Monday, October 15, 2012

Candidate Questionnaire: Climate change mitigation measures could have a large impact on Pacifica homeowners and businesses. What are your thoughts on this topic?

The Pacifica Chamber of Commerce submitted 12 questions to each of the candidates for Pacifica City Council. Every week we will be posting two questions, and the answers from each of the candidates.

Question 10: Climate change mitigation measures could have a large impact on Pacifica homeowners and businesses. What are your thoughts on this topic?

Karen Ervin - 4 Year Seat

I appreciate that the proposed Climate Action Plan provides an opportunity to engage the community regarding the effects of global warming and addresses how we can work together to reduce green house gas emissions. I am not supportive of the point of sale ordinances in the plan; the residential/commercial energy conservation ordinance (RECO/CECO), which requires installation of energy efficient measures to be completed when your house is sold based on the sale price of your home. Many people selling their homes today have little equity and will have a difficult time absorbing the costs of this ordinance. In addition, some sellers will have to also purchase sewer lateral replacements as mandated by the city of Pacifica at the same time. There is also a proposed general plan change that would mandate that homeowners in areas of Linda Mar and Sharp Park prove that their homes can handle sea level rise before carrying out renovations to their property. I believe the best way forward is to make a recommendation and to encourage improvements to property rather than add another mandated cost, and that we should continue to engage the public regarding ways to reduce green house gas emissions.

Mary Ann Nihart - 4 Year Seat

AB32 is state law and places on the cities the burden of developing their own Climate Action Plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to 1990 levels by the year 2020. The volunteers who worked on the Climate Action Plan did a commendable job of pulling together a significant set of recommendations to address those requirements. Most of the plan is made of good suggestions, especially those that involve public education. There are some areas that will need adjustment. Choice of ordinances will need to be balanced with consideration for economic hardship and maximum gain. One major issue, that I have already shared publicly, concerns “point of sale.” Recently we had to enact a “point of sale” for scoping, repairing or replacing sewer laterals which was required by a consent decree with the Regional Water quality Board. This “point of sale” is in its infancy and there have been some problems. Until these are resolved I cannot support another “point of sale” requirement.

Susan Vellone - 4 Year Seat 

A thoughtful and long term plan should be analyzed and implemented for homeowners and businesses. Our coastal community needs to protect itself from the possibility of sea levels rising and creating harmful erosion that will damage valuable properties. Managed retreat, conditional occupancy land rights, and compensation need to be evaluated. As a Councilwoman, I will actively engage and educate myself for the benefit of our City.

Mike O'Neill - 2 Year Seat

Climate change is real and we need to do what we can locally however I think we need to be realistic and thoughtful to what is economically feasible. Green building ordinances are good but we need to be careful that we do not stifle the growth we need. Theodore Roosevelt said, “ Conservation means development as much as it means development”.

Rich Campbell - 2 Year Seat

Many of the proposals make sense, but I would not propose a green building upgrade at point of sale in light of current economy.

Victor Spano - 2 Year Seat

I am running as an Economic Development Candidate. By having more variety of retail outlets in Pacifica, commuter trips to other jurisdictions will be reduced. By virtue of the fact that there are 45-50 empty stores, the market demonstrates that new retail development over and above existing supply is not that feasible at this time. Fill those stores with new enterprises and there would be a beneficial effect in many senses. I have reviewed the Draft Climate Change Plan and think that it is an outstanding document except where it may inhibit Economic Development, in this sense, I don’t agree with all points, but many are beneficial without a doubt. The science behind so called Climate Change is evolving. We should look at mitigation measure carefully, so that the impacts do not wind up killing off projects or proposals for new businesses. I am for an evolving and finalized Climate Change Plan that responds to the Pacifica business community and does not create obstacles for it.

Gary Mondfrans - 2 Year Seat

Climate change will have an impact upon all coastal area not only on a national but worldwide scale and may be part and parcel of a natural trend or the irreversible end product of the burning of coal first documented by the early blackouts of London. In either case Pacifica must have special planning concerns in low-lying areas; areas subject to tidal erosion aggravated by the El Niño and La Niña weather cycles; areas subject to salt-water intrusion which may erode or leach toxic chemicals into our water supply and/or otherwise undermine the entire underground piping structure. Communities like Pacifica should establish a close collaboration with Federal agencies and other research institutions in order to better assist with pre-planning and be in the forefront of disaster planning and assistance.

Climate change is not the only significant environment issue which Pacifica must address. Pacifica lies in the Pacific Creep Zone and is very seismically active; the San Andreas Fault roughly parallels Skyline, known sinkhole, some of which have been allowed to become developed lie within that fault zone; major water tanks and pipelines may be impacted by a seismic incident; and there are many variously known and hypothesized faults lying just miles off-shore any one of which has the potential to create a tsunami. Preparation for this is just as urgent, and I fear,at present is far from adequate.


Anonymous said...

Wow, I'm trying to like Velone but that answer was the 2nd worst (next to Monfrans).

Did she read the recommendations? They want to add 1000's to the sale of each house. Being she's supposedly a pro economy candidate you would think she'd come out against that part.

Kathy Meeh said...

The city has a sewer later replacement ordinance, what else?

Maybe you will describe all those additional upgrades and costs, Anon 8:15 AM. I think we're all interested.

Steve Sinai said...

Just going from memory, there was something in the climate change report that suggested Pacifica force home owners to spend up to 3/4 of 1% of the sale value of their homes on green upgrades. That could easily be thousands of dollars in addition to the sewer replacement fees.

I went to the council meeting where this was discussed, and that suggestion went over like a lead balloon.

Anonymous said...

I think the City should forget about the green upgrades to a home. That should be up to the owner and buyer.

What City Council should be selling to homeowners and property owners is this sewer lateral replacement project. Study up on it. We have aging pipes. Look up sinkholes. Aging pipes around the globe are causing major economic problems. Whole cities are being swallowed up. It NEEDS to be done.

Anonymous said...

Those are water pipes that cause most sink holes Anon 1149. Not sewer pipes which have no water pressure.

Anonymous said...

Ervin is the only one who actually says she does not support a point of sale ordinance. She didn't qualify her answer with a bunch of conditions,no spin, she just doesn't support it. That's what I want to hear. Everyone else does a fine job of sniffing the wind, or something.

Anonymous said...

try harder anon 815

Anonymous said...

Even Campbell said he was against the point of sale tax. I don't think Velone was aware of it.

Anonymous said...

The water and sewage pipes are old and need replacing. To do nothing means economic sabotage.

Forget about the green ordinance for housing. That should be up to the seller and buyer. Property owners have enough to deal with.

Anonymous said...

anon 116 Everyone but Ervin skirted the issue, certainly some more slickly than others. Bet they can rub their tummies while patting their heads, too.

Anonymous said...

Wrong, anon 4:09.
Ervin said, "I am not supportive of the point of sale ordinances in the plan."
Nihart said, "I cannot support another “point of sale” requirement."
Campbell said, "I would not propose a green building upgrade at point of sale in light of current economy."

Score: Ervin, Nihart, Campbell - 1 each
Vellone, O'Neill, Spano, Mondfrans - 0

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 12:34 PM Could the answer by that Ervin's husband told her what to say? I guess she doesn't have a husband who knows the answers to everything else because he is in real estate.

Anonymous said...

452 anon Nonsense, you're just dizzy from all the spin. Good editing, though.

Anonymous said...

And think the Chamber endorsed Vellone

Anonymous said...

Maybe everyone can put the houses on 20 foot stilts so in case the water rises too much

wing nuts

Anonymous said...

515 anon He's telling her what to say, too?

Anonymous said...

Her husband is a mortgage lender, not a real estate broker or agent. Karen, is a smart girl. She comes accross much smarter then her husband.

The person who seems like a bubble head is.Vellone, with the rouge realtors telling her what to do or say.

Anonymous said...

yeah, you have to be a real idiot to run a sucessful business and be on the Pacifica Chamber. Karen is very intelligent. She is a very nice lady. I know this from her fb status updates. I am not sure if she does anything else. But , I really like her and think she is smart. I for will vote for Karen. She uses fb.

Anonymous said...

Vote for her cause she is on facebook.

I am voting for city council cause she can use a toasted.

Larry said...

Campbell said, "I would not propose a green building upgrade at point of sale in light of current economy." Ah, is this the same Campbell who sits on the planning commission? You know, that planning commission that thought the climate committee's draft plan was wonderful. Yep, the one that recommended point of sale greening of your house. Campbell can't help himself. He's a government bureacrat, working for the EPA, AND an attorney. He can't help but believe the bul----- that he spews. Come on, anyone that thinks breaking a law and violating the public trust isn't a big deal isn't fit to be anywhere near council.

Anonymous said...

Campbell of sandwich throwing fame?

Anonymous said...

No, the soup company. He's going to be mmm-mmm good for Pacifica.

Anonymous said...

Bill Moore seriously blasted Campbell in his LTE today. Moore endorsed Vellone and O'Neill. Hope that works out better than his last letter supporting the recall. Seriously.

Anonymous said...

why hasn't fix pacifica posted moore's lte yet??

Anonymous said...

Campbell is our Romney, say anything to get elected

Steve Sinai said...

"why hasn't fix pacifica posted moore's lte yet??"

Not available yet.

Anonymous said...

tribune published it. do you not have moore's email or phone #?

Anonymous said...

@412 they all say anything to get elected. all of them. that's why the track record is all important.
what have they done? what have they accomplished? how did they deal with obstacles? that's what counts.

Steve Sinai said...

"tribune published it. do you not have moore's email or phone #?"

Nope. You're welcome to call up Bill and ask him to send it.