Saturday, September 27, 2014

Two sides to environmental issues

Pacifica Tribune/Letters to the Editor, 9/23/14.  "Environmental Issues" by James Doran, Retired Pacifica Firefighter

Public safety, widen highway 1 through two intersections
"Editor:  Unfortunately for me, I am a lot older now. I have seen so many environmental issues come and go. I have always worried about our environment and done what I can for it. Let me tell you a couple of stories that happened recently.

Most mornings I walk my dogs on the levee west of the golf course. I watched the city of San Francisco put up about a $40,000 fence between the levee and the course. They had a biologist there every day to make sure no rodent hole or something else was disturbed. (I have played golf there for 55 years and never saw a frog or snake.) I would bring kibble and throw it up in the air on the levee and watch the ravens catch it.  One day a woman came up to me and told me not to feed the ravens because they were enemies of the hawks. So I said, "Don't hawks also eat red legged frogs and snakes?" No answer.

We can't hear you
The other day a polite and dedicated college student came to my door asking for donations to stop fracking because they are drilling underground several hundred feet looking for natural gas and oil. I said "isn't this the answer to our energy problem and we can finally get out of the Middle East?" I said also that I don't want any more Americans dying because we need their oil and we are spending a trillion dollars on troops and weapons. He left.

My long winded point is there are two sides to every environmental issue. I have tried to address the main issue with Highway 1 as a public safety issue before. It is nearly impossible to get north or south during commute hours for police, fire and ambulances. Environmentally, there are hundreds of cars and trucks burning needless fuel adding to our carbon footprint and polluting east Rockaway and Vallemar. Also, the stress and anxiety of lost productive time.

Like I said, look at the other side of this problem and how it's affecting us. It seems that Judge Weiner is a reasonable person. Let's see how this works out." 

Note photograph from Venitism blog, 4/28/14, "Green mumbo jumbo and environmental orthodoxies."  The Denver Post/Live, 6/4/14, "Denver morning commute," Joel Hillan, 6/4/14, 5:48 AM. 

Posted by Kathy Meeh


Anonymous said...

Mad scientist Keener is over on riptide reading a Boehner and Loeb statement on highway 1.

Keener was a pompous jerk when I brought up one of the other candidates.

My vote goes to Spano

Common Sense Carl said...

I'm much more inclined to listen to ANOTHER expert before I listen to Keener, Digre, or anyone else purporting to be an authority on what we need done to fix the safety and environmental issues on Hwy 1. Hwy 1 is unsafe. I'll trust our emergency personnel who have to deal with it every day.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Doran, While you seem to intimate that the individuals you were speaking to were "silenced" by your queries, I think you are missing the point.

Feeding wild animals is not helpful, and in some places against the law as it disturbs the natural balance of the area. Yes, hawks eat other creatures, that is natural and part of the order of life; it has nothing to do with why we as humans should or shouldn't feed birds dog food though.

Oil independence -- and equally importantly -- reducing green house gas emissions, is better served by smart energy solutions, alternate forms of transportation and increased fuel efficiency. An advocate for peace, I also don't want to see anyone go to war. Destroying the planet really isn't the answer though.