the Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB).
5. Purchase a new electrical motor pump for Sharp Park Wastewater Pump Station, not to exceed $37,867.
6. Authorize a purchase order for the new electrical motor pump station not to exceed $32,464.
7. San Pedro Creek Bridge Replacement Project, approve contract amendment #8, under the bridge widening, Wilsey Ham consultant services. $399,968 from Highway 1, Fund 12 (to be reimbursed from San Mateo County Transportation Authority (SMCTA).
8. Fiscal year 2012-13 resolution to 1) approve San Mateo County per capita personal income growth appropriation limits to 3.77%, County of San Mateo population growth .98%, and 2) to adopt the appropriations use change limits.
Special Presentation
1) Preservation month
2) Proclamation -
Public Hearing
9. Adopt Fiscal Year 2012-13 General Fund Operating and Capital Projects and Enterprise Funds Budgets, total amount of $51,532,990.
10. Two appeals on behalf of the San Pedro Creek Watershed Coalition, and Neighbors Concerned challenging CEQA findings for the proposed Assisted Living Center. Appeal 1) Final EIR, 2) use and sign permit 3) General Plan (same as Planning Commission Memorandum above).
Consideration - None
Posted by Kathy Meeh
Consideration - None
Posted by Kathy Meeh
vreeland commendation has been pulled from amended council agenda. Perhaps 3 votes could not be secured to approve and present the plaque. No cookies folks!
Go ahead and give him a plaque for being the best friend Pacificans for Sustainable Development ever had. Just don't forget to attach an invoice for all of the millions of dollars we had to pay for his service to them.
Mail it. Even if he's able, doubt he has any interest in this crap anymore.
Jinny -Jaquith appointed. Jim Vreeland commended. What's next Pacifica? Give Nixon the integrity award?
How soon do council candidates have to declare?
Let's leave Jimmi alone. He has way too many issues he dealing with. Maybe we just take it a step higher.
Not Vree 705, what do you know that we don't? Vee lingered more than 1 year taking city salary while absent. And how many years did he work at at ruining this city? How stupid are we.
Oh anon@753 How stupid are we? I don't know but there's stupid and then there's mean. The Vreeland thing for some people is personal, very personal. Not the sort you'll ever see on the high road about anything.
He's gone. Give it a rest, trolls.
"Our economy is recreation" (Jim Vreeland). That was the city economic plan, according to Vreeland representing his 10+ year city council, including DeJarnatt and Digre. Yet unless you ask, you probably did not know that this city economic plan acknowledgement rivaled that of individual city councilmember Sue Digre. Seriously that city council majority knew of no significant economic plan they liked, and their hidden eco-NIMBY vision was contrary to the economic best interest of this city.
Vreeland was a "fake it" man with nice words. So talking words of "high road" for Vreeland who took the "low road" to destroy city viability sounds idiotic, Anon 6/8, 10:33pm. During his tenure, City councilmembers were informed, but pushed through a misguided agenda-- while they reassured citizens that their actions were proper and in the best interest of this city.
Of these city councilmembers, Vreeland had the highest profile. He could have used his power and influence to improve the outcome of this city-- OUR CITY. He did not do that. My sentiments as a citizen recipient of the unnecessary anti-economic mess Vreeland and these city council members bequest to us (their legacy): Drop dead, you harmed us. Vreeland's undisclosed personal/health issues are separate from his public record.
Stay stuck in the mud, crow about it, damage your credibility and your cause, and you will change nothing. It is change you want, isn't it?
"Stay stuck in the mud.." Anon 5:09pm.
Who you talking to hidden Anonymous person? If you're talking to me, I'm stuck in reality. And this city needs to get beyond the myth and denial that you're peddling.
People of this city deserve better than being played, which is what happened with the 10+ year eco-NIMBY city council supported by friends like you. A balanced city economy within the 40% remaining "not permanent open space" city land would be helpful for all of us.
I'm not Anon 5:09 but I agree that continuing to whine about Vreeland is being stuck in the mud with a dead horse. How do you move forward? How are you going to make change happen?
"How are you going to make change happen?" Anonymous 11:44 am.
Really, its up to those who understand the issue, isn't it? Your comment indicates you may not. 10 years of defending "nothing for Pacifica" with further city infrastructure deterioration gives us less than the status quo, -0.
Want change? Get pro-economy, "will fix" city councilmembers elected. In this city that requires an ability to count the number of these candidates. Too many of these candidates dilutes the count.
City solutions have been in front of us and available, but 10+ year city council leadership rejected known opportunities. They were not accountable to the citizens of this city. Don't let that happen again. The city can no longer afford such avoidable irresponsible errors.
Vreeland was an important part of that long term city council that avoided economic development. He deserves that credit. And, it appears that you may deserve "dead horse whining credit" (your words): 1) you offer no alternative city economic solutions, and 2) you hide behind a blank screen of no name.
Who will run as a pro-economy "will-fix" council candidate?
WHo'S "whining about Vreeland"?
Just don't put him up for any comendations.
To say people can't say anything about a man who took a paycheck while not performing his duties for years is typical of the anti growth faction here.
To forget the past is to repeat it. And Pacifica can't afford a repeat of Jim Vreeland. So don't try and tell Pacifica voters they can't speak of him.
Gary Mondfrans is running. But I'm not sure a retired SFPD dispatcher is the right person for the job. He is a business owner here though.
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